BAUER, Max Hermann.
(1844 – 1917)
Bauer was educated at the University of Tübingen, with post graduate work in mineralogy at Univerisity of Berlin. He was appointed lecturer in mineralogy and geology at Göttingen in 1871. He moved on to a professorship of mineralogy and geology at Königsberg, Germany in 1875, before being named professor of mineralogy and petrology at the University of Marburg in 1884. Bauer edited Beitrage zur Mineralogie and Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie from 1880 to 1891.
Biographical references: Bach, S.R., "Pioneers in gemmology, no. 3, Max Hermann Bauer, 1844-1917", Gemmologist, 14, (1944), 7-9, portrait. Barr, Index to Biographical Fragments, 1973: 17. DBA: I 62, 115; 1423, 350. NDB: 1, 642-3 [by W. Quenstedt]. Poggendorff: 3, 81, 4, 75-6 & ???. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 508. Science, New Series: 41 (1915), 392-5. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 129. Zentralblatt für Mineralogie: Jg. 1917, 73-84.
1. German, 1886 [First edition].
Lehrbuch | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Max Bauer. | Mit 588 Holzschnitten. | Berlin und Leipzig. | Verlag Von J. Guttentag | (D. Collin). | 1886.
8°: π6 1-358 362; 288l.; [i]-xi, [1], [1]-562, [2] p., 588 text figures. Page size: 218 x 134 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Zur Beachtung. | ..."; Dedication to Franz Ernst Neumann.; [iv], Blank.; [v]-viii, "Vorrede."-signed Max Bauer, 1886.; [ix]-xi, "Inhaltsübersicht."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-533, Text.; [534]-538, "Register zum allgemeinen Theil."; [539]-562, "Mineraverzeichniss zum speciellen Theil."; [1 pg], "Druckfehlerverzeichniss."; [1 pg], Blank.
Scarce. This well written and heavyily illustrated mineralogical textbook is divided into two sections, general and special. Reviewed within the first portion are standard topics such as definitions and terminology, crystallography, mineral properties, and mineral chemistry. The later part provides a good descriptive mineralogy.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 1, 112. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 66. NUC: 39, 577-8 [NB 0193879].
2. German, 1904 [2nd edition].
Lehrbuch | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Max Bauer. | Zweite, | Völlig Neubearbeitete Auflage. | Mit 670 Figuren. | [ornament] | Stuttgart. | E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Nägele). | 1904.
8°: π6 1-578 586; 468l.; [i]-xii, [1]-924 p., 670 figures. Page size: 240 x 156 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Zur Beachtung."; [iii]-vi, "Vorrede zur ersten Auflage."; [vii], "Vorrede zur zweiten Auflage."-dated Autumn 1903.; [viii], Blank.; [ix]-xii, "Inhaltsübersicht."; [1]-882, Text.; [883]-893, "Register zum allgemeinen Teil."; [894]-924, "Mineralverzeichnis zum speziellen Teil."
Scarce. This enhanced edition carries forward the same format as the first edition, with considerable additional material.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 6, 65. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 66. NUC: 39, 577-8 [NB 0183880].