BASEDOW, Herbert.
(1881 – 1933)
(Born: Kent Town, Adelaide, Australia, 27 October 1881; Died: Kent Town, Adelaide, Australia, 4 June 1933) Australian geologist & explorer.
Biographical references: Australian Dictionary of Biography: 7, p. 202-203.
1. English, 1907 [Collection catalog].
Catalogue of the Minerals in the Technological Museum of the South Australian School of Mines and Industries. Adelaide, C.E. Bristow, Govt Printer, 1907.
8°: 200 p.
Very scarce. Data on locality and source of the mineral species in the Museum, organized according to the system of E.S. Dana (Descriptive Mineralogy, 6th edition, 1901).
Bibliographical references: Ferguson, Bibliography of Australia, 1941-69. NUC.