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(1190? – 1250?)

(Born: England, c1190; Died: Magdeburg, Germany?, c1250) English theologian & encyclopedia.

An Englishman by birth he had been professor of theology at the University of Paris, when, in 1224 or 1225, he entered the newly established Order of St. Francis in company with his countryman and fellow-professor of theology, Haymo of Faversham, and two other professors of the same faculty. He continued his lectures at the claustral school until 1231, when he was sent to Magdeburg in Germany. There he took on the role as the new lector. Nothing definitive is known about the life of Bartholomæus after he left Paris in 1231. His life at Magdeburg was probably spent in teaching and reorganizing the Franciscan school there. The date of Bartholomæus' death is unknown, but it is thought that he died about the middle of the thirteenth century. He was formerly identified with a later Franciscan and Englishman, Bartholomæus of Glanvilla, or Glaunvilla, who died about 1360, and to him the famous work De Proprietatibus Rerum was ascribed. Recent research places beyond doubt that the two men must be distinguished and that the authorship of the work in question must be attributed to the Magdeburg professor of 1231, and that the Glanville descriptor should be removed from his name.

Biographical references: DNB: 7, 1288-90. Mayerhöfer, Lexikon der Naturwissenschaften, 1958-75: 385. NDB: 1, ??. Sarton, Introduction, 1928-52: 2, part 2, 568-8. Se Boyar, G.E., "Bartholomaeus Anglicus and his encyclopaedia", The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 19, (1920), 168-89. Thorndike, History of Magic, 1923-58: 2, 372-96. World Who's Who in Science: 120. Zischka, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1961: 54.

Latin editions

De Proprietatibus Rerum, 1472

1. Latin, 1472 [First edition].
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... [Cologne, Johann Veldener for William Caxton, 1472].

2°: [a-z10 A10 B8] (unsigned); 248l.; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. Two columns, Gothic type, 55 lines. Page size: 400 x 290 mm. (very large copy).

Contents: Folios, 1r, "Incipt prohemiū de proprietatibus rerū | fratris bartholomei anglici de ordine fratrū | minorum. | [C10]Vm proprietates | re[old aux] sequant sub | stancias ..."; 247v, col. 2, line 14: "Expliciunt tituli librorū | et capittulorum bertholomei | anglici de pprietatibus rerū"; 248, Blank.

Edition princeps. Extremely rare. While older authorities give precedence to the Basel edition, printed by Ruppel, it can now be stated that this is the first printed edition of Bartholomæus, since the early manuscript dates found in two Ruppel books have been shown to be forgeries, and as it now seems that Ruppel did not begin printing in Basel until after 1472.

Besides being the first printed edition, this Cologne issue is important for its connection to William Caxton [see note below]. The Cologne city ledgers record that Caxton arrived in the city in July 1471 (Birch) to learn the process and art of printing. In 1471, Johann Veldener [see note below] chose Bartholomaeus' encyclopedia as his first project, and accepted Caxton as his pupil. However, indications are that Caxton's role was considerably more important as a financier. "The necessary capital is more likely to have come from Caxton than Veldener who had only recently achieved independence by the establishment of his own printing office and who therefore would have been close to the limits of his financial capacity. Under these circumstances, would he have dared on his own to venture the publication of so large a book? There is the further possibility that Veldener got together the necessary funds by charging the Englishman for instruction in the art of printing" (Corsten). Thus this edition is the earliest example of Caxton's printing.

De Proprietatibus Rerum was the most popular encyclopaedia of the thirteenth century, which has been called the age of encyclopaedias. The intellectual renaissance of the preceding century had stimulated a desire for learning. It was impossible for a large number of students to acquire first hand knowledge of every science and the universities could not accommodate all those who wished to learn. Therefore some means of spreading knowledge was required. The problem was solved by writing encyclopaedias that collected together the opinions of the best known authorities. These works varied in comprehensiveness and arrangement, but the educational aim was never forgotten. These books were to be used as textbooks and works of references for the preachers and scholars that did not have access to a library and who could not afford to collect one of their own. In fact, Bartholomæus wrote his compilation primarily for the student of theology and for the preacher as he explains in the Prohemium.

De Proprietatibus Rerum was written as an ordered encyclopedia of all the sciences of the time: theology, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, chronology, zoology, botany, geography, mineralogy, are the subjects treated in this work. It is the first important encyclopedia written in the Middle Ages and the first in which the works of Greek, Arabian, and Jewish naturalists and medical writers, which had recently been translated from Arabic into Latin, were included as contributions. Aristotle, Hippocrates, Theophrastus, the Jew Isaac Medicus, the Arabian Haly, and other researchers are frequently quoted. Even in the age before mechanical printing, the De Proprietatibus Rerum enjoyed widespread popularity as is shown by the many dozens of manuscripts still in existence. In manuscript form, it was translated into five European languages: French, English, Spanish, Provençal and Italian. Thus, it had a widespread appeal to the general population and had a great influence on the cirriculum of the medieval university.

Bartholomæus based the structure of his book on the Etymologiarum Libri Duo written by the learned theologian, Isidore of Seville between 623 A.D. and 633 A.D. The 20 sections found in Isidore are reduced and rearranged to 19 by Bartholomæus; however, he follows his own method in compiling the observations and adheres to the accepted medieval form of quoting ancient authorities. Sprinkled throughout the text are his own observations that give the De Proprietatibus Rerum a unique flavor.

The 19 books of Bartholomæus' text are ordered thusly: (1) God, (2) Angels and Demons, (3) Of the Soul and Reason, (4) Of the Body's Essences, (5) The Human Body and Each of its Parts, (6) The Ages of Man (Family Life and Household Economy), (7) Of Infirmities and Medicines, (8) Of the World and the Heavenly Bodies (Cosmology and Astrology), (9) Of Time and the Divisions of Time, (10) The Material, Form, and Properties of the Elements, (11) Of the Air and its Natural Phenomena (Meteorology), (12) Of Winged Creatures, (13) Of Waters and Fish, (14) Of the Earth and its Features, (15) Of its Provinces (Political and Economic Geography), (16) Mineralogy, including precious and semiprecious stones, sand, coal, Bezoar stones, etc., (17) On Plants and Trees (A Herbal), (18) Of Animals, and (19) On Non-Essential Characteristics (i.e., Colors, Tastes, Odors, etc.), and a Miscellany on Food, Drink, Eggs, Weights and Measures, Music, and Musical Instruments. This ordering which can be classified into four distinct sections suggests that Bartholomæus carefully planned his work.

The order of the De Proprietatibus Rerum is founded on a medieval logic of progression. The first three books form the first section with God, as the supreme creator and the prime moving force, with angles, demons and the soul all occupying the first position. Next comes the second part (books 4-7) devoted to the important factors that affect the life of man. The third section (books 8-18) treats the universe and may be subdivided into two parts. The first (books 8-13) has as its subject the world in general while the second (books 14-18) describes the earth in particular, including in book 16 metals, stones and minerals. The fourth section is composed solely of the nineteenth book in which everything not previously discussed finds a place including colors, odors, liquids, weighs, measures, music, etc. Since this work was intended as a reference to show mans place in God's universe, the text provides examples of good and bad conduct, and illustrates for him the principals of Christianity.

Since the greatest importance was assigned to theological matters, it became fairly simple for Bartholomæus to ignore the accuracy of his descriptions. Hence we find him with no clear idea of the locations of Egypt or India, the latter being a vague term which medieval men used to refer to the vast territory that stretched beyond Arabia. Bartholomæus' own eyes would have told him that bees do not carry small stones to weight them against the wind, and that crabs do not employ stones to keep oyster shells propped open while they dine on the contents. It was as obvious then as now that the legs of a fox are not shorter on the right side, and that swiftly moving currents are not the cause of oars becoming disjointed in appearance when dipped under water. Yet we cannot blame him for being a man of his time.

William Caxton. (Born: Tenderton, Kent, England, c1416; Died: London, England, 1491) English printer, translator & linguist. Caxton was the first to print books in English. He served an apprenticeship as a mercer and about 1441 he relocated to Bruges and established a successful business there. In 1462 Caxton was selected governor of the Merchants Adventurers in the Low Countries, serving as a diplomat for the English king. He learned the art of printing in Cologne between 1471-2, and at Brugge in 1475 he and Colard Mansion printed The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, his own translation from the French, and the first book printed in English. In 1476 he returned to England, and established the first English print shop at Westminster in 1477. There he printed Dictes or Sayengis of the Philosophres, the first dated book printed in England. Caxton is known to have printed about 100 books, many dealing with themes of chivalry. He was the translator, from French, Latin, and Dutch, of about one third of the books that he printed, and for some he wrote original prologues, epilogues, and additions. His books are of superb craftsmanship and are carefully edited. One of the typefaces used by Caxton is the original Old English type. Wynkyn de Worde, his successor as a printer, was his assistant at Westminster.

Johann Veldener. (Born:      ; Died: c1487) Dutch printer. Native of the Diocese of Würzburg, Veldener set up his first press in the town of Louvain in 1473. In 1478, he moved to Ultrecht and reestablished his print shop there.

Bibliographical references: Anderson, Illustrated History of the Herbals, 1997: 59-65. Arber, Herbals, their Origin and Evolution, 1986: 13. Birch, J.G., "William Caxton's stay at Cologne", The Library, 4th series, 4, (1924), 48-52. BMC XV: 1, 234-5 [IC 3771]. Collison, Encyclopaedias, 1966: 57-9. Corsten, "Caxton in Cologne", Journal of the Printing Historical Society, no. 11 (1976/77), 1-18. Duff, Fifteenth Century English Books, 1917: no. 39. Goff: no. B-131. GW: no. 3403. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 2498*. Keen, E.J., "Bartholomaeus Anglicus, De Proprietatibus Rerum", Australian National University Department of History, 1978 [Dissertation]. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 149.2 [1472?]. NUC [no copy listed]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 590. Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 12. Painter, G.D., William Caxton, 1977 [see pages 51-8]. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 1865. Pforzheimer: no. 44. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 497. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 1105. Quarg, G., "Zum Frühdruck von Bartholomaeus Anglicus `De proprietatibus rerum' (GW 3403). Überlegungen anhand des Kölner Exemplars", Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1998 / Gutenberg-Gesellschaft. Begr. von Aloys Ruppel / Im Auftr. der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft hrsg. von Stephan Füssel, Mainz, 1998. Rohde, Old English Herbals, 1922: 44-55. Twomey, M.W., "Western Medieval Encyclopedias in England Before 1500: A Preliminary List", Muenstersche Mittelalter-Schriften. [Forthcoming]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 1. Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 829. Voulliéme (Köln): no. 218. (Caxton) ADB. Blake, N.F., Caxton : England's first publisher, London, Osprey Publishing, 1976. Blake, N. F., William Caxton and English literary culture, London ; Rio Grande, Ohio : Hambledon Press, 1991. Deacon, R., A Biography of William Caxton : the first English editor, printer, merchant, and translator, London, Muller, 1976. DNB: 3, 1290-8. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). (Veldener) ADB: 39, 571-2. Biografisch Woordenboek België. Biografisch Woordenboek Nederland. BMC XV: ??, ??. Geldner, Die deutschen Inkunabeldrucker, 1968-70: 2, 319, 323-5 & 338-40. Lexikon des Buchwesens: 2, ??.

De Proprietatibus Rerum, 1472/3

2. Latin, 1472/3 [2nd edition].
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... [Basel, Berthold Ruppel, 1472 or later].

2°: [a12 b-g10 h6 i10 k-l8 m-q10 r12 s-y10 z4] (unsigned); 220l.; no pagination, foliation or signiature marks. Two colums, Gothic type, 61 lines. Page size: 406 x 288 mm.

Contents: Folios, 2r, "Incipit phemiū de pprietatibus re[old aux] fratris | bartholomei anglici de ordine frat[old aux] mino[old aux]. | [C8]Vm proprietates rerum | sequantur substancias. ..." 218r, col. 1, "[T8]Abula huius insigni operis (quod de re | rū proprietatibus intitula{\ t}) incipit feli | citer ..."; 220r, col. 1, end: "zeugia xxiii."; 220v, Blank.

Very rare. Printed by Berthold Ruppel [see note below]. Some incunabula bibliographies believed this to be the first edition, however, recent studies have shown that it is instead a second edition [see the commentary on the previous entry].

Berthold Ruppel. (Born: Hanau, Germany,      ; Died: 1494/5) German printer. Ruppel was the first printer in Basel. He published numerous works between 1460 and his death.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 3, 716 [IC 37019]. Goff: no. B-130. GW: no. 3402 [about 1470]. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 2499*. Hoover Collection: no. 92. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 149.1. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157710]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 2737. Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 191. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 1866. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 7452. Stillwell, Awakening Interest in Science, 1970: 595. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 2. (Ruppel) ADB: 29, 705-7. DBA: I 1068, 47. Lexikon des Buchwesens. NDB: 22, 280-1. WBI. Webb, C.A. and Victor Scholderer, "Berthold Ruppel, Printer of the Sermones Meffreth," The Library, s5-XV (1960), no. 1, 1-7.

3. Latin, 1480 [3rd edition].
Incipit prohemium de proprietatibus rerum fratris. Bartholomei anglici de: ordine fratrum minorum. Explicit tractatus de proprietatibus re rum editus a a fratre Bartholomeo an glico ordinis fratru minorum. Impres sus per Nicolauz pistoris de Bens sheyn et Marcum reinhardi de Argentina so cios. Sub anno dni millesimo quadrin getesimo octogesimo. di vero Juli xxix. [Lyons:] Nicolaus Philippi and Marcus Reinhart, 29 July 1480.

2°: a-i10 k-l8 L8 m-x10 y-z8 [et]8 [con]8 A-F10 G-H8; 322l.; no pagination. Two columns, Gothic type, 49 lines. Page size: 290 x 305 mm.

Contents: Folios 1, Blank.; 2r, col. 1 (signed a2), "Incipit prohemium de proprietatib9 | rerum fratris Bartholomei anglici de | ordine fratrum mino[old aux]. | [C14]Vm proprieta= | tes rerum sequā | tur substantias ...";

Rare. Printed by Nicolaus Philippi and Marcus Reinhart.Handpainted initial letter. Pages not numbered. "De arboribus et plantis," xvii HC. 2500*, G.W. 3404; Pr. 8530.Fol. [1a], (c. sign. a 2) title-page: Incipit prohemium de proprietatib rerum fratris Bartholomei anglici de ordine fratrum mino4. Fol.[320] verso: Explicit tractatus de pprietatibus rer um editus a fratre Bartholomeo an glico ordinis fratru minorum. Impres sus per Nicolauz pistoris de Benssheym et Marcum reinhardi de Argentina so cios. Sub anno dni millesimo quadrin getesimo octogesimo, die vero Iulij. xxix.-See hain, no. 2500. "De arboribus et plantis," liber xvii.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 8, 245 [IB 41584]. Goff: B-132. GW: no. 3404. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. HC 2500. IGI: no. 1252. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 149.3. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157711]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 3184. Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 211. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 1867. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 498. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 8530. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 84. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 3. Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 4675.

4. Latin, 1481.
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... Cologne, Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, 1481.

2°:[a10 b-e8 f10 g-n8 o6 p-z8 A-O8 P10 Q-Z8 aa8 bb8 cc6 dd6 ee-kk8] (unsigned); 458 leaves (first and last blank).; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. Two columns, 39-40 lines, captial spaces, catchwords, one table. Page size: 280 x 300 mm. Rare.

Contents: Folios, 1, Blank.; 2r, col. 1: "Incipiūt tituli libro | rū et capitul[old aux] venerabil' | bartholomei anglici de proprieta | tibus re[old aux]. | ..."; 12r, "Incipit phemiū de proprietatib9 re[old aux] fratris | Bartholomei anglici de ordiue frat[old aux] mino[old aux] | [C9]Vm proprietates re[old aux] sequan{\ t} | substantias ..."; 457v, line 24, colophon: "Explicit tractatus de proprietatibus re[old aux] edit9 | a frē bartolomeo āglico ordis frat[old aux] mino[old aux]. | Impressus per me Johānem koelhoff de | lubeck Colonie ciuem. Anno natiuitatis | domini .Mcccclxxxi."; 458, Blank.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 1, 223-4 [IB 3534]. Goff: no. B-133. GW: 3405. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 2051. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 149.4. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 057712]. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 1868. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 499. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 1048. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 4. Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 771. Voulliéme (Köln): no. 219.

De Proprietatibus Rerum, 1482 (Lyons)

5. Latin, 1482.
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... [Lyons:] Petrus Ungarus (Pierre Hongre), 21 November 1482.

2°: a-d10 e8 f-h10 ik12 l-n10 op10 q-t10 u12 x12 A-E10 F12; 256l.; no pagination. Two columns, 53-54 lines, capital spaces. Page size: 282 x 209 mm.

Contents: Folios, 1, Blank.; 2r, col. 1 (signed .a.), "Incipit prohemiū de proprietatibus re | rum fratris Bartholomei anglici [old aux]' ordine fra | trum minorum. | [C13]Vm proprietates re | rum sequātur substā | tias ..."; 255r, col. 1, line 17: "... & breuiter recitātur. vt | patere potest diligentius intuenti. | Explici tractatus de pprietatibus rerum | editus a fratre bartholomeo anglico ordinis | fratrum minorum. Impressus per Petrum | vnga[old aux]. Sub anno domini .Millesimoqua | dringentesimooctuagesimosecundo. die vero | nouembris .xxi. | finis | Laus deo."; 255v, Blank.; 256, Blank.

Rare. Reprinted from the edition of Philippi and Reinhart, 1480, as is shown by the wording of the colophon.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 8, 268 [IB 41744]. Goff: no. B-134. GW: no. 3406. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 2502. IGI: no. 1253. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 149.5. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 3197. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 1869. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 500. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 8573. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 5.

6. Latin, 1482.
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... [Lyons, Nicolaus Philippi and Marcus Reinhart], 10 December 1482.

2°: (j-3)8 a-l8 m10 n10 o-q8 A-E8 F6 G-I8 K10 L-O8 P12 Q10 R12; 286l.; no pagination. Two columns, 53-56 lines. Page size: 284 x 198 mm. Rare.

Contents: Folios, 1, Blank.; 2r, col. 1 (signed j): "Tabula rubricarū que et librorum & ca | pitulorum materiam sigillariz demōstrat. | ..."; 258r, col. 2, line 18: "& breuiter recitantur. vt patere pōt diligē | tius intuenti. | Explicit tractatus de pprietatibus rerū | editus a fratre Bartholomeo anglico or= | dinis fratrum minorum. Impressus sub | anno domini Millesimoquadringentesi= | mooctuagesimosecundo. die vero decem= | bri. x. | finis. | Laus deo."; 285v, Blank.; 286r, "Registrum | a | folium album" in 4 columns.; 286v, Blank.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 8, 246 [IB 41590]. Goff: no. B-135. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 2503. IGI: no. 1254. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 149.6. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157713]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 3185. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 1870. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 501. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 8531A. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 6.

7. Latin, 1483.
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... Cologne, Johann Koelhoff the Elder, 19 January 1483.

2°: [*]10 a10 b-d8 e10 f-x8 y10 z8 A-R8 S10 T-Y8 Aa-Dd8 Ee6 Ff6 Gg-Ll8 Mm10 (a1 & Mm10 blank); 472l.; no pagination or foliation. Two columns, 38 to 40 lines, capital spaces with guide letters. The headlines sometimes give only the numbers of hte books, sometimes also their subjects. Rare.

Contents: Signs., 1r, Blank.; 1v, col. 1: "incipiunt tituli libro[old aux] | & capitul[old aux] venerabilis bartholo | mei anglici de pprietatibus rerum."; 9v, line 3, "Expliciunt tituli librorum et ca | pitulorū Bartholomei anglici de | pprietatibus rerum."; 10r, "Auctores de quo[old aux] scri= | ptis sūt hec tracta st' isti."; 10v, line 33: "Isto[old aux] et multorum alio[old aux] in istis li | bellis verba in diuersis locis sūma | tim et breuiter recitant' vt patere | potest diligenter intuenti." 12r, col. 1 (signed a2): "Prohemiū in opus de | proprietatib9 re[old aux] Reli | giosi patris fris Bar= | tholomei anglici de or | dine fratū minorum. | [C6]Vm pprietates re | rum sequantur sub | stantias/ ..."; 471v, col. 2, line 11, colophon: "Explicit tracta tus de pprietatib9 | rerum editus a fratre Bartholo- | meo anglico ordis frat[old aux] mino[old aux] | Impressus et completus per me | Iohannē koelhoff de Lubeck Co | lonie ciuē. Anno gre .Mcccclxxxiij. | in vigilia Sebastiani martyris."

Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 93. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157716]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 7.

De Proprietatibus Rerum, 1483 (Leaf 2/1r)

8. Latin, 1483.
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 30 May 1483.

2°: [16 2-38 4-66 7-398/6/6 408] (unsigned; 1/1 and 40/8 blank); 268l.; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. Two column, type 84G (text) and 165G (headings and headline), one capital space (17 lines) in the prologue, 2-5 line capital spaces throughout and pragraph marks in red to 19/1, thereafter left blank. Page size: 290 x 195 mm. Rare.

Contents: 1/1 (=1), Blank.; 1/2r (=2r), Tabula.; 1/6v (=6v), List of authors cited.; 2/1r (=7r), Prologue.; 2/1v (=7v), Text.; 40/7v (=267v), Colophon.; 40/8 (=268), Blank.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 2, 425 [IB 7306]. BSB-Ink: B-95. Goff: B-137. GW: 3409. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: *2505. IGI: no. 1255. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 149.8. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157717]. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 1872. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 8.

9. Latin, 1485.
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... Strassburg, [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlingurg (Georg Husner)], 14 February 1485.

2°: π6 a-b8 c-y6/8 z8 A-F6/8 G-I6 K-T6/8 (T8 blank).; 300l. Text in double columns, 47 lines per column. Initial spaces with guide-letters.

Rare. Imprint from Goff. Colophon (leaf T7v): Impressus Argentine Anno d[omi]ni .Mcccc.lxxxv. Finitus in die sancti Valentini.

Husner, Georg, d. 1505, printer.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 1, p. 132. GW: 3410. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 2506*. NUC: NB 0157719. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: 1873. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: 592. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 9. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 692.

10. Latin, 1488 [12 June].
Proprietates Rerum domini bartholomei anglici. [1488]

2°: π6 a8 b-p6 q8 r-t6 v8 x-y6 A8 B-C6 D8 E6 F8 G-H6 I8 K-L6 M8 N-P6 Q8 R-S6 T8 U-X6 Y8 Z6 AA6 BB8 CC6 DD8; 326l.; no pagination or foliation. Text in double columns, 50 lines per column. Initial spaces, some with guide-letters. Printed on sheets of "chancery"-size paper.

Rare. Place of publication and printer from GW, date from colophon. Colophon (leaf DD8r): Explicit liber de p[ro]prietatibus rerum editus a fratre Bartholomeo anglico ordinis fratrum minorum. Anno domini Mcccclxxxviij. kale[n]das vero Iunij xij.

Knoblochtzer, Heinrich, printer.

Bibliographical references: NUC.

11. Latin, 1488 [21 May].
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... [Heidelberg, Printer of Lindelbach (Heinrich Knoblochtzer?)], 21 May 1488.

2°: 326l. Rare.

Bibliographical references: GW: 3411. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 2508 [=HC 2507]. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: 149.10. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157720]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 10.

12. Latin, 1491.
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... Strassburg, [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 11 August 1491.

2°: π6 a-b8 c-d6 e8 f-g6 h8 i-k6 l8 m-n6 o8 p-z6 A-R6; 259l.; 516 p. Colophon: Impressus Argentine Anno domini .M.cccc.xcj. Finitus altera die post festum sancti Laurentij martyris [11 August]. Page size: 260 x 190 mm.

Rare. Husner, Georg, d. 1505, printer.

Bibliographical references: Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 84. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 11.

13. Latin, 1492.
Bartholomeus anglicus de Proprietatib[us] rerum. [Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 20 June 1492]

2°: π4 a-z6 A-G6 H-I8 (I8 blank).; 200l. (leaf [200] blank). Text in double columns, 61 lines per column. Initial spaces, with guide-letters; 18-line space left for opening initial on a1r. Printed on sheets of "chancery"-size paper. Colophon (leaf I7v): ... Impressus p[er] industriosum viru[m] Athoniu[m] koburger inclite Nurenberge ciuem. Anno salutis gratie .M.ccccxcij. xx. die Iunij. Page size: 295 x 205 mm.

Rare. Koberger, Anton, ca. 1440-1513, printer.

Bibliographical references: GW: 3413. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 2510*. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157724]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 12.

14. Latin, 1505.
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... Strassburg, [Georg Husner], 9 August 1505.

2°: π6 a6 b8 c-d6 e8 f-g6 h8 i-k6 l8 m-n6 o8 p-q6 r8 s-z6 A-R6 (R6 blank). Rare.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157725]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 84. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 13. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 694.

Venerandi, 1519

15. Latin, 1519.
[Contained within a fine woodcut border showing eight scenes:] Venerandi patris | Bartholomei Anglici/ ordinis | Minoru ũ:viri eruditissimi: opus: de rerũ proprie= | tatibus inscriptum: ad cõmunem studiosorũ | vtilitatem iam denuo: sum ma cura: | labore: ac industria recognitũ: | chaltograp hieqz deman= | datum: atqz adfa= | bre politũ: | Valebone lector, eme, necte precii pœnitebit.

2°: π6 (π6 blank) a8 b-z6 A-E6 F-G8; 192l.; no pagination or foliation. Title within a fine woodcut pictorial border, attributed to Albrecht Durer. The text contains several fine historiated initials. Colophon: [Nuremberg]: Per Fridericu[m] Peypus ciuem. 1519 ... 3 Maij. Page size: 311 x 210 mm.

Rare. The fine woodcut border was first used in 1517 for the Revelationes Birgittæ published by Peypus.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: B-264. Dodgson, Catalogue of Early German and Flemish Woodcuts, 1911: 1, 376, 15. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 34. Index Aureliensis: 113.596. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157727]. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 11131. VD16: B 523. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 14. Zinner, Astronomischen Literatur, 1964: 1109.

16. Latin, 1601.
[In red:] Bartholo- | mæi Anglici | [in black:] De Genvinis Rervm | Coelestivm, Terre- | strivm Et Inferarvm | Proprietatibus, | Livri XVIII. | [in red:] Opvs Incomparabile, Theo- | [in black:] logis, Ivreconsvltis, Medicis, omni- | umque disciplinarum & artium alumnis, vti- | lissimum futurum. | [in red:] Cvi Accessit Liber XIX. De | [in black:] variarumrerum accidentibus. | Iam nuncnoua specie, nouaqueplane forma renatum, | & ab immundis mendis ad amussim repurgatum, | adiuncto Indici rerum & verborum locupleris- | simo. | Procurante | [in red:] D. Georgio Bartholodo Pon- | [in black:] ano à Braitenberg, Metrop. Ecclesiæ Pra- | gensis Præpositio. | Cum Saer. Casar. [ornament] Maiest. Primil. | [in red:] Francofvrti, | [in black:] Apud Wolfgangum Richterum im- | pensis Nicolai Steinii, Not. & Bibliopolæ. | [in red:] Anno M. DCI.

8°: [15], 1261, [17] p. Title in red and black.

Very scarce. Note Work previously published under title: De proprietatibus rerum. Often erroneously ascribed to Bartholomaeus de Glanvilla.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157730]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 15.

17. Latin, 1609.
Bartholomæi Anglici de Genuinis Rerum Coelestium, Terrestrium et Infernarum Proprietatibus, Libri XVIII. Opus incomparabile; ac Theologis, Iureconsultis, Medicis, omniumque disciplinarum & artium alumnis utilissimum. Cui accessit liber XIX. De variarum rerum accientibus. Procurante D. Georgio Bartholdo Pontano a Braitenberg, Metrop. Ecclesiae Pragensis Præposito. Editio secunda. Francofurti, apud Wolfgangum Richterum, sumptibus Nicolaii Steinii. Anno M.DCIX.

8°: Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 16.

Dutch edition

18. Dutch, 1485 [Dutch transl.].
Van den proprietyten der dinghen ... Haarlem, Jakob Bellaert, 24 December 1485.

2°: aa6 bb4 a-r8 [et]8 [long-s]8 s-t8 v8 u8 w8 x-z8 [et]8 96 ē6 A-V8 W8 X8 Y8 AA8 BB8 CC6 DD6 EE8; 466l.; no pagination. Two columns, Gothic type, capital spaces, 40 lines, 11 woodcuts. Page size: 269 x 193 mm.

Contents: Folios, 1, Blank.; 2r (signed aa2), "Hier beghinnen de titelen dz sijn de | namen der boeken daer men af sprekē | sal en oec die capittelen der eerwaerdi= | ghen mans bartolome9 engelsman ..."; 10r, col. 2, line 13, end of table: "Vāde giers eyeren cxi ca."; [11v], Woodcut.; 12r, "[W]Ant dye eyghent | scappen der din= | ghen volgē moe | ten der substanci= | en ..."; 12v, col. 2, line 12: "Hier eyndet het prohemium: | Hier beghint bartholome9 anglici sijn | eerste boeck vande eygentscappen [old aux]' din | ghen | ..."; 464v, col. 1, line 8, colophon: "Hier eyndet dat boeck welck ghe= | hieten is bartholomeus vanden pro= prieteyten der dinghen inden iaer ons | heren M.CCCC. en lxxxv. optē heyli | ghen kersauent. Ende is gheprint en | de oeck mede voleyndt te haerlem in hollant ter eren godes ende om lerin | ghe der menschen van mi Meester IA | OP BELLAERT gheborē van ze= | rixzee."; [465r], Printer's device.

Very rare. Dutch translation probably commissioned and certainly printed by Jacob Bellaert [see note below]. This is the first Dutch edition of the famous encyclopedia, and the first of all the editions to contain illustrations.

Indications are that this production was designed from the start to be a sumptuous publication. For setting the text Bellart used a beautiful, newly designed font in the Gothic style. Each of the eleven woodcut illustrations acts as a full-page frontispiece introducing the individual sections of Bartholomæus text. Some of these plates serve for two sections by rather ingeniously incorporating isolated motifs laid against a broad, unifying landscape. For example, stones and gems are scattered here and there along the banks of a stream on the plate that also introduces the description of plants. These illustrations are finely detailed depictions by the anonymous artist whose woodcuts in this and other of Bellaert's books has earned him the descriptor: "The Bellaert Master." The book was issued on Christmas Eve 1485 ("op Kerstavont, 1485") making this volume comparable to the modern Christmas edition. Finally, it is the only book from the press of Bellaert that is signed in the colophon as being produced by his establishment. He was obviously and deservedly proud of this publication.

The eleven woodcuts each measure approximately 200 x 140 mm. and represent Solomon as judge, seated in the middle, before him the clerk of the court, to the left Belial as prosecutor and to the right Moses, Christ's counsel for the defense (11v); the creation of angels and fall of demons (18v); the creation of Eve and anatomical man (30v); the ages of man, a physician and a surgeon attending patients (105v); the earth and the spheres (161v); occupations of the months (188v); birds (217v); fishes (233v); a landscape showing a river and towns (247v), trees, plants, stones and gems (287v) and animals and reptiles (368v). In all 32 different woodblocks were cut, and printed in continually changing combinations.

Jacob Bellaert. (Born: Zierikzee, The Netherlands, c1450; Died:      ) Dutch printer. Bellaert was the first printer in Haarlem. His earliest book was published in Lijden in December 1483. An important part of the books he printed were the splendid woodcut illustrations. The only one of his works that is signed is his issue of Bartholomaeus Anglicus's Van de proprieteiten der dingen (1485). In 1486 several other titles can be traced to him as well.

The fifteenth-century illustrators of books and woodcutters are veiled in still far greater anonymity than the printers at the time. Jacob Bellaert escaped from such anonymity by once including his name in a colophon. In art history he may now serve as the namegiver for the unknown illustrator: the Bellaert master.

The illustration shows Solomon as judge, seated in the middle; before him the clerk of the court, to the left Belial as prosecutor and to the right Moses, Christ's counsel for the defence. Three woodblocks were used, one for the centre and two for the sidepieces. In all 32 different woodblocks were cut, and printed in continually changing combinations. For the illustrations in the Belial reprints of 1512 and 1516 by the Antwerp printer Hendrik Eckert van Homberch, Bellaert's woodblocks, then 30 years old, were used again.

Bibliographical references: Becker-Moelands, M.A., "Der sonderentroest. Een geïllustreerd middeleeuws rechtsboek," in: Misdaad, zoen en straf. Aspekten van de middeleeuwse strafrechtsgeschiedenis in de Nederlanden. Hilversum 1991, p. 48-84. BMC XV: 9, 102 [IB 48105]. Goff: no. B-142. GW: no. 3423. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 2522. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 151.1. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157733]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 3653. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 1886. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 507. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 9173. Schretlen, Dutch and Flemish Woodcuts, 1925: 26-7. Snyder, J., "The Bellaert master and `De proprietatibus rerum' " (pp. 41-62), in: The Early Illustrated Book. Essays in Honor of Lessing J. Rosenwald, Washington, 1982. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 44. Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 4905. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 693. (Bellaert) ADB. BMC XV: 9, 101. Lexikon des Buchwesens.

French editions

19. French, 1482 [French transl.].
Prologue. Cy commence vng tres excellent liure nomme le proprietaire des choses [translated from the De Proprietatibus Rerum of Bartholomæus Anglicus by Jean Corbichon]. End. [fol. 328 recto:] Cestuy liure des ?prietes des choses fut tra¯slate d? latin en fra¯coys lan de grace . mil. ccc.lxxii ... ? le co¯mandement de tres puissant et noble pri¯ce Charles le quint de son nom ... et le tra¯slata son petit ? hu¯ble chapelain frere iehan corbicho¯ ... Et a este reuisite par venerable ? discrete personne frere pierre ferget. [With woodcuts.] G.L. ... Lyons, Mathias Huss, 12 October 1482.

2°: ã8 a-x8 A-S8 T10; 330l. Rare.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157761]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 19.

20. French, 1485 [French transl.].
Cy commence le premier liure du proprietaire au quel tant Seullement est traicte de la Saincte trinite ... Lyon, Giullaume LeRoy, 1485.

2°: [317]l.

Rare. "... fut translate de Latin en Francoys ... [par] Jehan Corbichon ... Colophon."

Bibliographical references: Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 2515. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157762]. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: 1881.

21. French, 1485/6 [French transl.].
Le Proprietaire des Choses ... Lyons, Guillaume Le Roy, 26 January 1485/6

2°: Rare.

Bibliographical references: Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 2515. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157762]. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: 1881. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 18.

22. French, 1486 [French transl.].
Le Proprietaire des Choses ... Lyons, Johannes Siber [after 26 January 1486].

2°: π8 a-z8 A-E8 F-G10; 243l. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 8, p. 252 [IC.41689]. Fairfax Murray (French): 196. GW: 3418. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 2513. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157763]. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: 1879. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 23.

23. French, 1487 [French transl.].
Le Proprietaire des Choses ... Lyons, Mathias Huss, 7 April 1487.

2°: 282l. Rare.

Bibliographical references: GW: 3419. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 2516. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: 150.5. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157764]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 20.

24. French, 1491/2 [French transl.].
Le Proprietaire des Choses ... Lyons, Mathias Huss, 15 March 1491/2.

2°: a-z8 A-B8; 227l.; [10] 448 p., illus. Printed in double column, 57 lines to a full column. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 8, 264 [IB.41714]. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 2517. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157766]. Stillwell (Science): B133. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 21.

25. French, c1497 [French transl.].
Le proprietaire des choses. Lyons, Jehan Cyber, [c1497].

2°: 252l., illus.

Rare. Translated in 1472 by Jehan Cobichnon.

Bibliographical references: BL [IC.41639.]. NUC [no copy listed].

26. French, 1500/1? [French transl.].
Le Proprietaire des Choses ... Lyons, [Claude Davost] for Jean Dyamantier, 17 April 1500/1?

2°: Rare.

Bibliographical references: GW: 3422. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 2319. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157767].

Le Proprietaire des Choses, 1510

27. French, 1510 [French transl.].
Le proprietaire des choses tesvtile et prouffitable aux corps humains, auec aucunes additions nouuellement adioustees, cest assauoir. Les vertus & ..pprietez des eaues artificielles et des herbes. Les natiutiez des homes & des femes selon les. xij. signes. Et plusieurs receptes cotre aucues maladies. Item vng remede tesvtile contre fieure pestilentieuse & autre maniere depidimye, approuue ...p plusiurs docteurs en medecine. [Paris, 1510]

2°: a8 a-z6 A-X6 AA-BB6; ??l.; [567] p. illus. Colophon: ... Imprime nouuellemet a Paris lan de grace mil cinq ces & dix le. xv. iour de nouembre. pour Jehan petit & Michel lenoir libraires jurez en luniuersite de paris, demouras en la rue sainct Jaques. Large woodcut on t.-p.; device of Le Noir at end. Translated by Jean Corbichon. Rare.

Bibliographical references: Mortimer French Books: no. 45. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157769].

Le Proprietaire des Choses, 1512

28. French, 1512 [French transl.].
[In black, a large ornate woodcut initial letter "L"] [in red:] e proprietaire [in black:] des choses tres | utille et proffitable [in red:] aux corps | humains [in black:] : avec aucunes additi | ons nouvellement adioustees Cestassavoir. [in red:] Les vertus [in black:] et proprie | tez des eaues [in red:] artificielles: [in black:] & des herbes. Les nativitez des hommes | et des femmes selon les douze [in red:] signes. [in black:] Et plusieurs receptes contre | aucunes malladies. Item vng remede tres utille contre [in red:] fievre pesti | lencieuse [in black:] & autre maniere despydimie/ leql a este autreffois esprou | ue par plusieurs grans [in red:] docteurs en medecine. | [In black, large rectangular woodcut showing five figures seated at a table and incorporating five banners with text printed in red].

2°: a8 A-E6 F6 G-P6 Q6 R-X6 AA-EE6 FF2 GG4 GG6 HH-UU6 XX2 CCC4 AAA-DDD6 (F3 missigned F4; GG1 missigned GG3; CCC1 missigned CCC3); 284l.; no pagination or foliation. Title in red and black with a large woodcut vignette, 25 text woodcuts and many initials letters throughout. Colophon: Cestuy livre des proprietez des choses fut translate de latin en francoys. Lan de grace Mil CCC.lxxii par le commandement du treschrestien roy de france. Charles. le quint de ce nom. regnant en ce temps paisiblement. Et fut translate par son petit & humble chapelain frere iehan corbichon de lordre saint augustin. maistre en theologie de la grace & promotion dudit prince & seigneur tres excellent. Et y est adiuoste les vertus & proprietez des herbes & des eaues artificielles. Les nativitez des hommes & des femmes: & aucunes receptes tresutilles. Avec ung souverain remede contre fievre pestilencieuse. Imprime a Rouen. En lan mil.v.cens &.xii.Le.xv. jour de novembre. Pour francoys regnauld libraire iure en luniversite de paris. Et pour Jehan mace libraire demourant a renes Et por Michel angier libraire & reliure de luniversite de caen. Et pour Richard mace libraire demourant a rouen a lenseigne des chapeletz pres de la grant eglise. Binder's title: La livre des propriete des choses, Rowen [sic], 1512 [=Rouen, 15 November 1512]. Page size: 280 x 190 mm.

Rare. The illustrations "are very remarkable in style and widely divergent in treatment form those in the earlier Lyons and Paris editions. They make liberal use of solid black and deeply shaded background, and in many ways strongly suggest that they are derived from metal-engravings rather than woodcut originals." (Goldschmidt)

Charles, V, King of France, 1338-1380. // Corbichon, Jean, 14th cent.

Bibliographical references: Goldschmidt, Booksellers: cat. XVI, 121. Moreau: 242. Mortimer French Books: no. 46. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157771]. RBF: 16 V, 271, 40 [under the publisher Jean Macé in Rennes with reference to Michel Angier in Caen.]. Unknown: BBA: LXII, 22.

29. French, 1518 [French transl.].
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... Paris, Jehan Petit & Michel Le Noir, 8 January 1518.

2°: Rare.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157772]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 29.

30. French, 1522 [French transl.].
Le Proprietaire des cho | ses tresvtille et proffitable aux corps hu- | mains auec aucunes additions uouuel- | lement adioustees cest assauoir. [Dark C] Les | vertus et proprietez des eaues artificielles et des her |bes [Dark C] Les natiuitez des hommes et des femmes se | lon les douze signes. Et plusieurs receptes contre aul | cunes maladies. [Dark C] Item vng remede tresvtille contre fieure pestilentieuse et autre maniere depydimei | approuue par plusieurs doceteurs en medecine.

2°: [8], 276l., large woodcut showing Aristotle, Pliny, Isidore, etc. Two columns. Title page in red and black. Rare.

Bibliographical references: Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 30.

Le Proprietaire des Choses, 1525

31. French, 1525 [French transl.].
Le proprietaire des choses tresvtille & profitable aux corps humains auec aucunes addicions nouuellement adioustees cest assauoir. Les vertus et proprietez des eaues artificielles et des herbes. Les natiuitez des hommes et des femmes selon les douze signes. Et plusieurs receptes contre aulcunes maladies. Item vng remede tesvtille contre fieure pestilentieuse et aultre maniere depydimie approuue [par] plusieurs docteurs en medicine. [1525]

2°: ã8 a-z6 A-X6 AA-BB6; ??l.; [568] p., illus. Title within ornamental border containing printer's monogram; printer's mark on last page. Colophon: ... Nouuellement imprime a Paris. lan de grace mil cinq cens. xxv. le xx. iour de may par Phelippe le noir relieur jure en luniuersite de Paris demourant en la grant rue sainct Jaques a lenseigne de la rose blanche couronnee.

Rare. Translated by Jean Corbichon.

Bibliographical references: BL [1406.i.11.]. Mortimer French Books: no. 46. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157774]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 31.

32. French, 1528 [French transl.].
Le proprietaire des choses tresutille et proffitable aux corps humains ave[c] aucunes additios nouvellemet adioustees, cestassavoir: les vertus [et] proprietez des eaues artificielles [et] des herbes. Les nativites des hommes [et] femmes selo les douze signes. Et plusieurs receptes contre aulcunes maladies. Item ung remede tresutille contre fievre pestilentieuse [et] aultre maniere depydimie approuve par plusieurs docteurs en medecine Bretaigne pour Pierre Gaudoul, [1528].

2°: a8 a-z4 A-X4 AA-BB4; ??l., illus.

Rare. Translated by Jean Corbichon. Printers device on title-page.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157777]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 32.

33. French, 1539 [French transl.].
Le proprietaire des choses tresutille et proffitable aux corps humains avec aucunes additions nouvellement adioustees. Cestassavoir les vertus & proprietez des eaues artificielles et des herbes. Les nativitez des ho[m]mes et des femmes selon les douze signes et plusieurs receptes contre aucunes maladies. Item ung remede tresutille co[n]tre fievre pestilencieuse et autre maniere depydimie aprouve par plusieurs docteurs en medecine. On les vend a Paris par Jehan Longis, 1539.

2°: a6 a-z6 A-P6 Q8; ??l., illus. Colophon: Nouvellemet imprime a Paris par Nicolas Couteau, 1539.

Rare. Translated by Jean Corbichon. Contains the same additions as the edition of 1510; the illustrations are for the most part directly copies after the cuts of the Huss editions, but they are independent of those of the 1510 and 1528 eds. Title within woodcut border by an unknown artist with the monogram, E.G. This border used in 1538 by Couteau for an edition of Boccacios De nobles maleureux, is described by Nagler in his Monogrammisten, vol.II, no.1588.

Bibliographical references: BL [441.h.6.]. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157778]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 33.

34. French, 1556 [French transl.].
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... A Paris, Par Arnoul l'Angelier, tenant la Bouticque au second Pillier de la grand Salle du Palays, 1556.

2° Rare.

Bibliographical references: Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 35.

35. French, 1556 [French transl.].
Le Grand proprietaire de toutes choses tres utile et profitable pour tenir le corps humain en santé. Contenant plusieurs diverses maladies, et dont ilz procedent, et aussi les remedes preservatifz. Avec les proprietez du Ciel, de la Terre, des Bestes, des Oyseaulx des Pierres, et des Metaulx, et autre matiere. [By Bartholomæus Anglicus.] ... Translaté de Latin en François, par Maistre Iean Corbichon. Additions nouuellement faictes. Les vertus et proprietez des Eaus artificielles, et des Herbes, etc. ... Paris, Louis de Banville, 1556.

2° Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [441.h.7.]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 37.

36. French, 1556 [French transl.].
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... A Paris. Par Magdalaine Boursette, demourant Rue sainct Jacques á l'Enseigne de l'Elephant, deuant les Mathurins 1556.

2° Rare.

Bibliographical references: Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 38.

37. French, 1556 [French transl.].
Le grand proprietaire de toutes choses. Tres vtile et profitable pour tenir le corps humain en santé. Contenant plusieurs diuerses maladies, et dont ilz procedent, et aussi les remedes preseruatifz Translaté de Latin en François, par Maistre Iean Corbichon ... A Paris, Par Anthoine le Clerc, tenant sa bouticque au premier pillier de la grand Salle du Palays, 1556.

2°: [6], ccxxliijl. Rare.

Bibliographical references: Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 40.

38. French, 1556 [French transl.].
Le grand proprietaire de toutes choses Tresutile ... pour tenir le corps humain en santé ... Avec les proprietez du ciel, de la terre, des bestes ... Translaté de latin en françois, par ... Jean Corbichon. Additions nouvellement faictes. Les vertus ... des eaues artificielles, & des herbes. Les nativitez des hommes ... selon les douze signes, & plusieurs receptes contre aucunes maladies. Remede ... contre fiebure pestilencieuse ... Paris, Estienne Grouleau, 1556.

2°: [4]l., ccxxiiii l., illus. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 39.

Spanish editions

El Libro de Propietatibus Rerum, 1494

39. Spanish, 1494 [Translation, First edition].
[Woodcut] | El libro de propieta | tibus rerum.

2°: a6 a-m8 n6 o6 A-M8 aa6 bb-ee8 ff-gg6 hh-oo8 pp4; 320l.; no pagination. 18 woodcuts. 3 columns, 47 lines. Printer's mark on the verso of the last leaf. Title vignette (arms of Castile and Aragon).

Colophon: Fenece el libro delas cosas trasladado de latin en romance/por el reveredo padre fray vicente de burgos. Emprimido en la noble cibdad [sic] de tholosa por henrique meyer d'alemana a honor de dios & d' nuestra senora & al prouecho de muchos rudos & ynorantes. acabo fe enel ano del senor de mil & quatro cientos & nouenta quatro a diez & ocho del mes de setiebre. Page size: 295 x 215 mm.

Contents: Folios 2r (a2), "Comiēça la tabla del libro del propietatibus rerum. | Libro primero que trata de dios & su effençia."; 6r, line 35, "El prologo del autor. | [C4]Omo las autoridades diuinas & humanas testificā las propiedades delas cosas figuē las | mesmas fustāçias/ ..."; 7r, "Comiença el libro delas | propiedades delas cosas. | [C9]Onsiderando & mas | que podido he en mi | coraçon/ reboluiēdo | en todo obrar quāto | es grāde nuestra fla= | queza/ ..."

Very rare. First printing of the Spanish translation done in 13?? by Vicente de Burgos [see note below]. The printer was Henricus Mayer [see note below] of Toulouse, and the work was completed on 18 September 1494.First Spanish edition of the great encyclopedia of natural science compiled circa 1235 by the Franciscan Batholomew from England, who taught theology at Paris and later at the school of his order at Magdeburg. The work is a summary of knowledge current among educated men of the Middle Ages. It is arranged by subject in 19 books (God and the angels, the soul, the human body, physical geography, mineralogy; fauna and flora; colors; odors, weight and measures, musical instrumens, medicine etc...) and is much more extensive than any earlier books on the same subject. Especially the Geography chapter (Libro XV "Delas provincias") shows an advanced state of knowledge, describing 173 countries and provinces. "The political geography of Europe contains a quantity of information which had not been put together before." Sarton, II, 586.This extremely rare incunable is illustrated with 18 large woodcuts, including one repeat and the arms of Castile and Aragon on title; woodcut printer's device at the end, 6 woodcut diagrams including a small T-map on leaf 179. The woodcuts include a depiction of physicians with a patient, people working in a mine, birds, a larger one of the zodiac etc... They appear to be very free copies of those in Mathias Huss' French editions of 1485 and 1491/92.

Vicente de Burgos. (Born:      ; Died:      ) Spanish jesuit. Burgos lived in the second half of the fifteenth century, and was the Spanish translator of Bartholomaeus Anglicus.

Henricus Mayer. (Born:      ; Died:      ) Spanish printer. Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: BL [940.f.7.]. BMC XV: 8, 360. Goff: B-150. GW: no. 3424. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 2523. IGI: 1261. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: 152.1. Maffei & Rua Figuera, Bibliografía Mineral, 1871-2: 1, 303-4, no. 1021. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157781]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: 3261. Pellechet, Catalogue General des Incunables, 1970: no. 1887. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: 508. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 8722. Vindel, F., El arte tipográfico en España durante el siglo XV. Madrid, 1945-54. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 45. Voulliéme (Berlin): no. 4786. (Burgos) Maffei & Rua Figuera, Bibliografía Mineral, 1871-2: 1, 105. (Mayer)

40. Spanish, 1495 [Abridgement].
Tratado d' los metales & piedras | preciosas: & de sus virtudes.

4°: a-d8 e6; 38l.; no pagination. 2 columns, 31 lines.

Contents: Folios 1r, Title.; 2r (a2), "Comiemça vn tractado delas piedras y | metales: y de sus {\ppwdot}riedades y virtudes: el qual fue | compuesto por fray Bartholome yngles &c. | Del arena. Capitulo .j. | [A]Rena es asi dicta ..."; 37r, line 27, "... E con | esto dicho delas piedras & metales ponnemos fin ala | presente obra."; 37r, "Siguese la tabla dela obra presen | te ..."; 38r, col. 2, line 22, "Deo gratias."; 38v, Blank.

Very rare. Separate printing by Paul Hurus [see note below] of the section on metals and stones from the 1494 Spanish edition. Because of its early date, this work is one of the first separate books to solely treat mineralogy, and it is preceeded by Albertus Magnus and several early lapidaries.

Paul Hurus. (Born:      ; Died:      ) Spanish printer. Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: GW: no. 3425. Haebler, Bibliografia Iberica, 1903-17: 2, 15, no. 40(5). NUC [no copy listed]. Vindel, F., El arte tipográfico en España durante el siglo XV. Madrid, 1945-54. (Hurus)

Libro de Proprietatibus, 1529

41. Spanish, 1529 [Translation, 2nd edition].
Libro de proprietatibus rerum en romance. | [Large woodcut vingette, consisting of a three by three matrix of smaller scenes related to topics in the text.] | Hystoria natural: do se tratā las propiedades de todas las cosas. | Es obra catholica & muy prouechosa: que cōtiene mucha dotrina de theologia: hablāndo | de Dios: & mucha filosofia moral & natural hablando de sus criaturas. Va acopañada de | grandes secretos de astrologia: mediina: cirugia: geometria: musica & cosmografia. Cō | otras sciencias en. xx. libros siguientes. | [The following descriptions of the various books are arranged in three columns.] | [Dark C] Libro. j. dēdios & esencia. | El. iii. dios āgeles buēos& malos | El. iii. del anima. | El. iiii. ōlos hūores y cieētos. |El. v. del hōbre y fus partes | El. vi. delas hedades | El. vii. delas eufermades | El. viii. ōl cielo y mūdo & plāetas | [Column two starts:] El. nouens del tiempo. | El. x. dela materia & forma. | El. xi. del ayre & sus impresiones | El. xii. delas aues. | El. xiii. delas aguas | El. xiiii. dela rierra & mōtañas | E. xv. delas pronicias ōl mūdo | E. xvi. delas piedras & metales. | [Start of column three:] El. xvii. ōlof ardōles plātas & ycrūas | El. xviii. delos animales. | El diez & nueue delos colores: olo | res: sabores: licores: & ōlos hucudo | El. xx. & vlrimo delos numeros:& | delas medidas & pesos & instiru= | mentos y sones. | [End of columns.] Lo qualtodo porsus caplos largamēre se veraporla tabla.

2°: A6 2A8 B-Y8 a-v8 x4; 346l.; no pagination. Title in red and black, title vignette, woodcut illustrations, double column, captial spaces with guide letters and paragraph marks. Printed in 1529 in Toledo by Gaspar de Avila, at the cost of Joan Thomas Fabio.

Colophon: Aquise acaba el catholico & muy prouechoso libro delas propiedades de todas las cosa transladado de latin en romance. Por el reuerendo padre fray Vincente de burgos, y agora nueuamente corregido & ynpreso enla imperial ciudad de Toledo, en casa de Gaspar de auila ynpresor de libros, a costa y espensas del noble varon Ioan thomas fabio milanes vezino de Segouia: Acado se a diez dias del mes de Iulio, del año de mil & quinientos veynte y nueue años.

Rare. Translated by the priest, Vincente de Burgos from a Latin edition of De propietatibus rerum.

Bibliographical references: Anderson, Illustrated History of the Herbals, 1997: 59-65. Hoover Collection: no. 94. NLM 16th Century Books (Durling): no. 477. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157782]. Shaaber, English Seventeenth Century Imprints, 1978: B-83. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 46.

English editions

42. English, 1495 [Translation, First edition].
De Proprietatibus Rerum ... [Westminster:] Wynkyn de Worde, [about 1495].

2 vols. [Vol 1] 2°: A6 B8 b6 c-z8 [et]6 [con]8; 202l.; no pagination or foliation. Two columns, 42 lines, capital spaces. The xylographic title is cut in a single block and is printed with white letters on a black ground. The block is repeated on the verso of signiature oo6. [Vol 2] 2°: A-U8 X-Z6 aa-cc8 dd-gg6 hh-mm8 nn4 oo6; 276l.; no pagination or foliation. Two columns, 42 lines, capital spaces, 9 woodcuts. Page size: 311 x 214 mm.

Contents: [Vol 1] Folios, 1r, Xylographic title, with white letters on black background: "Bartholomeu{\OldSquiggle} de | proprietatibz re[old aux]."; 1v, "In noie patris & filii & spūssācti .ā. | Assit principio sancta maria meo. | [C3]Rosse was made all of red | ..."; 2r, col. 1 (signed A2): "Prologue of the translatour. | [T3]Rue it is. that after the noble & | experte doctryne of wyse & well | lernyd. Philosophers. ..."; 3r (signed A3): Woodcut, followed by, "Incipt liber .i. de. trinitate & de. capl'is istorū librorū sequenc."; 202r, col. 2, line 5: "...[Dark C] But this that is sayd shal | fussyse at this tyme/ After thise forsayd bokes thus treated. we shall procede by | the helpe of Jhesu in the twelfth boke. and soo of the other," followed by a printer's mark.; 202v, Blank.

[Vol 2] Folios, 1r, Woodcut, followed by, "Incipit liber .xij. de Auib9 in | generali et speciacili .Ca. J | [F6]Or the treatise is ended | of the proprytees of the | ayre and of thyges that | ben gendryd therin/ ..."; 273v, col. 2, line 27 (signed oo3): "... That is the hyghe god | and gloryous lyuynge and reynynge e= | uer more wythout ende. AMEN. | [E]ndlesse grace. blysse. thankyng & pray | syng vnto our lorde god Omnipotent | be gyuen by whoos ayde and helpe this | manflacōn was endyd at Berkeleye the | fyrte daye of feuerer. the yere of our lor | de .M.CCC.lxxxxviij. the yere of {\ea{y}} rey | ne of Kynge Rycharde the seconde after | the Conqueste of Englonde .xxij. The | yere of my lordes aege fyre Thomas lor |de of Berkeleye that made me to make | this Translacōn. xlvij."; 274r, col. 1 (signed oo4): "[Dark C] Thyse ben the Auctours that ben | alledgyd in thyse sorsayd bokes."; 274v, "Prohemium Bartholomei | de proprietatibus rerum."; 276r, Printer's mark.; 276v, Xylographic title repeated with the white on black wording, "Bartholomeu{\OldSquiggle} de | proprietatibz re[old aux]."

Very rare. Translation by John Trevisa [see note below] of De Propietatibus Rerum and printed from a manuscript copy by Wynkyn de Worde [see notes below]. The 19 woodcut illustrations in the text are based on those in the Dutch 1485 edition and various French editions published in Lyon.

This is the first English book printed entirely on paper made in England. The "chancery" size format was manufactured by John Tate (so credited in the colophon) at the first English mill established in the 1490's. In the nineteenth century a copy of Trevisa's manuscript was presented to the library at Columbia University by George Plimpton. It is described as an "English manuscript on vellum, of 388 leaves, England, circa 1440. It is John of Trevisa's translation of Bartholomaeus' comprehensive thirteenth century encyclopedia and bears printers' marks throughout, indicating that type was set from this copy for the first edition printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde in 1495."

John de Trevisa. (Born: Crocadon, in St. Mellion, near Saltash, Cornwall, England, 1362; Died: Berkeley, England, 1412) English translator. Trevisa was a fellow of Exeter College, Oxford from 1362 to 1369. Later he became a fellow of Queen's College, but was expelled in 1379 by the Archbishop of York for unworthiness. Prior to 1387, he entered into the service of Thomas, 4th Baron of Berkeley, as chaplain and vicar of Berkeley. Trevisa was not an original writer, but a diligent translator, whose works became the source for many English incunabulum.

Wynkyn de Worde. (Born: Worth, Alsace, France,      ; Died: London, England?, 1534?) French printer & stationer. His real name was Jan van Wynkyn (`Worde' being merely a place name). As a young man, he came to England and was employed as an apprentice in the printing establishment of William Caxton. He probably accompanied Caxton to Bruges in 1476. In 1491, after Caxton's death, Wynkyn took over the printing business in Westminster. Between 1493 and 1500, Wynkyn issued at least 110 different works. This remarkable output continued until his death making his press more prolific than any other printer in operation before 1600.

Bibliographical references: Duff, Fifteenth Century English Books, 1917: no. 40. Goff: no. B-143. GW: no. 3414. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 2520. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 154.1. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157741]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 4144. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 9725. Stillwell, Awakening Interest in Science, 1970: 4, 595. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 41. (Trevisa) DNB: 19, 1139-40. Wilkins, H.J., John Wycliffe and John de Trevisa, London, 1915. (Worde) BBA: I 1196, 137-146. DNB: 21, 914-6. Grabhorn, R., A short account of the life and work of Wynkyn de Worde, with a leaf from the Golden legend, printed by him at the Sign of the Sun in Fleet Street, London, the year 1527, San Francisco, The Book Club of California, 1949. Moran, J., Wynkyn de Worde, father of Fleet Street, London, Wynkyn de Worde Society, 1976. Plomer, H.R., Wynkyn de Worde & his contemporaries from the death of Caxton to 1535; a chapter in English printing, London, Grafton & Co., 1925. Waller, Dictionary of Universal Biography, 1857-63. Watt, Bibliotheca Britannica, 1824. WBI.

43. English, 1535 [Translation, 2nd edition].
Anno . M . D . XXXV. | Bertholome Vs De | Proprietati Bvs | Rervm. | Londini In Ædibvs Tho- | mæ Bertheleti Re- | gii Impressoris. | Cvm Privilegio A Re- | ge Indvlto.

2°: [fleuron]8 A-Zz6 a-s6 t4; 396l.; [16] p., CCCLXXXVI (i.e., CCCLXXXVIII; Folio CCCLXXXVIII misnumbered CCCLXXXVI) l., illus., title in red and black, title vignette, double column.

Rare. Translated by John Trevisa. Called the second English edition.

Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 94. NLM 16th Century Books (Durling): no. 476. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157745]. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 43.

De Proprietatibus Rerum, 1582

44. English, 1582 [Translation, 3rd edition].
[Contained within an ornamental border:] Batman | vppon Bartholome, | His Booke | De Proprietatibus Rerum, | Newly corrected, enlarged and amended: | with such Additions as are requi= | site, vnto euery seuerall | Booke: | Taken foorth of the most appproued Authors, the like here- | tofore not translated in English. | Profitable for all Estates, as well for benefite of | the Mind as the Bodie. | 1582. | London | Imprinted by Thomas East, Dwel- | ling by Paules wharfe.

8°: π2 ¶¶66 B-Cccc6; ??l.; [28], 426 numbered leaves, illus. Title within an ornamental border.

Rare. Edited by Stephan Batman [see note below].

East, Thomas, 1540?-1608?, printer.

Facsimile reprint, 1976: Bartholomaeus Anglicus: Batman vppon Bartholme: His Booke De Proprietatibus Rerum Edited with an introduction and a new index by J. Schaefer. London, 1976. 8°: xxxiv, 441 p., Facsimile reprint of the 1582 edition, Anglistica & Americana Series, No. 161.

Stephen Batman. (Born:      ; Died: Leedes, Kent, England?, 1584) English theologian. Batman attended Cambridge where he gained a reputation as a learned man and an excellent preacher. After graduation, he was selected by the Archbishop as a domestic chaplain, and employed him in collection of the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. In 1573, he was appointed rector of Merstham in Surrey. In 1582 he was one of the domestic chaplains of Henry Cary, Lord Hunsdon. He resided for some time at Leedes, in Kent.

Bibliographical references: Mengel, Catalogue of the Ellis Collection, 1972-83: no. 177. NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157748]. Shaaber, English Seventeenth Century Imprints, 1978: B-82. Voigt, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 1910: no. 43. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 695. (Batman) DNB: 1, 1334.

45. English, 1893.
Mediæval Lore. An epitome of the science, geography, animal and plant folk-lore and myth of the Middle Age: Being classified gleanings from the encyclopedia of Bartholomew Anglicus on the properties of things. Edited by Robert Steele. With a preface by William Morris ... London, Elliot Stock, 1893.

8°: x, 154, [2] p., [2] adverts. p.

Very scarce. Translated from the Latin by John de Trevisa. "Sources": p. 139-143. Bibilography: p. 145-146.

Trevisa, John, d. 1402, tr. / Steele, Robert, 1860-1944, ed.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157754].

46. English, 1905.
Mediaeval lore from Bartholomaeus Anglicus. London, Alexander Moring, ltd., 1905.

8°: xv, 195 p., frontispiece.

Very scarce. With added series title, engraved, and second half-title. Translated from the Latin by John Trevisa. "Sources": p. 173-180. Bibliography: p. [181] -184.

Trevisa, John, d. 1402, tr. / Steele, Robert, 1860-1944. / Morris, William, 1834-1896.

Reissued: 1907 and 1924.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 37, 427-30 [NB 0157755].
