Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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(1585 – 1629)

(Born: Malmö, Schonen, Denmark [now Sweden], 12 February 1585; Died: Sorø, Denmark, 13 July 1629) Danish physician.

Bartholin was the father of both Thomas and Erasmus. He was educated at Universities of Copenhagen, Rostock and Wittenberg in Germany. After graduation he established a medical practice in Wittenburg. Bartholin was appointe a professor eloquence, than of medicine at the University of Copenhagen, 1613-24. He also accepted a post as rector of the University in 1618.

Biographical references: DSB: 1, 479-83 [by W. Snorrason]. Poggendorff: 1, cols. 108-9. Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 296. World Who's Who in Science: 119.

1. Latin, 1628.
De Corporibus Perfecte Mixtis Inanimatis seu Metallis, Lapidibus et Mineralibus Mediis. Hafniæ, [1628].


Extremely rare. No copy of this title has been traced. Possibly one of a series of 10 tracts in, Systema Physicum (Havniæ, Sartorius, 1628; 8°: xvi, 1312 p.).

Bibliographical references: LKG: XII 1.

2. Latin, 1628.
Caspari | Bartholini | Opuscu- | la Qvatouor | Singvlaria: | I. De Unicornu | ejusqz affinibus & succedaneis. | II. De Lapide Ne- | phritico, & Amuletis præcipuis. | III. De Pygmæis. | IV. Consilium De | Studio Medico inchoando, con- | tinuando & absolvendo. | Cum Gratia & Privilegio. | [rule] | Hafniæ, | Excudebat Georgius Hantzschius | Anno Epoche Christianæ, 1628.

4 parts bound in one. 8°: A-G8 2A8 Bb-Cc8 Aaa-Eee8; ??l.; [8], 48, [1], 29, [2 blank], 29 (i.e., 30), [1], 8, [1]l. Each of the separate parts has its own title page.

Rare. The De Lapide Nephritico is recorded by LKG to also have been published in Amsterdam, 1678.

Bibliographical references: Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, 50. LKG: XVI 359. NUC: 37, 411. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 422. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 691.

3. Latin, 1704.
Caspari Bartholini Thom. F. De Glossopetris, Disputatio Physica, qvam Deo opt: max: favente in Hagia Universitate Hafniensi Public & tuebuntur lectisnimi & præstantissimi laureæ primæ philosophiæ canditati die XXIV. April ... Havniæ, Ex Typographeo Reg. Majest. & Universit., 1704.

4°: [2], 10 p.

Rare. Describes fossilized shark's teeth.

Bibliographical references: LKG: XVII 112. NUC: 37, 412.
