BARBA, Alvaro Alonso.
(1569 – 1662)
Barba entered church and became priest at Tarabuco, South America, c1609. He resided at Lepas, Peru, 1617. Then he became pastor of St. Bernards at Potosi, Columbia, a rich mining district. While there, Barba began studying the minerals, mining, and refining processes of the mines in the district. The whole of his knowledge he recorded in his Arte De Los Metales (1st ed., Madrid, 1640), which was kept as secret as possible by the Spaniards. He was the probable discoverer of process for extraction of gold, silver and copper by boiling ore with salt solution and mercury in copper vessel, c1607.
Biographical references: ABE: I 94, 413-421; II 108, 79-111. Barnadas, J.M., Alvaro Alonso Barba (1569-1662): investigaciones sobre su vida y obra. La Paz, Bolivia, Biblioteca Minera Boliviana, 1986. [i]-xvii, [1]-283 p., illus., facsim.\ [Published as: Biblioteca Minera Boliviana. no. 3; bibliography, p. 273-283.]. DSB: 1, 448-9 [by C.S. Smith]. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 70. ISIS, 1913-65: 1, 108. López Piñero, Diccionario Histórico, 1983: 1, ??. Maffei & Rua Figuera, Bibliografía Mineral, 1871-2: 1, 61-6. Picatoste, Biblioteca Científica Española, 1891: 21-3. Poggendorff: 1, col. 97. Sarjeant, Geologists, Suppl. 1, 1986: 1, 269-70 & Suppl. 2 (1996), 1, 410. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 107.
1. Spanish, 1640 [First edition].
[Contained within an ornamental border:] Arte | De Los Metales | En Qve Se Enseña El | verdadero beneficio de los de oro, y | plata por açogue. | El Modo De Fvndirlos Todos, | y como se han de refinar, y apartar | vnos de otros. | Compvesto Por El Licenciado | Albaro Alonso Barba, natural de la villa de Lepe, en la | Andaluzia, Cura en la Imperial de Potosí, de la | Parroquia de S. Bernardo. | [ornament] | Con Privilegio. | En Madrid. En la Imprenta del Reyno. | [rule] | Año M. DC. XXXX.
4°: ¶4 A-P8; 124l.; [8] p., Folios I-120, title vignette, text diagrams, ornamental initials and head- and tailpieces. The folios of the text are printed on the recto side only. Page size: 194 x 140 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], "Suma del priuilegio."; [1 pg], "Aprovacion."; [1 pg], "Aprovacion De Los."; [1 pg], "Al svpremo Y Real Consoio. | de las Indias, el Presidente de | la Plata."; [2 pgs], "Al Señor Don Ivan de ..."; Folios I-115r, Text.; Folio 115v, Blank.; Folios 116-120r, "Indice De Los | libros, y capitulos continidos | en este tratado."; Folio 120v, Blank.
Very rare. The first significant book in Spanish on metals, minerals and mines of the New World. As a handbook on the mineral riches of the new territories, this title was banned by the Inquisition and severely limited in this its first printing, and consequently is a rarely encountered title. This book is complete with descriptions, practical directions, explanations, and illustrations of equipment for smelting gold, silver and copper. It was the first significant treatise on metals and minerals written in Spanish, and one of the few seventeenth century work's that was largely orginal. Barba advocated the laboratory control of the entire plant process, as well as computation of all costs associated with metal recovery. He describes in-depth his newly invented process of treating silver and gold ores with a mercury amalgamation in a copper vessel, to enhance metal recovery. It describes the fabulous wealth of the Spanish possessions in the New World, and as such the Spanish government attempted to keep Barba's book and methods secret. However, in 1669, the English ambassador, the Earl of Sandwich got a hold of a copy and published an English translation in 1670 that resulted in a large number of editions and translations. This work describes the amalgamation process used in Potosi, giving detailed accounts of ores and minerals of South America. Also covers the generation and origin of metals. The illustation shows a balance in a glass case, the first such illustration.
The editions of 1630 and 1639, recorded by many bibliographies, are probably due to printer's error for 1640, which is the first appearance of Barba's work.
Supplement, 1967: Arte de los metales. Seguido de notas y suplementos al libro por un antiguo minero; juicios y comentarios. Prologo de Armando. Potosi, Editorial "Potosi," 1967. xlvii, 299 p., illus., facsims.
Published as part of the series: Coleccion de la Cultura Boliviana, vol. 11, Coleccion Primera, Los Escritos de la Colonia, no. 3. It contains supplementary notes, written anonymously, that were first published in 1913 in the Boletin of the Sociedad Geografica.
Reprint, 1932: Arte de los Metales en que se Ensena el Verdadero Beneficio de los de oro y plata por Acogue, el modo de Fundirlostodos, y como se han de Refinar, y Apartar unos de otros. Madrid, Imprenta del Reyno, 1640. [Madrid, Impresa en la casa C. Bermejo, 1932]. 4°: [12], 228 p.
Reprint, 1939: Arte de los metales; en que ensena el verdadero beneficio de los de oro y plata por azogue, el modo de fundirlos todos y como se han de retinar y apartar unos de otros. Compuesto por el licenciado Alvaro Alonso Barba ... La Paz, Bolivia, Imp. artistica, 1939. 8°: 7, xix, 201 p., illus. Series: Biblioteca Boliviana; Publicaciones del Ministerio de Educacion bellas Artes y Asuntos Indigenas, no. 8. [Arizona State University Library, Tempe, TN144.B2 1939].
Reprint of the first edition of 1640, with a biography of Barba (p. [i]-xix) by Gustavo Adolfo Otero and notes on the importance of the work in Chile by Jacinto Nuñez.
Reprint, 1992: Arte de los Metales ... Alvaro Alonso Barba. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1992. 228 p., illus. [ISBN: 840007226X].
Facsimile reprint of Barba's original book.
Bibliographical references: Amorós, J.L., "Notas sobre la Historia de la Mineralogia y Cristalografia. IV. La Mineralogia española en la época del Barroco: Alonso Barba", Boln. R. Soc. esp. Hist. nat. (Geologia), 61, (1963), no. 2, 167-86. BL [444.c.3.(2.)]. Calvo Rebollar, Bibliografía Mineralogía Españolas, 1999: 70-6. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 37. Hoover Collection: no. 81. Maffei & Rua Figuera, Bibliografía Mineral, 1871-2: 1, no. 177. Medina, Bibliotheca Hispano-Americana 1493-1810: no. 1010 [suggests the date of `1630' in a copy at Upsala is a printer's error because Barba did not finish the manuscript until 1637]. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106731]. NUC: 34, 432 [NB 0106722]. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: no. 23622 ["very rare"]. Picatoste, Biblioteca Científica Española, 1891: nos. 21-3. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 77. Sabin, Dictionary, 1868-1936: no. 3253. Thorndike, History of Magic, 1923-58: 7, 258-61.
2. Spanish, 1729 [2nd edition].
Arte | De Los Metales, | En Que Se Enseña | El Veradero Beneficio | De Los De Oro, Y Plata Por Azogue. | El Modo De Fundirlos Todos, | y como se han de refinar, y apartar unos de otros. | Compuesto | Por El Licenciado Alvaro Alonso Barba, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Nuevamente Aora Añadido. | Con El Tratado De Las Antiguas Minas | de España, que escriviò Don Alonso Carrillo y Laso, Cavallero | del Avito de Santiago, y Cavallerizo de Cordova. | Y Dedicado | Al Excelentissimo Señor Don Diego | Arias Davila Croy Pacheco Coloma Halluvin, Marquès de Casa. Sola. | [ornate rule] | Con Licencia. En Madrid: En la Imprenta de Bernardo Peralta. | [rule] | A costa de Francisco Assensio, Mercader de Libros de est a Corte. Halla- | ràse en su Tienda, en las Gradas de San Phelipe el Real.
4°: [4] p., 224l., [4] p., 12 woodcut illus. Page size: 216 x 146 mm.
Rare. Barba's scarce original text and illustrations on mining and metallurgy were reprinted here for the first time, almost ninety years after their first appearance. The publisher Francisco Assensio, in his dedicatory remarks, proclaims his purpose in issuing Barba's text is to assure the "perpetuity of its fame." Appended to Barba's work at page 192 is the second printing of another earlier work on the ancient mines of the Spanish empire, Alonso Carrillo y Laso's Tratado de las Antiguas Minas de España (1st ed., Madrd, 1624).
Carrillo y Laso's work, 1624: De Las Antigvas | Minas De España. | Avtor Don Alonso Carrillo | Lasso, del Abio de Sanctiago, Cauallerizo de Cordua. | Alserenissimo Infante D. Carlos. | [vignette: large coat of arms] | Con licentia, en Cordoua, Por Saluador de Cea. A. 1624. 8°: [4], 54, [2] p.
Alonso Carrillo Lasso. (Born: c1582; Died: Córdoba, Spain?, 1628) Spanish lawyer. Little is known of Laso, other than he was born the son of an illustrious lawyer and writer, Don Fernando.
Bibliographical references: BL [457.c.14.]. BMC: 1, 96. Calvo Rebollar, Bibliografía Mineralogía Españolas, 1999: 66-7. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 38. Maffei & Rua Figuera, Bibliografía Mineral, 1871-2: 1, 132-3, no. 394. Medina, Bibliotheca Hispano-Americana 1493-1810: no. 2707. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106724]. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: no. 23623. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 77. (Carrillo Lasso) ABE: III 136, 119-120. • López Piñero, Diccionario Histórico, 1983: p. 115. • Maffei & Rua Figuera, Bibliografía Mineral, 1871-2: 1, 132-3. • WBI.
3. Spanish, 1770 [3rd edition].
Arte | De Los Metales, | en que se enseña | el verdadero beneficio | de los de oro, y plata por azogue. | El Modo De Fundirlos Ttodos, | y como se han de refinar, | Y Aparta Unos De Otros. | Compuseto | Por El Licenciado Alvaro Alonso Barba, | natural de la Villa de Lepe, en la Andalucì, Cura en la | Imperial de Potosì de la Parroquia | de San Bernardo. | Nuevamente Ahora Añadido | Con El Tratado De Las Antiguas Minas | de España, que escribiò Don Alonso Carrillo y Laso, | Caballero del Avito de Santiago, y Caballerizo | de Cordova. | [ornament] | Con Licencia. | [double rule] | Madrid en la Oficina de la Viuda de Manuel Fernandez. | Año de 1770. | A costa de Manuel de Godos, Mercader de Libros en esta Corte. Se hallarà | en su Tienda en las Gradas de San Phelipe el Real.
4°: [1]-228 (page 212 misprinted 112), [4] p., illus.
Very scarce. Essentially, this is a reprint of the 1729 edition of Barba's original text, together again with Carrillo y Laso's Tratado de las Antiguas Minas de España (1st ed., Madrd, 1624).
Another issue, c1770: Arte | De Los Metales, | En Que Se Enseña | El Veradero Beneficio | De Los De Oro, Y Plata Por Azogue. | El Modo De Fundirlos Todos, | Y Como Se Han De Refinar, | Y Apartar Unos De Otros. | Compuesto | Por El Licenciado Alvaro | Alonso Barba, natural de la Villa de Lepe, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Nuevamente Ahora Añadido. | Con El Tratado De Las Antiguas Minas | de España, que escribiò Don Alonso Carrillo y Laso, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [double rule] | Con Licencia. En Madrid, En La Oficina | de la Viuda de Manuel Fernandez. | Acosta de Manuel de Godes, Mercader de Libros en esta Corte. | Se ballarà en su Tienda en las Gradas de San Phelipe el Real. | [ornate rule]. 4°: [1]-228, [4] p., illus.
This issue may preceed the one dated 1770; however, with no date on the title page it is difficult to determine the sequence. It is essentially the same text as that dated 1770.
Reprint, c1925: México, Compañía Fundidora de Fierro y Acero de Monterrey, [c1925]. 4°: [4], 228 p., illus. Facsimile reprint of the 1770 edition. A special edition of 1000 copies, none for sale, by the Compañía Fundidora de Fierro y Acero de Monterrey (The Iron and Steel Company of Moterrey, Mexico). The entire book is reproduced in facsimile from a copy in the possession of the National Museum of Mexico library. Of added interest is an historical-bibliographical essay of Barba's work in its many editions.
Reprint, 1939: Madrid, Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Minas, 1939. 4°: [19], 228 p., illus. Includes facsimile of title page and introductory material of the first edition.
Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 82. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106730]. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106729]. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106726]. Picatoste, Biblioteca Científica Española, 1891: no. 53. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 77.
4. Spanish, 1817 [4th edition].
Arte | De Los Metales, | En Que Se Enseña | El Verdadero Beneficio | De Los De Oro Y Plata Por Azogue: | El Modo De Fundirlos Todos, | Y Como Se Han De Refinar | Y Apartar Unos De Otros. | Compuesto | Por El Licenciado Alvaro Alonso Bar- | ba, natural de la villa de Lepe en la Andolucía, cura | en la Imperial de Potosí de la parroquia de | San Bernardo. | Nuevamente Ahora Añadido | Con El Tratado De Las Aniguas Mi- | nas de España, que escribió Don Alonso Carrillo y | Laso, Caballero del habito de Santiago, y | Caballerizo de Córdova. | Reimpreso Por El Real Tribunal De | Minería De Esta Capital, De {OD3;}rden Del Excmo Sr Virey. | Lima 1817. | [rule] | In La Imprenta de Los Huérfanos.
4°: π2 2-702 711; 141l.; [4], 1-271, [7] p., 12 half page copper engravings. Page size: 192 x 126 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Aprobacio De Los Diputados De La | villa de Potos{\v \i} / Prologo."; I-271, Text.; [7 pgs], "Tabla De Los Capitulos Que Se ..."
Rare. First printing of Barba's text in the Americas, published for the Royal Tribunal of Mining in Lima by order of the Viceroy. Following Barba's text is Alonso Carrillos y Laso's Tratado Curioso, Descripcion Breve de las Antiguas Minas de España (1st ed., Cordova, 1624), the first time that this historical treatise was published in the New World.
Reprint, 1924: Arte de los metales y descripcion general de los minerales existentes en las provincias que están bajo la Real audiencia de las Charcas y etras más. Compuesto por el licenciado Alvaro Alonso Barba ... Reimpresopor el Real tribunal do minería de esta capital de orden del ... Virrey. Lima 1817. Copia fiel garantizada del orignal. Sucre, Tip. "Salesiana," 1924. 8°: cover-title, ii, [3]-76 p. Reprints the first book of the Barba's Arte de los Metales (Lima, 1817).
Bibliographical references: BL [726.f.31.]. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 39. Medina, Bibliotheca Hispano-Americana 1493-1810: no. 325. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106733]. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106727]. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: no. 23626. Sabin, Dictionary, 1868-1936: no. 3253.
5. Spanish, 1877 [5th edition].
Arte de los Metales ... comuesto por ... Alvaro Alonso Barba ... nuevamente abora añadido con el Tratado de las antiguas minas de España, que escribió Don Alonso Carrillo y Laso ... Santiago de Chile, Imprenta de la República de J. Nuñez, 1877.
8°: [1]-151 (i.e. 251) p., illus.
Very scarce. Reset reprint edition of Barba's Arte de los Metales (1st ed., 1640) and Carrillo y Laso's Tratado de las Antiguas Minas (1st ed., Cardova, 1624).
Bibliographical references: NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106728].
English Editions
6. English, 1670 [First edition].
[Contained within a single rule box:] The | First Book | Of The | Art of Mettals, | In which is | Declared the manner | Of Their | Generation; | And The | Concomitants | of Them. | [rule] | Written in Spanish by Albaro Alonso | Barba, Master of Art, born in the | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Translated into English in the Year 1669. | [rule] | London, | Printed for S. Mearne, Bookbinder to the | Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1670.
[Within a single rule box:] The | Second Book | Of The | Art of Mettals, | Wherein is | Taught the Common Way | Of | Refining Silver | By | Quicksilver, | With | Some New Rules | added for the | better performance of the same. | [rule] | Written in Spanish by Albaro Alonso | Barba, Master of Art, born in the | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Translated into English. | [rule] | London, | Printed for S. Mearne, Bookbinder to the | Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1670.
2 parts sometimes bound in one volume. [Part 1] 8°: A-I8 K7; 79l.; [2], 1-156 p.; [Part 2] 8°: A-E8 F7; 47l.; [2], 1-91, [1] p., one plate (page 88, showing furnaces).
Contents: [Part 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; 1-156, Text (errata, p. 156).
[Part 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; 1-91, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.
Rare. Translated by the Right Honorable Edward, Earl of Sandwich from Arte De Los Metales (1st ed., Madrid, 1640). As ambassador to Spain, the Earl managed to obtain a copy of the supressed Spanish original of Barba's important text on mining and metallurgy in the New World. He translated the first two of the five books, and had them published as two separate volumes. Unfortunately, the translator lacked technical knowledge, and the text is considerably flawed. None the less, it was this translation that was reprinted several times and used as the foundation for the German and French editions.
English, 1923: El Arte De Los Metales | (Metallurgy) | Translated from the Spanish of | Alvaro Alonzo Barba | By | Ross E. Douglass | And | E.P. Mathewson | New York | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | London: Chapman & Hall, Limited | 1923. 8°: [i]-ix, [1], [1]-288 p., plates.
Contents: [Plate: "Church of San Bernardo, Potosí (Bolivia)...", verso facsimile reproduction of a Barba title page (odd c1770 edition)].; [i-ii], Title page, verso "Copyright, 1923."; iii-v, "Preface."; [vi], Blank.; vii-ix, "Table of Contents."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-276, Text of translation.; [277]-288, "Index."
{\rscapsrm Scarce}. English translation by Ross E. Douglass and E.P. Mathewson of the El Arte De Los Metales (Madrid, 1729). "Our aim has been to reproduce faithfully the phraseology of the author" (Preface). This is the only English translation of Barba's complete text. The 1670 translation was only of the first two books and is of little value since the Earl of Sandwich lacked technical knowledge.
Mountagu Edward, First Earl of Sandwich. (Born: 1625; Died: 1672) English nobility & ambassador. Sandwich was an admiral and general at sea, who distinguished himself at Naseby and the storming of Bristol in 1645. He resigned his command in 1659, but was reappointed in 1660. He sailed to Holland to convey Charles II to England. He was created Earl of Sandwich in 1660. He negotiated the marriage between Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, receiving the surrender of Tangier and conducting the queen to England in 1661. In 1666, he was appointed ambassador extraordinary to Madrid, where he successfully concluded a treaty with Spain. He was second in command of the fleet at the outbreak of war with the Dutch in 1672, and was subsequently blown up with his ship, when the fleet was surprised at Solebay. His body is buried at Westminster Abbey.
Bibliographical references: BL [987.b.25.]. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106741]. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106732]. Sabin, Dictionary, 1868-1936: no.. 3254. Wing: B677. (Sandwich) BBA: I 779, 287-289. • DNB. • WBI.
7. English, 1674 [2nd edition].
[Contained within a single rule box:] The | Art of Metals, | In which is | Declared the manner| of their | Generation, | and the | Concomitants | Of Them. | [rule] | In Two Books. | [rule] | Written in Spanish by Albaro Alonso Barba, | Master of Art, Curate of St. Bernards | Parish in the Imperial City of Potosi, | in the Kingdom of Peru in the West- | Indies, in the Year, 1640. | [rule] | Translated in the Year, 1669. | By the R.H. Edward Earl of Sandwich. | [rule] | London: Printed for S. Mearne, Sationer to | the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1674.
[Within a single rule box:] The | Second Book | of the | Art of Mettals, | Wherein is | Taught the Common Way | of | Refining Silver | By | Quicksilver | with | Some New Rules added for the | better performance of the same. | [rule] | Written in Spanish by Albaro Alonso Barba, | Master of Art, Curate of St. Bernards | Parish in the Imperial City of Potosi, | in the Kingdom of Peru in the West- | Indies, in the Year, 1640. | [rule] | Translated in the Year, 1669. | By the R.H. Edward Earl of Sandwich. | [rule] | London: Printed for S. Mearne, Bookbinder to | the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1674.
2 parts in one volume. [Part 1] 8°: A-K8; 80l.; [4], 1-156 p.; [Part 2] 8°: A-E8 F7; 47l.; [2], 1-91, [1] p., one plate (page 88, showing furnaces, 5 figs.). Page size: 148 x 92 mm.
Contents: [Part 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "The | Preface."; 1-156, Text.;
[Part 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; 1-91, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.
Rare. This popular book is here reprinted from the first English edition of 1670 with new title pages to both volumes, which are usually found bound together in this edition.Although Duveen, amongst other bibliographers, calls this edition 'the first complete edition of the Earl of Sandwich's translation of the first American book on metallurgy', it is the second edition in English, the rarer issue with a collective title for both parts, instead of a title announcing the first book. It first appeared in English in 1670, with the same collation, also printed by Mearne, having been published first in Spanish in 1640.
Bibliographical references: BL [446.a.25.(3.)]. BMC: 6, 56. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 40. Hoover Collection: no. 83. Norman Catalog: 1, 1, no. 115. Norman Sale Catalog: no. 269. NUC: 34, 432 [NB 0106717 & 0106743]. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: no. 23630. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 77. Sabin, Dictionary, 1868-1936: no. 3254. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 2, p. 96. Wing: B-678.
8. English, 1738.
A | Collection | Of Scarce and Valuable | Treatises, | Upon | Metals, Mines, and Minerals. | [rule] | In Four Parts. | [rule] | Part I. and II. | Containing the Art of Metals, Writ- | ten originally in Spanish. By teh learned | ALbaro Alonso Barba, Director | of the Mines at Potosi, in the Spanish | West-Indies. Translated by the Earl of | Sandwich, in the Year 1669. | Part III. | Containing that Invaluable Piece of | Mr G. Platees, viz. a Discovery of | all Sorts of Mines from Gold to Coal. | Part IV. | Houghton's Compleat Miner. | [rule] | London, | Printed by C. Jephson, in West-Smithfield, | For Olive Payne, at Horace's Head in Round- | Court in the Strand. MDCCXXXVIII.
8°: [10], [1]-170, [9], [172]-215, [4], 1-66, [2] p., illus. Each part except the first has a special title page. Parts II-IV have the imprint, London, 1737-1738. Part IV has separate paging. Includes glossary. A publisher's advertisement (2 p.) occurs at the end.
Contents: [Part 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "The | Preface" followed by an advertisement.; [6 pgs], "The | Contents."; [1]-104, Text.
[Part 2] [105], Title page.; [106], Blank.; 107-170, Text.
[Part 3] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs], "To The | Reader."-signed G.P.; [2 pgs], "The | Contents."; [1 pg], Advertisement of books for sale.; [172]-215, Text.
[Part 4] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "To All | Miners | and | Maintainers Of Mines"-signed Thomas Houghton.; 1-60, Text.; 1 (i.e., 61)-66, "An | Explanation | of the | Miners | Terms of Art | Used in this | Book."; [2 pgs], "Books lately published."
Scarce. This is a collection of three separate treatises concerned with mineralogy, mining and metallurgy that had each previously been separately published. The first edition of this collected edition was published in 1738. In 1739 and again in 1740, to meet public demand, the work was again reissued. Although not indicated in the text, chapters 1-60 are a translation of the first two parts of Barba's treatise and chapters 61-72 are a reprint of Plattes' work.
[A]. Albaro Alonso Barba. In 1640, the Arte De Los Metales was published at Madrid in a very small edition. It is the first description of the silver mines, minerals and metallurgical processes of the New World, primarily in the area of Bolivia and Peru. Contained therein are descriptions of how the rich veins formed and their look, taste and smell. Various properties of metals and stones are discussed together with observations on how other veins might be located, most particularly gold and silver. Copper, iron, lead, tin, mercury are also described. The work then goes into the various methods for the refining of the ores to pure metals, including the importance of sorting, grinding, roasting, and fluxes used when heating. The most important observation is Barba's announcement of a process for the extraction of gold, silver and copper by boiling ore with salt solution and mercury in a copper vessel. This was a discovery that allowed the mines of the New World to operate with greater efficiency in filling the Spanish treasury.
The Spanish government considered any publication dealing with the New World to be a state secret-Barba's work especially so, since it dealt with the mineral wealth. Consequently, to keep the secret better, the first edition of 1640 was printed in a very small edition. In addition, the penalty for the unauthorized sale of a copy of Barba's 1640 work was a certain and painful death by the Inquisition. However, this did not stop the Earl of Sandwich from smuggling a copy out of Spain, and publishing the first English edition in 1670. Probably since the English Crown did not want to provoke a diplomatic incident with Spain, this English edition was also published in a small number. It was not until the translation of Barba's work appeared in these collected editions, that it became available to a large readership.
[B]. Gabriel Plattes. Plattes work, A Discovery of all Sorts of Mines from Gold to Coal was originally published as a very rare separate book in London in 1639 under the title, A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure, viz. Of all manner of Mines and Mineralls, from Gold to the Coale. However, it is far more common to find it bound within an edition of these collected works. It is an interesting treatise on mineralogy, and considered the first useful text in English on metallurgical matters. The short tract contains a wealth of factual information illustrated by the author's own experiments. The work also is interesting for its account of the gold and silver mines in New England, Virginia and the Bermudas, as well as other parts of America. Besides dealing in great detail with assaying, the author provides a recipe by which he claims to have produced pure gold, but at a cost greater than the value obtained. One chapter is devoted to all kinds of vegetable dyes, which Plattes preferred to mineral dyes.
[C]. Thomas Houghton. First published in 1681 under the title, Rara Avis in Terris: or, the Com-pleat Miner, this work was reprinted as an independent entity several times before it appeared in this collected edition. This book is important as the first published statement on English mining laws and customs as used by the lead miners in Derbyshire. Houghton claims of the second book, "the art of dialling and levelling grooves, a thing greatly desired by all miners, being a subject never before written by any." A dictionary clarifying mining terms is appended.
Reissue, 1739: A collection of scarce and valuable Treatises upon Metals, Mines, and Minerals ... Part I. and II. Containing the Art of Metals, Written originally in Spanish. By ... Albaro Alonso Barba, Director of Mines at Potasi, in the Spanish West-Indies. Translated by the Earl of Sandwich, in the year 1669. Part III. Containing that Invaluable Piece of Mr. G. Plattes, viz. A Discovery of all Sorts of Mines from Gold to Coal. Part IV. Houghton's Compleat Miner. London, 1739. 8°: xii, 215, [4], [66] p., illust., one plate.
Gabriel Plattes. (Born: 1600?; Died: London, England, 1655?) English scientist. Practically nothing is known of Plattes. He is thought to be of Dutch extraction, and he was an author on agricultural subjects. His notable work on the subject is A Discovery of Infinite Treasure (London, 1639). He was an original thinker and thorough scientist, who insisted on practical experimentation to confirm hypothesis. Though described as the "original genius in husbandry," he was neglected in his lifetime. Despite his poverty, he refused to beg for money and eventually died of starvation. His body was found in the street.
Thomas Houghton. (Born: ; Died: ) English author. An English writer on mining and legal matters.
Bibliographical references: Amorós, J.L., "Notas sobre la Historia de la Mineralogia y Cristalografia. IV. La Mineralogia española en la época del Barroco: Alonso Barba", Boln. R. Soc. esp. Hist. nat. (Geologia), 61, (1963), no. 2, 167-86. BL [445.a.26.]. Debus, A.G., "Gabriel Plattes and his chemical theory of the formation of the earth's crust", Ambix, 9, (1961), no. 3, 162-5. Hoover Collection: no. 225. LKG: XVI 78. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106718]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 77. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 77. (Plattes) Allibone, Dictionary of English Literature, 1859-71. • BBA: I 881, 255-256. • DNB: 45, 410. • Watt, Bibliotheca Britannica, 1824. • WBI. (Houghton) BBA: I 575, 339. • Watt, Bibliotheca Britannica, 1824. • WBI.
9. English, 1739.
A collection of scarce and valuable Treatises upon Metals, Mines, and Minerals ... Part I. and II. Containing the Art of Metals, Written originally in Spanish. By ... Albaro Alonso Barba, Director of Mines at Potasi, in the Spanish West - Indies. Translated by the Earl of Sandwich, in the year 1669. Part III. Containing that Invaluable Piece of Mr. G. Plattes, viz. A Discovery of all Sorts of Mines from Gold to Coal. Part IV. Houghton's Compleat Miner. London, 1739.
8°: xii, 215, [5], [66] p., illus., one plate. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 226. Kress Catalogue: S-3591. NUC: 34, 432. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: nos. 23632 & 23633. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 115.
10. English, 1740.
A | Collection | Of Scarce and Valuable | Treatises | upon | Metals, Mines, and Minerals. | Containing | [Items I to VI set in two columns, separated by a vertical rule.] I. Curious Observations on | Mines and the several Mi- | nerals produced; with plain | Directions and Rules for | finding them in all Coun- | tries. | II. The Art of Melting, Re- | fining and Assaying all Sorts | of Metals, whereby any | Person at a small Charge | may try the Value of such | Oars [!] as shall be found, ei- | ther by Rule or Accident. | With Instructions for Sort- | ing of Oar. | III. Real Experiments, to try | whether any Piece offer'd for | Gold be true or counterfeit, | what Colour any Berry, | Leaf, Flower, Stalk, Root, | Fruit, Seed, Bark or Wood | will give. With an infalli= | ble Method of preparing | Colours, which shall neither | stain nor fade like Ordinary | Colours. | IV. The Common Way of Re- | fining Silver by Quicksilver. | With some new Rules added | for the better Preformance. | V. An Invaluable Discovery | of all Sorts of Mines from | Gold to Coal. | Also, The | Compleat Miner, with the | Liberties, Laws and Customs | of the Lead Mines within | the Wapentake of Wirks- | worth in Derbyshire, in Fifty | Nine Articles, being all that | were ever made. | VI. The Art of Dyalling, or | Levelling Grooves, greatly | desired by all Miners: Be- | ing a Subject never wrote | on before, with an Expla- | nation of the Miners Terms | of Art, and several other | curious Particulars. | Being, A Translation from the Learned | Albaro Alonso Barba, Director of the | Mines at Potosi, in the Spanish West Indies, and the | Observations of several Ingenuous Persons of our | own Country, founded on many Years Experience. | The Second Edition. | London: | Printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass | on London-Bridge. 1740. Price bd 3s.
Rara Avis in Terris: | Or The | Compleat Miner; | In Two Books. | The First containing, | The Liberties, Laws and Customs of | the Lead Mines, within the | Wapentake of Wirkworth in Der- | byshire; in fifty-nine Articles, be- | ing all that ever was made. | The Second teacheth | The Art of dialling and levelling Grooves; | a Thing greatly desired by all Miners; | being a Subject never written on before | by any. | With An | Explanation of the Miners Terms of Art | used in this Book. | Unius Labor, multorum Laborem allevat. | By Thomas Houghton.
8°: A8 B-O12 P4; 168l.; [16], 1-319, [1] p., engraved frontispiece showing apparatus. Page size: 164 x 94 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Books printed for James Hodges ..."; [6 pgs], "To The | Reader."-signed G.P. & "Advertisement Concerning | the present Edition."-signed J. Hodges.; [8 pgs], "The | Contents."; 1-241, Text.; [242], Blank.; [243], Title page to Houghton's Treatise.; [244], Blank.; 245-246, "To All | Miners | And | Maintainers of Mines, | ..."-signed Thomas Houghton, 12 November 1680.; 247-312, Text of Houghton's work.; 313-319, "An | Explanation | of the | Miners | Terms of Art | Used in this | Book."; [1 pg], "Books printed for James Hodges, ..." [=same advertisement as the verso of the title page].
Scarce. This work contains: Barba's Art of Metals - Platte's Discovery of Subterranean Treasure - Houghton's Rara avis in Terris or the Compeat Miner. The engraved frontispiece shows apparatus used in the distillation of mercury.
Bibliographical references: BL [957.e.43.]. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 70 & 207-8. Hoover Collection: no. 227. Kress Catalogue: S-3592. NUC: 34, 432-4. Thorndike, History of Magic, 1923-58: 7, 258-61. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 116.
11. English, 1923.
El Arte De Los Metales | (Metallurgy) | Translated from the Spanish of | Alvaro Alonzo Barba | By | Ross E. Douglass | And | E.P. Mathewson | New York | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | London: Chapman & Hall, Limited | 1923.
8°: [i]-ix, [1], [1]-288 p., plates.
Contents: [Plate: "Church of San Bernardo, Potosí (Bolivia)...", verso facsimile reproduction of a Barba title page (odd c1770 edition).; [i-ii], Title page, verso "Copyright, 1923."; iii-v, "Preface."; [vi], Blank.; vii-ix, "Table of Contents."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-276, Text of translation.; [277]-288, "Index."
Scarce. English translation by Ross E. Douglass and E.P. Mathewson of the El Arte De Los Metales (Madrid, 1729). "Our aim has been to reproducefaithfully the phraseology of the author." This is the first and only translation of all five books of Barba's text. The 1670 translation was only of the first two and is of little value since the Earl of Sandwich lacked technical knowledge.
Bibliographical references: SinkCard.
German Editions
12. German, 1676.
Albaro Alonso Barba, | Eines Spanischen Priesters und | hocherfahrnen Naturkündigers | Berg=Büchlein/ | Darinnen | Von der Metallen und Mi= | neralien Generalia und Ursprung/ wie | auch von derselben Natur und Eigenschafft/ | Mannigfaltigkeit/ Scheidung und Fein ma= | chung/ imgleich allhand Edelgesteinen/ | ihre Generation etc. außführlich und | nutzbarlich gehandelt wird. | Anfangs in Spanischer Sprache beschrie= | ben/ und in zwey Theile getheilet. | Nun aber | Allen Bergwercks=Zugethanen und | Bedienten/ ingleichen auch andern Ertz= und | Natur=Kündigern/ und der Alchimie Beflisenen | zu Dienst und Gefallen | In Teutsch übersetzet | Von | I.L.M.C. | Mit Chru Sachsischer Freyheit nicht | nach zudrucken. | [rule] | Hamburg/ | Auf Gottfried Schultzens Kosten/ | 1676.
2 vols. in one. 8°: π2 A-H8 χ1 I-M8 N-O4: 107l.; [4], [1]-128, [2], 129-204, [4] p., one plate. Ornamental initals.
Rare. Translated by Johann Lange from The First Book of the Art of Mettals (London, 1670).
Bibliographical references: BL [446.a.17.]. Hoover Collection: no. 85. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106734]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 77. VD17: 3:607213R.
13. German, 1696.
Berg-Büchlein: darinnen von der Metallen und Mineralien Generalia und Ursprung ... außführlichen und nutzbarliche gehandelt wird; Anfangs in spanische Sprache beschrieben ... nun aber ... in Teutsch übersetzt von Albaro Alonso Barba ... Hamburg, Schultze, [1696].
2 parts in one volume. 8°: [4], [1]-128, [2], 129-204, [4] p., one plate.
Very rare. Reprint of the 1676 edition, apparently a very rare book.
Bibliographical references: Darmstädter, Berg-Büchlein, 1926: p. 100.
14. German, 1726.
Albaro Alonso | Barba, | Eines Spanischen Priesters und Hocherfahrnen | Naturkündigers | Berg=Büchlein, | Darinnen | Von der Metallen und Mine= | ralien Generalia und Ursprung, wie | auch von derselben Natur und Eigenschafft, | Mannigfaltigkeit, Scheidung und Feinmachung, | ingleichen allerhand Edelgesteinen, ihrer Generation &c. | ausführlich und nutzbarlich gehandelt | wird. | Anfangs in Spanischer Sprache bescrie= | ben, und in zwey Theile getheilet; | Nun aber | Allen Bergwercks = Zugethanen | und Bedienten, ingleichen auch andern | Ertz= und Natur=Kündigern, und der Alchymie | Befliessenen zu Dienst und | Gefallen | Ins Teutsche übersetzt | von I. L. M. C. | [rule] | Franckfurt, | Bey Johann Friedrich Fleischer. | [rule] | M DCC XXVI.
2 parts in one volume. 8°: [4], 1-198 (i.e., 199), [3] p., text wood cuts. Sectional title page after page 128. Page size: 168 x 102 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Vorrede."; 1-198 (i.e., 199), Text.; [3 pgs], "Register."
Very scarce. Translation by Johann Lange, candidate for a degree in medicine ("I.L.M.C.") of The First Book of the Art of Mettals (London, 1670). In the preface, the translator encourages readers to expand their knowledge by learning something new about the New World.
Bibliographical references: Darmstädter, Berg-Büchlein, 1926: 99. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 43. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: no. 23635. Sabin, Dictionary, 1868-1936: no. 3255b.
15. German, 1739.
Albaro Alonso | Barba, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Berg-Büchlein, | Darinnen von der | Metallen und Minera= | lien Generation und Ursprung, wie | auch von derselben Natur und Eigenschafft, | Mannigfaltigkeit, Scheidung und Feinmachung, | ingleichen allerhand Edelgesteinen, ihre Generation &c. | ausführlich und nutzbarlich gehandelt wird. | Anfangs in Spanischer Sprache beschrie= | ben, und in zwey Theile getheilet; | Nun aber | allen Bergwercks=Zugethanen | und Bedienten, ingleichen auch andern | Ertz= und Natur=Kündigern, und der Al= | chymie Beflissenen zu Dienst und Gefallen | Ins Teutsch übersetzt | von | I.L.M.C. | [rule] | Franckfurt am Mayn | Bey Johan Friedrich Fleischer. | [rule] | MDCCXXXIX .
8°: [4], 198, [3] p., illus., frontispiece. Book two has a special title page. Five small woodcuts appear on page 196.
Scarce. Translated by Johann Lange from The First Book of the Art of Mettals (London, 1670).
Bibliographical references: BL [954.a.19.]. Hoover Collection: no. 85. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106736].
16. German, 1749.
Albaro Alonso | Barba, | Eines Spanischen Priesters, und Hoch= | erfahrnen Natur-K{ea{u}}ndigers | Docimasie | Oder | Probir= und | Schmeltz=Kunst, | Darinnen besonders | Von der Röst= Schmeltz= und | Scheide=Kunst/ wie auch denen hierzu | erforderlichen Oesen gehandelt wird. | Aus dem frantzösischen in das Teutsche übersetzt | Und mit einem Anhang/ | wie man die nothwendige Salia, das Ertz zu | schmeltzen/ und die Metallen zu scheiden/ machen/ | und zurichten soll/ vermehrt; | Allen Berg= Bau=Liebenden, | Ingleichen auch | andern Ertz= und Natur=Kundigern | Zum besondern Nutzen/ und Vergnügen |
heraus gegeben | Von | Matthia Godar. | Mit nothwendigen Kupfern versehen. | [rule] | Wien/ bey Peter Conrad Monath/ 1749. | [rule].
8°: )(8 A-K8; 88l.; [16], 1-155, [5] p. Page size: 170 x 105 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [8 pgs], Dedication.; [6 pgs], "Vorrede."; 1-155, Text.; [4 pgs], "Register."; [1 pg], Blank.
Scarce. Translation from Traité De L'Art Métalique (Paris, 1730). Matthias Godar's prefactory text describes the extent of Barba's fame in European scientific community. The title page mentions the "noteworthy" copperplates, cut specifically for this new German translation.
Bibliographical references: BL [990.b.6.]. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 44. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106739]. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: no. 23636.
17. German, 1763 [American issue].
Gründlicher Unterricht | Von den | Metallen, | Darinnen beschrieben wird, wie sie | werden in der Erden generirt; und was man | insgemein dabey findet. | [rule] | In zwey Büchlein. | [rule] | Vormals im Spanischen beschrie= | ben durch Albaro Alonso Barba, | Pfarrherr zu St. Bernards Kirchspiel in der | Kaiserlichen Stadt Potosi, in dem Kö= | nigreich Peru, in West=Indien; im | Jahr 1664. | [rule] | Hernach in das Engländische übersetzt durch Edward / Graff | von Sandwich. Anno 1669. | [rule] | Und nun um seiner Vortrefflichkeit willen zum | erstenmal ins Hoch=Teutsche übersetzt, und zum Druck | befördert, durch | G.R. | Dieser Kunst befliessenen. | Nebst einem neuen Anhang betreffend obige | Materie. | Ephrata: | Gedruckt durch J. Georg Zeisiger / Anno 1763.
8°: A-M8 N-P4; 108l.; [1]-198, [4], 1-14 p. Page size: 188 x 116 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3]-[4], "Vorrede."; 5-198, Text.; [4 pgs], "Allgemeines Register."; 1-14, "Zugab zum Anhang."
Rare. Translation from Barba's text contained in A Collection of Scarce and Valuable Treatises upon Metals, Mines, and Minerals (London, 1740). This is the earliest work on mining and minerals published at a colonial American press, and as such has interest as the earliest known book on mining, metallurgy and mineralogy published in the land that would become The United States of America. In this instance, the book was published at the famous press of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, known as the Brudershaft, which operated in 1763, and published only two works. The text consists of two parts. The second, has its own title page: "Das zweyte Buch, von den Metallen, darin gelehrt wird der gemeine Weg, wie man das Silber durch quecksilber reiniget: dazu etliche neue Regeln gefügt sid darin gedachte Arbeit mehr erläutert wird."
Bibliographical references: Bötte, G.J. and Tannhof, W., The First Century of German language printing in the United States of America. Göttingen, 1989. 2 vols: no. 267. Evans, American Bibliography: no. 9333. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 45. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106746]. Rink, Technical Americana, 1981: no. 769.
18. German, 1767 [German transl.].
Albaro Alonso | Barba, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Docimasie | oder | Probir= | und | Schmelz=Kunst, | darinnen besonders | von der Röst=Schmelz= und Scheide= | Kunst, wie auch den hierzu erforderlichen | Oefen gehandelt wird. | Aus dem Französischen in das Teutsche übersetzt; | und mit einem Anhang, | wie man die nothwendige Salia, das Erz zu schmelzen, | und die Metalle zu scheiden, machen | und zurichten soll, vermehret. | Allen Berg= Bau= Liebenden, | ingleichen auch | andern Erz= und Natur=Kündigern, | zum besondern Nutzen, und Vergnügen | heraus gegeben | von | Matthia Godar. | Mit nothwendigen Kupfern versehen. | [double rule] | Zu finden bey Joh. Paul Krauß, Buchhändler | in Wien. 1767.
2 vols. in one. 8°: [8], 165, [11] p., large engraved folding frontispiece and 7 engraved folding plates. Woodcut headpiece vignette on top of recto of second unnumbered leaf; small woodcut vignette at end. Rare.
Bibliographical references: BL [973.b.6.]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 78.
French Editions
19. French, 1730.
Traité | De L'Art | Métalique, | Extrait des Oeuvres d'Alvare- | Alfonse Barba, célébre Artiste | dans les Mines du Potozi, | Auquel on a joint un Memoire concernant | les Mines de France; Avec un Tarif qui | démontre les Opérations qu'il faudroit faire | pour tirer de ces Mines l'Or & l'Argent | qu'en tirolent les Romains, lora qu'ils étioent | Maltres des Gaules. | Ouvrage enrichi de Figures en Taille douce. | [ornament] | A Paris, | Chez Guillaume Saugrain, au milieu | du Quay de Gêvres, à la Croix, blanche. | [rule] | M. DCC. XXX. | Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy.
12°: ã8 e4 A-Z8 Aa-Bb8; 164l.; [24], 1-264, [40] p., folding frontispiece (shows metallurgical process), 6 folding plates, tables (p. 88). The plates occur at pages, 92, 121, 136, 147 and 216. Page size: 164 x 93 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "Traité | De L'Art | Métalique," verso "On ven chez ..."; [Folding frontispiece].; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [12 pgs], "Preface."; [8 pgs], "Table | Des Chapitres."; 1-264, Text.; [37 pgs], "Table | Des Matieres."; [3 pgs], "Approbation."
Scarce. Translated by Charles Hautin de Villars from The First Book of the Art of Mettals (London, 1670). Appended to this translation and presumably authored by the translator is a Memoir describing the gold and silver mines of France, together with several printed tables.
Another issue, 1733: Paris, Pierre Witte, Didot, 1733. 12°: [22], 264, [40] p., folding frontispiece, 7 folding plates, tables.
Bibliographical references: BL [954.b.41.]. Duveen, Bibliotheca Alchemica et Chemica, 1965: p. 43. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 70. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106759]. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106758]. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: no. 23638. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 78. Sabin, Dictionary, 1868-1936: no. 3255.
20. French, 1733.
Traite de l'art metalique extrait des oeuvres d'Alvarez Alfonse Barba, celebre artiste dans les mines du Potozi, auquel on a joint un memoire concernant les mines de France; avec un tarif
que demontre les operations qu'il faudroit faire pour tirer de ces mines l'or & l'argent qu'en tiroient les Romains, lors qu'ils etoient Maitres de Gaules. Paris, Pierre Witte, Didot, 1733.
12°: [22], 264, [40] p., folding frontispiece, 7 folding plates, tables.
Very scarce. Translated by Charles Hautin de Villars from The First Book of the Art of Mettals (London, 1670).
Bibliographical references: NUC: 34, 432-4.
21. French, 1751.
Metallurgie, ou L'art de tirer et de purifier les métaux, traduite de l'Espagnol d'Alphonse Barba avec les dissertations les plus rares sur les mines & les opérations métalliques ... Paris, Chez Pierre-Alexandre le Prieure, 1751.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 8°: xliv, 456, [16] p., one folding plate. [Vol 2] 8°: [10], 456, [20] p., one folding plate.
Scarce. Translated by Nicole Lenglet du Fresnoy [see note below] from Arte de los Metales (2nd ed., Madrid, 1729), with the dedicatory epistle signed: Gosford (Lenglet Dufresnoy's pseudonym). Also included are translations and reprints of many treatises concerning mining, minerals and metallurgy. Several of the treatises were excerpted, according to their citations, from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1665-1678. Others, also with citations, first appeared in Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, 1701-1719 and in Histoire de l'Académie, 1727-1728.
{\rscapsrm Treatise's contained in these volumes are:} Alvaro Alonso Barba,Traité de Metallurgie and Liste des Mines du Perou. - Bernardo de Vargas, Extraits sur l'Art Métallique. - Alonso Carrillo Laso de la Vega, Description abregée des Anciennes Mines d'Espagne. - Sieur de Malus, Avis des Riches Mines d'Or & d'Argent, & de toutes Especes de Metaux & Mineraux des Monts-Pyrenées. - Martine de Bertereau, Baroness de Beau Soleil, Veritable declaration ... des Riches & inestimables thresors, Nouvellement découverts dans le Royaume de France. La Restitution de Pluton. - Guillaume Granger, Paradoxe que les Metaux out vie. - Charles de Bourgueville, Sieur de Bras, Extrait des Recherches & Antiquités de la ville de Caen. - César d'Arcons, Extrait du Livre sur le flux & reflux de la Mer and Extrait de la Relation d'un gentil-homme Anglois sur un Mineral semblable à de l'Or battu en feüilles, trouvé au Mexique. - Edward Browne, Relation ... touchant les mines de Hongri, Transylvanie & Autriche and Description des Mines de Mercure de Frioul and Description des Mines des Diamants presentée ... par le grand Maréchal d'Angleterre. - Christopher Merret, Relation des Mines d'etain de Cornouaille en Angleterre. - Antoine de Jussieu, Observations sur ce qui se Pratique aux Mines d'Almaden en Espagne, pour en tirer le Mercure. - René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, Essais de l'Histoire des Rivieres & ruisseaux du Royaume qui coulent des Paillettes d'Or. - Guillaume Homberg, Remarques sur le rafinage de l'Argent. Observation sur une séparation de l'Or d'avec l'Argent par la Fonte. - Charles François de Cisternay Du Fay, Observation sur l'Or. - Antoine Amand, Méthode pour révivifier l'eau forte donnée à M. Du Fay and Opérations diverses pour la fonte et Purification des Metaux et Mineraux. - Joseph Chambon, Observations sur les Mines de Mercure, d'Or & d'Argent.
Another issue, 1752: Metallurgie ou l'art de tirer et de purifier les métaux. Traduite de l'Espagnol, avec les dissertations les plus rares sur les mines & les opérations métalliques par d'Alphonse Barba ... La Haye, de Hondt, 1752. 2 vols. Reissue of the 1751 translation by Lenglet DuFresnoy.
Nicole Lenglet Du Fresnoy. (Born: Beauvais, France, 5 October 1674; Died: Paris, France, 15 or 16 January 1755) French theologian & author. Lenglet was a longtime secretary to the ruler of Köln, Clemens von Bavaria. After his retirement he lived in the Hague, Vienna and other cities before returning to his native France.
Bibliographical references: BL [990.b.7,8.]. BL [1578/2091.]. Hoover Collection: no. 86. NUC: 34, 432-4 [NB 0106750]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 78. (Lenglet Du Fresnoy) ABF: I 644, 369-393. • Feller, Biographie Universelle, 1851. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. • Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). • Poggendorff: 1, col. 1421-2. • WBI.