ARTINI, Ettore.
(1866 – 1928)
Artini studied at Padua and Florence, receiving his Ph.D. in science from Florence in 1887. He then became an assistant at the Mining Institute of the University of Pavia where he stayed until 1893. In 1911, Artini was appointed professor of mineralogy at the technical highschool in Milan and director of the mineralogical portion of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale.
Biographical references: ABI: II 26, 251. Boll. R. Uff. geol. Ital.: 54 (1929), 16 p., portrait. Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana Roma: 47 (1928), CXLV-CLII, portrait. Dizionario Biografico Italiani: 4, 356-6. Mineralogical Magazine: 22 (1930), no. 131, 387-412, portrait. Poggendorff: 4, 41, 5, 36 & 6, 80. Repossi, E., "Gustavo Tschermak-Paolo von Groth-Ettore Artini", Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 68, (1928), 187 p. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 446. WBI.
1. Italian, 1914 [First edition].
[In black:] Manuali Hoepli | [rule] | [in red:] Prof. E. Artini | [in black:] Direttore del Museo civico di storia naturale di Milano | [rule] | I | [in red:] Minerali | [in black, rule] | Con 132 Incisioni | e 40 Tavole Cromolitografice | [vingette: rectangular coat of arms] | [in red:] Ulrico Hoepli | [in black:] Editore Libraio della Real Casa | Milano | [rule] | 1914.
8°: π8 1-268 273; 219l.; [i]-xv, [1], [1]-422, 40 folding chromolithographic plates of minerals showing 169 specimens. Title in red and black. Page size: 147 x 102 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Blank.; [iii-iv], Half title page, "I Minerali," verso blank.; [v-vi], Title page, verso "Propretà Letteraria. Milano - Tipografia Umberto Allegretti - via Orti 2."; [vii]-xi, "Indice Sistematico."; [xii], Blank.; [xiii]-xv, "Prefazione."-signed Ettore Artini, February 1914.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-2, "Introduzione."; [3], "Parte Prima. Mineralogia Generale."; [4], Blank.; [5]-111, "Capitolo I. Proprietà morfologische dei minerali."; [112]-154, "Capitolo II. Proprietà fisiche dei minerali."; [155]-177, "Capitolo III. Proprietà chimiche dei minerali."; [178]-185, "Capitolo IV. Giacitura dei minerali."; [186], Blank.; [187], "Parte Seconda. Mineralogia Descrittiva."; [188], Blank.; [189]-404, Descriptive mineralogy.; 405-407, "Appendice."; [408], Blank.; [409]-422, "Indice Alfabetico."; [At end], 40 folding chromolithographic plates showing 169 figures.
Very scarce. A popular and many times reprinted systematic Italian mineralogy. The author provides in the first half of the book sections which provide an overview of the science, definitions of terminology, descriptions of the crystal systems and crystal morphology, physical and chemical properties of minerals and the reasons why minerals are organized into the chemical-crystal systematic classification. The last half of the book is devoted to a descriptive mineralogy providing the standard information. An overall index finishes the text of the work. At the end are 40 chromolithographic plates showing a multitude of mineral specimens. These depictions are somewhat crude, but none the less they attempt to be faithful renderings of the specific species.
Other editions:
2nd, Milano, Hoepli, 1921. xxiii, [1], 518 p., 48 plates.
3rd, Milano, Hoepli, 1925. xxiv, 593 p., 48 plates.
4th, Milano, Hoepli, 1934. xxiv, 593 p., 48 plates.
5th, Milano, Hoepli, 1938. xxiv, 593 p., 48 plates.
6th, Milano, Hoepli, 1941 (reprinted 1945 & 1957). xvi, 596 p., 48 plates.
Bibliographical references: Bibliographie Géologique l'Italie, 1881: 1, 471-72. BL. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 65. NUC [no copy listed].