ARDUINO, Giovanni.
(1714 – 1795)
Arduino was educated at Verona, Italy. He was employed with the goverment mining service, becoming director of mining works in Tuscany. He was appointed professor of mineralogy and metallurgy at Venice, and later Padua. Ardunio was the first to classify rocks as Primary, Secondary and Tertiary, 1760, and also the first to recognize the volcanic origin of crystalline rocks. Arduino recognized the benefit of applying chemistry and paleontology to the chronology of geological formations for age dating purposes.
Biographical references: ABI: I 68, 162-208. Catullo, T.A., Elogio di Giovanni Arduino. Discorso inaugurale letto nella grand' aula dell' I.R. Università de Padova. Padua, 1839. 44 p., portrait. DBA: I 30, 302-304. Dizionario Biografico Italiani. DSB: 1, 233-4 [by F. Rodlico]. Gortani, Italian Pioneers in Mineralogy, 1963. ISIS, 1913-65: 1, 52. Kettner, Radim., "Giovanni Arduino (1714, +1795)", Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii, 9, (1964), no. 1, 122-3. La Rocque, History of Geology, 1964: 1, 5 [by A. Mirsky]. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 12. Leonardi, P., "Una lettera di Giovanni Arduino geologo veneto (1714-1795) ad Alberto Fortis", Memorie degli Instituti di Geologia e Mineralogia dell' Università de Padova, 29, (1971), 13 p., 3 figs., one plate. Poggendorff: 1, col. 58. Provenzal, Bio-Bibliografici di Chimici Italiani, 1938: pp. 33-40. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 438, Suppl. 1 (1986), 1, 254 & Suppl. 2 (1995), 1, 394. Stegnano, G., Il veronese Giovanni Arduino e il sue contrivuto al progresso della scienza geologica. Verona, Italy, Ministro dell' Istruzione Pubblica, 1929. 42 p., portrait. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 60. Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon Österreich, 1856-91.
1. Italian, 1775.
Raccolta | Di Memorie | Chimico-Mineralogische, Metallur- | gische, e Orittografiche | Del Signor | Giovanni Arduino, | E Di Alcuni Suoi Amici, | Tratte dal Giornale d'Italia, ec, | indicate nella sequente Tavola. | [decorative design made of *] | In Venezia, MDCCLXXV. | [double rule] | Per Benedetto Milocco. | Con Licenza de' Superiori.
12°: π6 A-C12 D4; A-B12; A12 B2; A12; A-K12; *12; 216l.; [12], [1]-76, [4], [1]-48, 1-27, [1], [1]-22, [1]-237, [1], 1-24 p., 3 plates (p. 96-2, and at end).
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [6 pgs], Dedication.; [2 pgs], "Tavole Delle Memorie." (table of contents, 11 memoires listed).; [2 pgs], "Error Corsi Nella Stampa."; [1], "Notizie."; [2], Blank.; 3-6, Text of Notizie.; 7-62, Text, "Memoria Epistolare | In Reposita | [...5 lines...] | Orazio Mario Pagni."-dated 12 July 1772 (p. 62).; 73-76, "Osservazioni | [...4 lines...] | Giangiacomo Ferber."; [4 pgs], "Libri Che Si Stampano | Per Associazioni E | Da Benedtto Milocco."; [1], Sectional title page starting, "Delle | Celebri Acque Minerali, | [...13 lines...]."; [2], Blank.; 3-48, Text.; [1], Sectional title page starting, "Saggio | Di Osservazioni | [...16 more lines]."; [2], Blank.; 3-27, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1], Sectional title page starting, "Lettera Orittografica | del Celebre Signor | Gian-Giacomo Ferber. | [...11 more lines...]."-dated 1771.; [2], Blank.; 3-22, Text.; [1], Sectional title page, "Due Memoire Epistorari | [...3 lines...] | Gio. Jacobo Ferber, | [...10 lines...]."; [2], Blank.; 3-35, Text.; [36], Blank.; [37], Sectional title page, "Osserazioni | Sopra | Le Minere Di Ferro | Di | Eisenarz | Nella Stiria."; [38], Blank.; 39-93, Text.; [94], Blank.; [95], Sectional title page, "Sagio | Fisco-Mineralogico | Di Lythoconia, E Orognosia."; [96], Blank.; [2 folding plates of (1) mine works and (2) furnaces.]; [97], Sectional title page, "Sagio | Fisco-Minalogico | Di Lythogonia, E Orognosia | [...16 lines...]."; [98], Blank.; 99-201, Text.; 202-237, "Appendice."; [1 pg], Blank.; 1-24, "Du Lettre | Orittologiche."; [At end], One plate (showing cross section).
Rare. Collected essays concerning various aspects of mineralogy, chemistry and metallurgy. It is in the form or a series of letters addressed to famous mineralogists and geologists of the day including Johann Jakob Ferber.
Bibliographical references: BL [987.a.22.]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 289-90. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: {1775}, p. 977. LKG: VI 62a. NUC: 19, 697. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 47.
2. German, 1778 [German transl.].
Sammlung | einiger mineralogisch= chymisch= metal= | lurgisch= und oryktographischer | Abhandlungen, | des | Herrn Johann Arduino, | und einiger Freunde desselben. | Aus dem Italiänischen übersetzt, | durch | A.C. v. F., C.S.B.C.R. | [double rule] | Dresden, 1778. | In der Waltherischen Hofbuchhandlung.
8°: )(2 A-Y8 Z7; 185l.; [6], [3]-362, [4] p., 2 plates. Page size: 200 x 120 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs], "Vorbericht."-dated 1778.; [3], "Nachricht | von der Quelle eines in dem | Gebirge von Arzignano, im Bizentinischen, | neuentdeckten | säuerlichen | Gefundbrunnens; | nebst | einem Antwortschreiben | an den | Berühmten Herrn | D. Hor. Maria Pagani, | ..."; [4], Blank.; [5]-362, Text.; [2 pgs], "Verzeichniß | derer in dieser Sammlung enthaltenen Ab= | handlungen."; [2 pgs], "Verbesserungen."
Very scarce. Translation by Johann Jakob von Ferber from Raccolta di Memorie Chimico-Mineralogische, Metallurgische et Orittografiche (Venezia, 1775).
Bibliographical references: BL. CBN: 3, 1011. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 40. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 290. LKG: VI 63b. NUC [no copy listed].
3. Italian, 1782.
Memoria Epistolare | Sopra Varie Produzioni | Vulcaniche, Minerali | e Fossili | Del Signor | Giovanni Arduino, | Tratta dal Nuovo Giornale | d'Italia. | [ornament] | Venezia, 1782. | Appresso Benedetto Milocco.
12°: [2], [1]-36, [2] p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1], "Al celebre Signor | Nathanel-Godo-Fredo-Leske..." (=dedication).; 2-36, Text.; [1 pg], "Si Corregga." (=errata).; [1 pg], Blank.
Rare. In this letter addressed to Nathanael Gottfried Leske dated the 2 July 1782, Ardunio provides descriptions of various objects he had found in Italy. Included are descriptions of Vesuvius' volcanic ejecta, zeolites, metallic ores, minerals and fossils.
Bibliographical references: BL. LKG: XIII 275. NUC [no copy listed]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 47.
4. Italian, 1774.
Saggio Fisico-Mineralogico di Lythogonia, e Orognosia. Padova, [1774].
4°: 76 p.
Very scarce. First separate issue. An extract from Atti dell' Academia dell Scienze di Siena, 5, 203 ff.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.355.(1.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 289 ["sehr gut"]. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 1775, p. 964. LKG: VI 61. NUC [no copy listed].
5. Italian, 1779.
Al celebre signor Nathanael-Godo-Fredo Leske ... Lettera orittologica del chiarissimo signor Giovanni Arduino ... [Venezia?, n.d.].
8°: 36 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 50.
6. Italian, 1779.
Osservazioni Chimiche sopra Alcuni Fossili. Del signor Giovanni Arduino. Venezia, Appresso Benedetto Milocco, 1779.
8°: 58, [1] p. Rare.
Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 53.