ANDREAE, Johann G.R.
(1724 – 1793)
Andreae undertook a scientific journey from August to October 1763 through Switzerland. He visited the most important Alpine areas, where he recorded observations about the climate, fossils and minerals, saltworks, thermals baths, and glaciers. Along the way he met many of the leading Swiss scholars, with whom he continued lengthy correspondences.
Biographical references: ADB: 1, p. 447. • Deutsche Apotheker Biographie: 1, 8-9. • Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16. • NDB: 1, p. 282-283. • Poggendorff: 1, col. 44.
1. German, 1769.
Abhandlung über eine beträchtliche Anzahl Erdarten aus S. Majestät deutschen Landen und von derselben Gebrauch für den Landwirth auf Befehl der Kgl. Churfürstl. Cammer dem Dr. übergeben von Johann Gerhard Reinhard Andreae. Hannover, Richter, 1769.
8°: xiv, 269, [8] p.
Very scarce. Only appearance of this work describing different kinds of earth used in agriculture. He describes the characteristics of 300 different types, arranged by locality, with information on their usefulness in the production of alum, gypsum, tobacco pipes, stoneware, tiles, bricks, and different colors.
Bibliographical references: Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 14 [IX. 434.]. • LKG: XVI 11. • NUC. • Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 37.
2. German, 1776.
Briefe aus der Schweiz nach Hannover geschrieben, in dem Jare 1763. Johann G.R. Andreae ... Zweiter Abdruck. Zürich und Winterthur, bei Joh. Caspar Fueßli Sohn; und in Commißion bei Heinrich Steiner und Comp. Buchhändlern, 1776.
4°: xxii, 245 (i.e., 345), [1] p., map of Switzerland on title page, ten engraved figures in text, 18 folding plates. One large folding engraved plate is signed J.R. Holzhalb after J.C. Vogler and shows a wooden bridge-construction closed to Schaffhausen.
Very scarce. An interesting and beautiful work that contains a wealth of information on the natural history of Switzerland. It is the first appearance in book form of 48 letters first published in the \t{Hannover'schen Magazin} that described the trip Andreae made through Switzerland between August and October 1763, when he visited several of his pharmacy colleagues and various natural history collections. Most of the plates depict fossils, crystals, three are of birds and a few on landscapes.
Bibliographical references: Haller, Bibliotheca Botanica, 1771-2: 1, 984. • Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 14 [IX. 924.]. • LKG: XIV 481. • Lonchamp, F.C., L'oeuvre imprimé de Madame Germaine de Staël; description bibliographique raisonnée et annotée de tous les ouvrages publiés par ses soins ou ceux de ses héritiers (1786-1821). Genève, P. Cailler, 1949. xi, 125 p., port: p. 117-118. • Studer, Geschichte Geographie Schweiz, 1863: p. 321-323.