AGRICOLA, Georgius.
(1494 – 1555)
From 1518 to 1522, Agricola studied medicine and chemistry at Bologna, Venice and Padua. He then taught the classics at the Municipal School, Zwickau, Saxony. In 1527, he moved to Joachimsthal, Czechoslovakia, where he opened a medical practice. In this locality, with the mining activities of the surrounding area impacting his daily life, Agricola began to study mining techniques and mineralogy. After an appointment in 1533 as official historian for the principality of Saxony, which included an annual stipend, Agricola moved again. He relocated his medical practice to Chemnitz in Saxony. There he became a civic leader which lead to his being elected mayor of the town in 1546, 1547, 1551, and 1553. Agricola was one of the extraoridinary scientists of his age. His texts on medical diseases suffered by miners were innovative for the time, and for his works that dealt with mining and mineralogy, he was labeled "The father of mineralogy" by no less than Abraham Gottlob Werner.
Biographical references: ADB: 1, 143 & 28, 807. Barr, Index to Biographical Fragments, 1973: 3. Becher, F.L., Die Mineralogen, Georg Agricola zu Chemnitz, im sechzehnten, und A.G. Werner zu Freiberg, im neunzehnten Jahrhunderte, Winke zu einer biographischen Zusammenstellung aus Sachsens Culturgeschichte. Freiberg, Craz und Gerlach, 1819. 67 p. Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology: 8-9. Bugge, Buch der grossen Chemiker, 1929: 1, 104 ff., portrait. Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists: 102 [1 portrait listed]. Darmstädter, Ernst, "Georg Agricola, 1494-1555. Leben und Werk", Münchener Beiträge zur Geschichte und Literatur der Naturwissenschaften und Medicine, pt. 1 (1926), 96 p., portrait. DBA: I 8, 264-272; II 12, 324-347. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Georgius Agricola, 1494-1555. Zu seinem 400. Todestag 21. November 1955. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1955. 376 p., frontispiece, 23 plates, illus. DSB: 1, 77-9 [by H.M. Wilsdorf]. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. Eyles, J.M., "Georgius Agricola (1494-1555)", Nature, London, 176, (1955), 949-50. Fischer, W., "Dr. Georg Agricola", Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 96, (1944), pts. 1-3, 124-8, one fig. Fischer, Mineralogie in Sachsen, 1939: 1-29 & ff. Fischer, Walther., "Zum 450. Geburtstag Agricolas, des "Vaters der Mineralogie," Neues Jahrbuch Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaenotologie, Series A, 1944, nos. 7-9, p. 113-225, 42 figs., one table. Hartmann, H., Georg Agricola, 1494-1555: Begründer dreier Wissenschaften, Mineralogie-Geologie-Bergbaukunde. Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., 1953. [Published as: Grosse Naturforscher, no. 13.]. Hofmann, R., "Dr. Georgius Agricola aus Glauchau `Der Vater der Mineralogie'", Schönburgische Geschichteblätter, 4, (1898), 39-122. Hofmann, R., Dr. Georgius Agricola. Ein Gelehrtenleben aus dem Zeitalter der Reformation. Gotha, Germany, Perthes, 1905. [5], 189 p., portrait. ISIS, 1913-65: 1, 16-7. Jacobi, G.H., Der Mineraloge Georgius Agricola, und sein Verhaltniss zur Wissenschaft seiner Zeit. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Reformationszeit. Werdau, Germany, 1879. 72 p. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Krafft, Grosse Naturwissenschaftler, 1986: 8-9 [by F. Krafft]. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 4. NDB: 1, 98-100 [by W. Pieper]. NY Academy Portrait Catalog: 1 [6 portraits listed]. Poggendorff: 1, col. 17. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 402-5, Suppl. 1 (1986), 1, 241-2 & Suppl. 2 (1995), 1, 374-5. Schaedler, Biographisch Handwörterbuch, 1891: 2. Schrauf, A., "Zur Erinnerung an Georg Agricola, geboren zu Glauchau 1494, den 24 März", Zeitschrift der praktische Geologie, 2, (1894), 217-24, portrait. Wagner, Mineralogisch Durchforschung Sachsens, 1902. WBI. Wellcome Catalog (History): 14, 26-7 [other refs.]. Wilsdorf, H., "Neue Agricola-Forschungen des Staatlichen Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden", Urania, 16, (1953), 441-6. Wilsdorf, H., "Probleme einer neuen Agricola-Ausgabe", Bergakademie, Freiberg, 6, (1954), 14-6. World Who's Who in Science: 18. Zischka, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1961: 8.
1. Latin, 1530 [First edition].
Georgii | Agricolae Medici | Bermannvs, Sive | De Re Metallica | [ornament] | Basileæ, in ædibus Frobenianis | Anno M. D. XXX.
8°: a-h8 i4; 68l.; [1]-135, [1] p. Woodcut device on title page and 3 historiated woodcut initials. Colophon, p. 135: Basilea, In Officina | Frobeniana, Anno | M. D. XXX. Froben's printers device, on verso of last leaf.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; 3-4, "Des. Erasmvs Rot. | Ornatissimis Fratri | bus Andreae und Christophoro | à Conritz S.D. | (Erasmi Epistola)."; 5-9, "Nobili Et Clarissimo | Viro Henrico À Con | ritz Præfecto uallis Ioachimicæ, | Petrus Plateanus S. (Epistola Nvncvpatoria)."; 10-151, "Georgii | Agricolae Berman | nus, siue de re metallica."; 131-135, "Rervm Metallicarvm | appelationes iuxta uernaculam Ger | manorum linguam, autore | Plateano."; [1 pg], Froben's printers device.
Very rare. Bermannus, sive De Re Metallica Dialogus is Agricola's first published work in relation to mining. The text of this work is in the form of a dialogue between "Bermannus," who is described as a miner, mineralogist, poet, and student of mathematics, and "Nicolaus Ancon" and "Johannes Neavius," both scholars and physicians. The main theme of the dialogue is the correlation of minerals mentioned by the ancient authors and those found in the Saxon mines. The three conversationalists wonder through the mines and discuss matters that come to their attention. There is no systematic or logical arrangement to the text, therefore. Occassionally, statements of historical or technical interest are included. The mineralogial part, while of importance for giving the first description of several minerals such as bismuth, is much improved in De Natura Fossilium (1st ed., Basileæ, 1546).
German, 1955: Georgius Agricola - Ausgewählte Werke | Gedenkausgabe Des Staatlichen Museums Für Mineralogie Und | Geologie Zu Dresden - Herausgegeben Dr. Ber. Nat. Hans Prescher | [rule] | Georg Agricola | Bermannus oder über den Bergbau | Ein Dialog | Übersetzt und berarbeitet von Dr. phil. Helmut Wisdorf | in Verbindung mit Dr. rer. nat. Hans Prescher und | Dr. med. Heinz Techel | 1955 | VEB Deutscher Verlag Der Wissenschaften | Berlin. 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-379, [1] p.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Georgius Agricola - Ausgewählte Werke - Band II," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Alle Rechte, ..."; [v], "Vorwort"-signed Helmut Wilsdorf, 24 March 1955.; [vi], Blank.; [vii]-viii, "Inhalt."; [1]-55, Essays placing the Bermannus into historical perspective.; 56-172, Translation.; 173-379, Notes, biographies, maps, glossary, all designed to help clarify the translation.; [1 pg], "Zusammenfassung."
Modern translation with commentary by Helmut Wisdorf of the Bermannus (Basileæ, 1530), together with considerable additional material describing the work's historical importance. Other essays provide biographical details of people mentioned by Agricola, an equivalence dictionary of mineral names, a register of geographical locations, etc.
French transl., 1990: Bermannus (le mineur). un dialogue sur les mines. Georg Agricola. introduction, texte établi, traduit et commenté par Robert Halleux et Albert Yans ... Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1990. 185 p. [BL, YA.1991.b.4244.]
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: A-348. Agricola Bibliographie: 590-6. BL [987.a.14.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 65. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 9. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 16. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 27.
2. Latin, 1541 [2nd edition].
Georgii Agri- | colae Medici | Bermannvs, | Sive De Re Me- | tallica. | [ornament] | Parisiis. | Apud Hieronymum Gormontiu | In Vico Iacobeo sub signotrium | Coronatum. | 1541.
8°: [1]-108 p.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; 3-4, "Des. Erasmvs Rot. | Ornatissimis Fratri | bus Andreae und Christophoro | à Conritz S.D. | (Erasmi Epistola)."; 5-9, "Nobili Et Clarissimo | Viro Henrico À Con | ritz Præfecto uallis Ioachimicæ, | Petrus Plateanus S. (Epistola Nvncvpatoria)."; 10-105, "Georgii | Agricolae Berman | nus, siue de re metallica."; 106-108, "Rervm Metallicarvm | appelationes iuxta uernaculam Ger | manorum linguam, autore | Plateano."
Rare. Paris reprint of the Basel 1530 first edition, with the text completely reset, and no additional material added.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 596-7. BL [446.a.42.].
3. Latin, 1546 [3rd edition].
Georgii | Agricolæ Medici | Bermannvs, Sive | De Re Metal | lica. | Ab Accvrata Avtoris | recognitione & emendatione | nunc primum editus. | Cvm Nomenclatvra | Rervm Metalli | Carvm. | Lipsiæ | In Officina Valen- | tini Papæ. | Anno | [rule] | M. D. XLVI.
8°: A-F8; 48l.; [2], [1]-93, [1] p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-2, "Des. Erasmvs ..."; 2-5, "Nobili Et Cla | rissimo ..."; 6-86, "Georgii | Agricolae Berman | us ..."; 87-93, "Rervm Metal= | licarvm ...";
Rare. The text is an improvement over the original, probably by the pen of Agricola. It appears to be somewhat less expanded than the rendition that appeared in the same year in the collected works of Agricola, De Ortu & Causis Subterraneorum (Basilæ, 1546).
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 597-9. BL [no copy listed]. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: A-72. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 61.
German editions
4. German, 1778 [First edition].
Georg Agricola | von Glauchen | ehemahls Stadt Arztes zu St. Joachimsthal | Gespräch | vom | Bergwesen | wegen seiner Fürtreflichkeit aus dem lateinischen | in das teutsche übersetzet | mit nützlichen Anmerkungen erläutert | und | mit einem ganz neuen Zufaße | von | klüglicher Anstellung des Bergbaues | und von der | Zugutemachung der Erze auf den Hüttenwerken | versehen | von | Johann Gottlieb Stör. | [ornate rule] | Rotenburg and der Fuida | beim Hofbuchhändler Hermstädt | 1778.
8°: [16], [1]-180, [12] p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [8 pgs], "Vorrede | des Uebersetzers, | con den Tadeln und Vorzügen des | Bergwesens."; [1 pg], "Des | berühmten Desiderius Erasmus | von Rotterdam | Urtheil | ..."; [5 pgs], "Peter Platrans Zuschrift."; 1-116, "Georg Agricola | von Glauchen | Gespräch | vom | Bergwesen."; 117-152, "Erster Anhang | von | klüglicher Anstellung des | Bergbaues | durch | Johann Gottlieb Stör."; 153-180, "Zweiter Anhang | von | der Zugutemachung der Erze | auf den Hütten=Wercken | durch | Johann Gottlieb Stör."; [8 pgs], "Inhalt."; [4 pgs], "Verbesserungen."
Rare. Translation by Johann Gottlieb Stör [see note below] of Bermannus (Basileæ, 1530). This is the first translation into a modern language of Agricola's first writing. There is no information as to why the translation was undertaken, or why it was published 15 years after the translator's death.
Johann Gottlieb Stör. (Born: Engelsdorf near Leipzig, Germany, 24 November 1705; Died: Leipzig, Germany, 5 September 1763) German mining law expert. Stör attended the schools of Grimma and studied theology and metallurgy at the University of Leipzig, graduating in 1729. In 1741, he was awarded an advanced degree in law from the University of Erfurt. He worked in the mining industry around Leipzig.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 600-3. BL [no copy listed]. (Stör) DBA: I 1232, 115-124; II 1271, 384. • Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. • Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16. • Poggendorff: 2, col. 1015. • WBI.
5. German, 1806 [2nd edition].
Gerog Agrikola's | Bermannus | eine | Einleitung | in die | metallurgischen Schriften desselben, | übersetzt | und mit Exkursionen | herausgegeben | von | Friedrich August Schmid. | Haushalts= und Befahrungs=Protokollist im Churs. vereinigten | Bergamte zu St. Annaberg. | [tapered rule] | Freyberg, 1806. | bey Craz und Gerlach.
8°: [i]-viii, [1]-262 p.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; v-viii, "Vorrede."; 1-38, Review of Agricola's life and writings.; 39-223, "Agricola's Bermannus Gespräch vom Bergwerke."; 224-226, "Erster Exkursus. Ueber das Alter des teutschen Bergbaues."; 227-228, "Zweite Exkursus. Ueber die Ausbeute der Alten."; 229-232, "Dritter Exkursus. Ueber das Alter des Iglauer und Freiberger Bergrechts."; 233-237, "Vierter Exkursus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Wünschelruthe."; 238-242, "Fünfter Exkursus. Ueber die Benennung der Grubengebäude."; 243-247, "Sechster Exkursus. Über die galena, plumbago, molybdaena und den lapis molybdoides der Alten."; 248-250, "Siebenter Exkursus. Über den Pyrites der Alten."; 251-252, "Achter Exkursus. Ueber das gediegene Silber der Alten."; 253-254, "Neunter Exkursus. Über das Stannum und plumb. candidum der Alten."; 255-256, "Zehnter Exkursus. Über die Chrysokolla der Alten."; 256, Elfter Exkursus. Ueber die Sandaraka der Alten."; 257, "Zwölfter Exkursus. Über den Gyps der Alten."; 258-259, "Dreizehnter Exkursus. Ueber das Misy, Sory und den Chalcitis der Alten."; 260, "Vierzehnter Exkursus. Ueber den Kobalt der Alten."; 261-262, "Druckfehlerberichtigung."
Rare. Translation by Friedrich August Schmid of Bermannus (Basileæ, 1530). It contains a most valuable biographical and bibliographical prefactory essay by the translator, as well as interesting discussions of the metals and minerals known during the time of Agricola.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 604. BL [7104.b.3.]. Leonard's Taschenbuch: 2, 325-6 [review].
6. Czech, 1957 [Czech transl.].
Lékař | Georgius Agricola | [rule] | Bermannus | aneb | Rozmluva O Hornictví | [rule] | Z latiny | podle prvního Frobenova nydání | přeložil Jan Reiniš | Nakladatelství | Československé Akademie VÉD | Praha 1957.
8°: 235 p.
Very scarce. Translation by Jan Reiniš [see note below] of Bermannus (Basileæ, 1530).
Jan Reiniš. (Born: ; Died: ) Czech. Need Biography.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 607-8. (Reiniš)
De Natura Fossilium
7. Latin, 1546 [First edition].
[ornament] Georgii Agri [ornament] | colae | De ortu & causis subterraneorum Lib. V | De natura eorum quæ effluunt ex terra Lib. IIII | De natura fossilium Lib. X | De ueteribus & nouis metallis Lib. II | Bermannus, siue De re metallica Dialogus. | Interpretatio Germanica uocum rei metallicæ, | additio Indice fœcundissimo. | [ornament] | Basileae M D XLVI | Cum priuilegio Imp. Maiestatis ad quinquennium.
2°: a-g6 h4 i-z6 A-P6 Q8 R6 S4; T-X6 Y8 (g6 and M6 blank); 270l.; [1]-487, [1], [52] p. Page size: 305 x 194 mm.
Contents: [1], Title page.; 2, "Adami Siberi Elegia Ad Valentinvm Hertelivm De Libris Georgij Agricolae."; 3-4, Recommendartory letter, signed Herzog Moritz, 1 March 1544.; 5-82, "De Ortu Et Cavsis Subterraneorvm."; [83]-[84], Blanks.; 85-164, "Georgii Agricolae De Natvra Eorvm Quae Efflvvnt Ex Terra Libri quatuor."; 165-380, "De Natvra Fossilivm Libri Decem."; 381-414, "De Veteribvs Et Novis Metallis."; [415]-[416], Blanks.; 417-468, "Bermannvs, Sive De Re Metallica."; 469-470, "Georgivs Agricola Volfgango Mevrero."; 470-472, "Emendatio Librorvm De Ortv & causis subterraneorum."; 473-487, "Seqvvntvr Rervm De Qvibvs Scribimvs, ..."; [1 pg], Blank.; [51 pgs], "Index In Vniversum Hoc Opvs quàm copiosissimus."; [1 pg], Froben's printer's device.
Very scarce. This is a collected edition of Agricola's works on mineralogy, geology and mining. It consists of six separate treatises, several of which appear in print for the first time.
[A]. De Ortu & Causis Subterraneorum in five books has always been published in the company of other works. This is Its first appearance. The work consists of five books that contain Agricola's philosophical views on geological phenomena. The major portion of this text is a refutation of the geological ideas of the ancient philosophers, the alchemists and the astrologers. It displays Agricola's wide ranging knowledge of the classic authors and his ability in observation and dialectics. But it is when Agricola presents his own ideas that new territory was established in science.
Book I is devoted to a discussion of the origin and distribution of ground water and mineralizing jucies. The last portion of this book and that of Book II consider the origin of subterranean heat that he attributes to burning coal and sulfur and the friction subterranean winds against the walls of caves. Book III is devoted to the origin of ore channels, while Books IV & V describe in summary the principal divisions of the mineral kingdom as given in De Natura Fossilium.
[B]. De Natura Eorum quæ Effluunt ex Terra in four books also appears here here for the first time. As the title indicates this is a discussion of substances that flow from the earth, such as water, bitumen, gases, etc. The major portion refers to color, taste, temperature, medicinal uses of water, and descriptions of rivers, lakes, swamps, and aqueducts. In the shadow of Agricola's other writings, it is a valueless and totally uninteresting treatise.
[C]. De Natura Fossilium in ten books is Agricola's most important statement on mineralogy. It has always been printed in combination with other works, and this is its first edition.
De Natura Fossilium is an epoch work often cited as the publication that marked the beginning of mineralogy as a science. In this work, Agricola approached the study of mineral substances in a naturalistic way. He rejected many myths associated with gems, and the system of classification that is inferred from his writings exhibits a degree of generalization not found in earlier handbooks. It is often considered the first attempt at systematic mineralogy, the minerals being grouped into (1) earths, like clay, ochre, etc., (2) stones like gems, semi-precious and unusual as distinguished from rocks, (3) congealed juices like salt, vitriol, alum, etc., (4) metals and (5) compounds being homogenous mixtures of simple substances and forming minerals like pyrite, galena, etc. Agricola applied physical properties such as solubility, fusibility, odor, taste, color, etc to distinguish between mineral varieties. He describes several varieties of earth, and arranged the descriptions according to the purpose for which they were used. Thus he speaks of earths used by farmers as different from those used by potters, sculptors, painters and physicians. This demonstrates that he had an awareness of problems connected with the classifying of similar substances. Agricola was a practical man and his great contribution was to mineral description. He codified much of the ancient knowledge, but in the case of theoretical mineralogy developed no new insights. References in contemporary books show that soon after Agricola mineralogical works were published, they were being cited as authoratative sources.
Book I describes the characteristics of minerals such as color, brillance, taste, shape, hardness, etc. Book II describes the earths and Book III reviews the minerals made of congealed juices, and includes salt, soda, potash, saltpetre, alum, vitriol, orpiment, etc. Book IV treats camphor, bitumen, coal, amber, etc. Book V covers lodestone, bloodstone, gypsum, talc, asbestos, mica, geodes and various fossils, flourite and quartz. Book VI treats gems and other precious stones. Book VII in on rocks like marble, serpentine, onyx, alabaster, limestone, etc. Book VIII covers metals, while Book IX describes various furnace observations such as making brass, gilding, tinning and furnace products like slag, copper flowers, etc. Book X covers compounds that embrace the description of a number of recognizable silver, copper, lead, quicksilver, iron, tin, antimony and zinc minerals.
[D]. De Veteribus & Novis Metallis in two books is a short work that also appears here in a first edition. It describes mainly historical and geographical references to the occurances of metals and mines. Agricola had extracted this information from the Greek and Latin classic texts as well as the history of mines in Central Europe. The later material is the only original material, and is unfortunately not very extensive.
[E]. Bermannus, sive De Re Metallica Dialogus in one book was Agricola's first published work in relation to mining, which was first published as an independent work at Basel in 1530. In this new edition, Agricola makes many important changes and adds some new material, but later editions often reprint the text of the 1530 edition. The text of this work is in the form of a dialogue between "Bermannus," who is described as a miner, mineralogist and student of mathematics and poetry, and "Nicolaus Ancon" and "Johannes Neavius," both scholars and physicians. The main theme of the dialogue is the correlation of minerals mentioned by the ancient authors and those found in the Saxon mines. The three conversationalists wonder through the mines and discuss matters that come to their attention. There is no systematic or logical arrangement to the text, therefore. Occassionally, statements of historical or technical interest are included. The mineralogial part, while of importance for giving the first description of several minerals such as bismuth, is much improved in De Natura Fossilium.
[F]. Interpretatio Germanica uocum rei Metallicæ is a translation list of German equivalents for the Latin mineralogical terms used by Agricola in his numerous writing. It first appeared in the collected edition of 1546, being included in all subsequent editions. It consists of about 500 mineralogical and metallurgical terms in Latin, many of which were invented by Agricola to clarify his explanations. This work is of great value to the study of mineralogical nomenclature.
English, 1955: The Geological Society of America | Special Paper 63 | [rule] | De Natura Fossilium | (Textbook of Mineralogy) | by | Georgius Agricola | Translated from the First Latin Edition of 1546 | by | Mark Chance Bandy | and | Jean A. Bandy | for the | Mineralogical Society of America. | [ornament] | [rule] | November 1955. 8°: [i]-xiii, [1], 1-240 p., frontispiece (portrait of Agricola), index.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso publisher's information.; [iii], "The Special Papers of the Geological Society of America are made possible through the bequest of Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, Jr."; [iv], Quote by Agricola.; v-vii, "Forward."; [viii], Blank.; ix-x, "Georgius Agricola."-biographical information.; xi, "Translator's Preface."; [xii], Blank.; xiii, "Contents."; [1 pg], Blank.; 1-4, Dedication to Prince Maurice of Saxony, Thuringia and Misena.; 5-223, Text, divided into 10 books.; [224], Blank.; 225-232, "Latin Mineral Index."; 233-234, "Greek Mineral Index."; 235-240, "General Index."
Published as The Geological Society of America, Special Paper 63. Translated by Mark Chance Bandy [see note below] and Jean Arney Bandy [?-1991] from De Natura Fossilium (Basileæ, 1546). In the brief introduction, the translator's describe Agricola's method of classifying minerals. This is then followed by the translation proper. Notes scattered throughout the text are intended to primarily help the identification of minerals whose present names differ from those used by Agricola. Occasionally, extracts from Agricola's Bermannus (Basileæ, 1530), an introductory work on mining, have been included to add clarity to the translation.
German, 1958: Georgius Agricola - Ausgewählte Werke | [...2 lines of titles...] | Georgius Agricola | De natura fossilium libri X | Die Mineralien | Übersetzt und bearbeitet von Dr. phil. Georg Fraustadt | in Verbindung mit Dr. rer. nat. Hans Prescher | [ornament] | Veb Deutscher Verlag Der Wissenschaften | Berlin 1958. 8°: [6], [1]-548 p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "Georgius Agricola - Ausgewählte Werke - Band IV," verso blank.; [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Herausgeber: Dr. rer. nat. Hans Prescher | ..."; [1 pg], "Inhalt."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1], Georgius Agricola | Die Mineralien | 10 Bücher | 1546 | ..."; [2], Blank.; [3]-7, "Mineralogische Einführung."; [8]-12, "Historisch-philogische Einführung."; [13]-273, Text of translation.; [274]-291, "Mineralogisch-geologische Anmerkungen."; [292]-301, "Historisch-philologische Anmerkungen."; [303]-312, "Lateinisch-griechisch-deutsches Mineralverzeichnis."; [313]-344, "Mineralregister."; [345]-395, "Personenregister."; [396]-476, "Geographisches Register."; [477]-548, "Sachverzeichnis."
Published as volume 4 of the series, Georgius Agricola-Ausgewählte Werke, this is a modern translation by Georg Fraustadt of De Natura Fossilium Libri X (Basilæ, 1546), together with much supplementary material in the form of historical essays by Hans Prescher and Georg Fraustadt. Included is information placing the work in its time as well as a useful Greek-Latin-German mineralogical dictionary.
Mark Chance Bandy. (Born: Redfield, Iowa, U.S.A., 22 July 1900; Died: Wickenburg, Arizona, U.S.A., 3 June 1963) American mining engineer & geologist. Bandy was educated in mining engineering and geology at Drake University (B.S., 1922), Columbia University (M.A., 1923), and Harvard (Ph.D., 1938). He worked as an engineer with Bethlehem Steel (1927-8), the Chile Exploration Co., (1929-34), and the Patino Mines (1936-47). He became an engineer, chief geologist, and general manager with ECA-Mining Engineers (1949-51) and general manager of the Rhodesia Copper Ventures (1952-4). He lecturer at St. Andrews University, Scotland in 1954-5. He was a Fellow in the Society of Economic Geologists and a member American Mineralogical Society, as well as an honorary member of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain. The mineral "Bandylite" was named in his honor in 1935. His large and fine mineral collection accumulated through his many travels was acquired in 1963 by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, where it is preserved today.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 686-94. BL [604.h.1.(2.)]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 65. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 11. Hoover Collection: no. 14. Horblit: no. 2a. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 16. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 62. (Bandy) Bandy, M.C., "Collector's diary: Chuquicamata and the nitrate pampa-Mark Chance Bandy, 1935," Mineralogical Record, 14 (1983), no. 5, 355-61. • Bandy, M.C., "Collector's diary: Iquique, Copiapo, and Chañarcillo-Mark Chance Bandy, 1935," Mineralogical Record, 15 (1984), no. 1, 67-74. • Bandy, M.C., "Collector's diary: Santiago to Valparaiso-Mark Chance Bandy, 1935," Mineralogical Record, 15 (1984), no. 3, 157-62. • Bulletin of the Geological Society of America: 77 (1964), no. 2, 13. • Cleevely, World Palæontological Collections, 1983: 47. • Jones, R.W., "The Mark Chance Bandy collection," Mineralogical Record, 4 (1973), no. 6, 277-81. • Wilson, W.E. and A. Petrov, "Famous mineral localities: Cerro Rico de Potosí, Bolivia," Mineralogical Record, 30 (1999), no. 1, 9-36 [see p. 34]. • World Who's Who in Science: 104.
8. Latin, 1558 [2nd edition].
[ornament] | Georgii Agri- | colae | De ortu & causis subterraneorum | Lib. V | De natura eorum quæ effluunt ex terra Lib. IIII | De natura fossilium Lib. X | De ueteribus & nouis metallis Lib. II | Bermannus, siue De re metallica Dialogus Lib. I | Interpretatio Germanica uocum rei metallicæ, addito | duplici Indice, altero rerum, altero locorum. | Omnia ab ipso authore, cum baud pœnitenda acce{\ss}io= | ne, recens recognita. | [ornament] | Basileae M D LVIII | Cum Imp. Maiestatis renouato priuilegio ad quinquennium.
2°: a4 A-Z6 Aa-Ss6 Tt8; 258l.; [1]-[8], 1-470, [2] blanks, [40] index p. Colophon (Tt8r): "Basileae In Officina Frobeniana | per Hieronymvm Frobenivm, & Nicolaum Epi- | scopivm, Mense Septembri, Anno | M. D. LVIII." Froben printer's device is on the title page and 2T8v. Page size: 320 x 192 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; 3-[5], "Illvstriss- Et Po- | tentiss. Dvci Saxoniae, | …"-dated April M.D.LV. [1545].; 6, "Adami Siberi Elegia Ad | ..."; [7]-[8], "[ornament] | Illvstri Saxoniae Dvci, | ..."-dated M.D.XLIIII. [1544].; 1-82, "Georgii Agrico- | lae De Ortv Et Cav= | sis Saxoniae Dvci |..."-dated M.D.XLV. [1545].; 88-162, "[ornament] Georgii Agricolae | De Natvra Eorvm Qvae Ef- | fluunt et terra, | ..."; 163-165, "[ornament] Illvstri Saxoniae Dvci | ..."-dated M.D.XLVI. [1546].; 166-380, "[ornament] Georgii Agricolae | De Natvra Fossilivm, | ..."; 381-383, "Claro Et Docto Viro D- | ..."-dated M.D.XLVI. [1546].; 384-410, "[ornament] Georgii Agricolae | De Veteribvs Et Novis Metallis."; 411, "Des Erasmvs Rot. Ornatissimis Fratrib. | Andreæ & Christophoro à Conritz. s."-dated M.D.XXIX. [1529].; 412-413, "[ornament] Nobili Et Clarissimo vi= | ro Henrico a Conritz, ..."; 414-460, "[ornament] Georgii Agricolae | Bermannvs, Sive De Re Me= | tallica."; 461-470, [Rervm Metallicarvm Interpretatio].; [2 pgs/=2Q6], Blanks.; [40 pgs/=2Rr-2T8r], "Index In Vniversvm | Hoc Opvs, Geminvs, Alter Rervm, | alter locorivm. Acprimo, rerum."
Very scarce. This is the second edition of Agricola's collected works on mineralogy, geology and mining, and it is best edition being the last to be corrected and revised by the author. It consists of six separate treatises that had each appeared previously.
[A]. De Ortu & Causis Subterraneorum in five books has always been published in the company of other works. Its first appearance was in 1546, in the first edition of these collected treatises. However, in the present edition, the text has been revised, with new material added by Agricola.
[B]. De Natura Eorum quæ Effluunt ex Terra in four books also had its first appearance in the first edition of 1546.
[C]. De Natura Fossilium in ten books is Agricola's most important statement on mineralogy. It has always been printed in combination with other works, and its first appearance was in the first edition of these collected treatises published in 1546. However, in this edition, Agricola has considerably revised the text and added new material.
[D]. De Veteribus & Novis Metallis in two books is a short work that also first appeared in the 1546 edition of collateral works.
[E]. Bermannus, sive De Re Metallica Dialogus in one book was Agricola's first published work in relation to mining, which was first published as an independent work at Basel in 1530. In this edition, Agricola makes many important changes and adds some new material, but later editions often reprint the text of the 1530 edition.
[F]. Interpretatio Germanica uocum rei Metallicæ is a translation list of German equivalents for the Latin mineralogical terms used by Agricola in his numerous writing. It first appeared in the collected edition of 1546, being included in all subsequent editions.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 700. BL [443.h.3.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 65. Hoover Collection: no. 15. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 16. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: A-74. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 63.
9. Latin, 1612 [3rd edition].
Georgii Agri- | colæ, | De ortu & causis subterrancorum lib. V. | De natura eorũ, quæeffluunt ex terra lib. IV. | De natura fossilium lib. X. | De veteribus & novis metallis lib. II. | Bermanus, sive de re metallica Dialogus. | Interpretatio Germanica vocum rei | métallicæ. | Additio Indice fœcundissimo, | Plurimes jam annos à Germanis, & externarum quoque | nationum doctißimis Viris, valdè defider ati | & expetiti; | Nunc veròin rei metallicæ studiosorum gratiam re- | censiti, in certa capita distributi, capitum argumentis, | & nonnullis icholiis marginalibus illustrati, | à | Joanne Sigfrido Philos: | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Accesserunt | e metallicis rebus & nominibus observationes variæ Seta- | ditæ, ex schedis Georgii Fabricii, quibus ea | petißimùm explicantur, quæ Georgius Agricola præterijt. | [rule] | Wittebergæ | Sumptibus Zachariæ Schùreri Bibliopolæ, | Typis Andreæ Rudimgeri, 1612.
4°: [24], 1-1014, [112] p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], "...Domino Friderico Ulrico..."; [6 pgs], "Praefatio."; [1 pg], "...Sigfridus..."; [5 pgs], "... Sigfrido..."; [1 pg], "Clarissimo ... Sigfrido..."; [1 pg], "Ad ... Sigfridum..."; [1 pg], "In Novam Agricolae..."; [3 pgs], "Illvstri..."; [3 pgs], "Adamvs Sibervs..."; 1-164, "...De Ortu & Causis Subterraneorum."; 165-328, "...De Natura eorum..."; 329-775, "...De Natvra Fossilivm..."; 776-842, "...De Veteribvs..."; 843-947, "...Bermannvs..."; 948-949, "...Agricola ... Meurero..."; 950-970, "Rerum Metallicarum Interpretatio."; 971-1014, "De Metallicis Rebus Ac Nominibus Observationes..."; [112 pgs], "Index."
Scarce. This edition of some of the collected works of Agricola was brought together and edited by Johann Sigfrid [see note below]. The editor has renumbered most of the sections and made the text less exact than Agricola's original. In addition, Georg Fabricius 1565 work on metals is included.
Johann Sigfrid. (Born: 1556; Died: 1623) German physician. Besides having a medical practice, Sigfrid was professor of anatomy at the University of Helmstedt.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 704. BL [990.a.3.(1.)]. Hoover Collection: no. 16. VD17: 14:643489P. (Sigfrid) DBA: I 1185, 39. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. • WBI.
10. Latin, 1657 [4th edition].
Georgii Agricolæ | Kempnicensis Medici Ac | Philosophi Clariss. | De Re Metallica | Libri XII. | Quibus Officia, Instrumenta, | Machinæ, Ac Omnia Denique Ad Metal- | licam Spectantia, Non Modo Luculentissime | describuntur; sed & per effigies, suis locis infertas, adjuntis Latinis, | Germanicisque appellationibhus, ita ob oculos ponuntur, ut | clarius tradi non possint. | Quibus accesserunt hât ultimâ editione, Tractatus ejusdem argu- | ments, ab eodem conscripti, sequentes. | [The next 6 lines separated by a vertical bar into 2 columns.] | [First column:] De Animantibus Subterra- | neis. Lib. I. | De Ortu & Causis Subterra- | neorum. Lib. V. | De Natura eorum quæ efflu- | unt ex Terra. Lib. IV. | [vertical rule] | [Second column:] De Natura Fossilium. Lib. X. | De Veteribus & Novis Me- | tallis. Lib. II. | Bermannus sive de Re Metal- | lica, Dialogus. Lib. I. | Cum Indicibus diversis, quicquid in Opere tracta- | tume est, pulchrè demonstrantibus. | [vignette] | Basileæ, | Sumptibus & Typis Emanuelis König. | [rule] | Anno M. DC. LVII.
2° (in 6s): (:)6 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Nn6 α-δ6 ε2 ζ3 η6 θ6 ι6; 405l.; [12], 1-708, [90] p., 2 folded woodcuts, 269 text woodcuts. Woodcut title page vignette. Page 655 misprinted 565. Page size: 330 x 200 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs/=(:)1rv], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs/=(:)2r-(:)3v], "Illvstrissimis Et | Potentissimis Saxoniae | Ducibus, ..."-dated M.D.L.; [4 pgs/=(:)4r-(:)5v], "Georgivs Fabricius | In Libros Metallicos | ..."; [2 pgs/=(:)6rv], Blanks.; 1-477, "Georgii Agricolae, | De Re Metallica | ..."; 478, "Catalogus."; 479, "Georgius Agricola | Georgio Fabricio."-dated M.D. XLVIII.; 480-492, "Georgii Agricolæ | De Animantibus | Subterraneis."; 492-527, "... De Ortu Et Causis Sub- | terraneorum."; 528, "Quoniam Persaepe Scriptorum ..."; 529-532, "Illvstri ... Mauricio ... Agricola ..."; 533-566, "... De Natura Eorum Quæ | Effluunt Ex Terra."; 566, "Scriptores, | ..."; 567-568, "Illvstri ... Mauricio ... Agricola ..."; 569-664, "... | De Natura Fossilium, | ..."; 664, "Scriptores ..."; 665-666, "Claro ... Georgio Comerstadio ..."; 667-678, "De Veteribus Et | Novis Metallis."; 679, "Des. Erasmus Rot. ... Andreae Et Christophoro À Conritz."; 680-681, "Nobili ... Henrico A Conritz ... Petrus Plateanus ..."; 682-701, "... Bermannus, Sive De | Re Metallica. | ..."; 702, "... Agricola | Volfgango Meurero ..."; 702-708, "Sequuntur Rerum, | De Quibus Scribiums ..."; [17 pgs/=α1r-β3r], "Rei Metallicae | Nomenclatvra ... De natura fossilium ..."; [14 1/2 pgs/=β3v-γ4v], "Nomenclatura Secun- | da ..."; [20 pgs/=γ4v-ε2v], "Index Rerum Ac Ver- | borum in Lib. De Re Me- | tallica."; [1/2 pg/=ε2v], "Fodinarum Omnium ... Catalogus."; [2 pgs/=ζ1rv], "Animantium | Nomina Latina ... In Libro De Subterraneis ..."; [4 pgs/=ζ2r-ζ3v], "Index | In Librum De Subter- | raneis Animantibus ..."; [20 1/2 pgs/=η1r-\vartheta5r], "Index Geminus In | Lib. V. De Ortu...Lib. IV. De Natura eorum ..."; [11 1/2 pgs/=\vartheta5r-ι4v], "Index Locorum | In Agricola."
Scarce. The first collected edition of Agricola's works on mines, metallurgy, mineralogy and geology creating in effect an opera omnia of his technological writings. Contained therein are the fourth Latin editions of De Re Metallica and De Animantibus Subterraneis, and the sixth Latin editions of De Ortu & Causis Subterraneorum, De Natura eorum quæ effluunt ex Terra, De Natura Fossilium, De Veteribus & Novis Metallis, and Bermannus sive de Re Metallica, Dialogus. The original woodcuts used in the De Re Metallica (1st ed., Basileæ, 1556) are a little worse for wear after over a century of life and the pagination is identical to the first printing since the 269 woodcuts have to be accommodated by the text. Only the De Animantibus Subterraneis had previously been published with the De Re Metallica.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 708-10 & 770-2. BL [459.a.14.].
Italian edition
11. Italian, 1550.
Di Giorgio Agricola. | De La generatione de le cose, che sotto la terra sono, e | de le cause de'loro effetti e nature. Lib. V. | De La Natura di quelle cose, che de la terra scor- | rono. Lib. IIII. | De La Natura de le cose Fossili, e che sotto la terra si | cauano. Lib. X. | De Le Minere antiche e moderne. Lib. II. | Il Bermanno, ò de le cose Metallice, | Dialogo, | Recato tutto hora dal Latino in | buona lingua Volgare. | [Vingette of Sybilla, surrounded with the following text: Qv Al Piv Fermo {\`E Il Mio Foglio {\`E} Il Mio Presaggio.}] | Col priuilegio del sommo Pontefice Papa Giulio. III. | Et del Illustriss. Senato Veneto per anni. XX.
8°: [a]-c8 d4 A-Z8 Aa-Zz8 Aaa-Mmm8 Nnn4; 496l.; [56] p., 467l., [2] p. Page size: 154 x 102 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [3 pgs], "Ivlivs Papa III."; [1 pg], "1549. die. 15 Octobris in Cons. Rogatorum."; [7 pgs], "Alreverendis- | simo & Illustrissimo Monsi- | gnor'il Signor Cardi- | nale di Monte."; [11 pgs], "Tavola de la Materie, ..."; [15 pgs], "Tavola Di Qvanto in Qve | sto libro si contiene per ordine di Alphabeto."; [1 pg], Blank.; [6 pgs], Dedication.; [2 pgs], Blanks.; [Leaves 1-467], Text.; [1 pg], Ornamental printer's device, "Sybilla."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. Translation by Michele Tramezzino of De Ortu & Causis Subterraneorum (Basileæ, 1546).
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 694. BL [972.e.1.]. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 12. Hoover Collection: no. 12. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 16. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: A-75. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 64.
German edition
12. German, 1806-12.
Georg Agrikola's | aus Glauchau | Mineralogische Schriften | übersezt und mit | erläuternden Anmerkungen und Ercursionen | begleitet | von | Ernst Lehmann, | Bergamts=Assessor, Berg= Gegen= und Rece{\ss}ischreiber | in dem Kurfürstl. Sächs. Bergamte | Voigtsberg. | [tapered rule] | Erster Theil. | Von den Entstehungsursachen der unterirdischen | Körper und Erscheinungen. | (De Ortv Et Cavsis Svbterraneorvm.) | [rule] | Mit illuminirten Kupfern und Tabellen. | [rule] | Freyberg, 1806. | bey Craz und Gerlach.
Georg Agrikola's | … | Zweyter Theil. | Von den Eigenschaften der Körper, die aus dem | Innern der Erde auf die Oberfläche her= | vordringen. | (De Natvra Eorvm, Qvae Efflvvnt Ex | Terra.) | [tapered rule] | Freyberg, 1807. | bey Craz und Gerlach.
Georg Agrikola's | … | Dritter Theil. | Oryktognosie. | (De Natvra Fossilivm,) | [rule] | Erster Band, | enthaltend die ersten 5 Bücher. | [tapered rule] | Freyberg, 1809. | bey Craz und Gerlach.
Georg Agrikola's | … | Dritter Theil. | Oryktognosie. | (De Natvra Fossilivm,) | [rule] | Zweyter Band, | enthaltend die ersten 5 Bücher. | [tapered rule] | Freyberg, 1810. | bey Craz und Gerlach.
Georg Agrikola's | … | Vierter Theil. | Geschichte der Metalle. | (De Veteribus Et Novis Metallis.) | [tapered rule] | Freyberg, 1812. | bey Craz und Gerlach.
4 parts in 5 vols. [Vol 1: 1806] 8°: *8 **8 A-2C8 2D4; ??l.; [i]-xxxii, [1]-424 p., one colored plate (geological cross section), 10 text figures, 3 tables. [Vol 2: 1807] 8°: π8 b8 c2 A-Q8 R2; ??l.; [i]-xxxvi, [1]-260 p. [Vol 3, part 1: 1809] 8°: π8 A-X8 Y4; ??l.; [i]-xvi, [1]-342 p., 19 tables. [Vol 3, part 2: 1810] 8°: π5 A-U8 X4 Y4; ??l.; [i]-x, [1]-335 p. [Vol 4: 1812] 8°: a4 A-F8 G-M4; ??l.; [i]-viii, [1]-144 p., 8 folding tables (bound at page 64). Page size: 206 x 114 mm.
Contents: [Vol 1] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-xv, "Vorbericht des Uebersetzers," signed E. Lehmann, 29 January 1806.; xvi-xxiv, "Inhaltsanzeige."; [xxv], Sectional title page, "Georg Agrikola | von den | Entstehungsursachen | der | unterirdischen Körper und | Erscheinungen | (De Ortv Et Cavsis Svbterraneorvm.) | übersetzt und mit | erläuternden Anmerkungen und Excursionen | begleitet | von | Ernst Lehmann, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...]."; [xxvi], Blank.; [xxvii]-xxxii, Dedication, sighend Georg Agricola, 1 March 1544.; [1], "Georg Agricola | Mineralogisch Schriften. | [rule] | Erster Theil. | [rule]."; [2], Blank.; [3]-417, Text.; 418-424, "Erläuterungen zum fünften Buche."
[Vol 2] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii-iv], Another title page, "Georg Agrikola | Von den Eigenschaften der Körper, die aus | dem Innern der Erde auf die Ober= | fläche hervordringen, | (De Natvra Eorvm, Qvae Efflvvnt Ex | Terra.) | ... "; [v], "Zueignungeschrift | an | Herrn | Rector M. Schwarze | in Göritz."; [vi], Blank.; [vii]-[x], Text of dedication.; [xi]-xiv, "Vorerinnerung."; [xv], "Agrikola's | Zueignungschrift | an den | Kurfürsten Moritz."; [xvi], Blank.; [xvii]-xxxii, Text of Agricola's dedication, dated 25 October 1545.; xxxiii-xxxvi, "Inhalt des zweyten Theils."; [1], "Georg Agricola's | Mineralogischen Schriften. | [rule] | Zweyter Theil. | [rule]."; [2], Blank.; [3]-260, Text.
[Vol 3, part 1] [i-ii], Title page verso blank.; [iii-iv], Another title page.; [v]-xii, "Agricola's | Zueignungsschrift | an den | Kurfürsten Moritz."-dated 13 February 1546.; [xiii]-xvi, "Inhalts=Verzeichnis | zum | ersten Bande des dritten Theiles."; [1], "Georg Agrikola's | Mineralogischen Schriften. | [rule] | Dritter Theil. | [rule]."; [2], Blank.; [3]-342, Text.; [1 pg], "Bey den Verlegen ist von eben diesem Ver= | fasser zu haben."; [1 pg], Blank.
[Vol 3, part 2] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii-iv], Another title page.; [v]-x, "Inhalt."; [1]-335, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.
[Vol 4] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-viii, "Agrikola's | Zueignungschrift am den Hofrath | D. Georg Kommerstädt."-dated 7 March 1546.; [1]-64, Text (=Geschichte der Metalle).; [65]-96, "Verzeichnis | der im Agrikola vorkommenden Sachen, | wie solche zu seiner Zeit sind deutsch | genannt worden."; [97]-144, "Register."
Rare, especially in complete sets. Under the direction of the Freiberg publishing house of Craz & Gerlach, Ernst Lehmann [see note below] prepared this translation of Agricola's mineralogical writings. The first volume is a translation of De Ortv Et Cavsis Svbterraneorvm, while the second is a rendering of De Natura Eorum, Quæ Effluunt Ex Terra, the third in two parts is of De Natura Fossilium and the fourth is of De Veteribus Et Novis Metallis. Lehman has added commentary notes to the text.
Ernst Johann Traugott Lehmann. (Born: Baruth, Germany, 10 March 1777; Died: Freiberg, Germany, 6 December 1847) German mining expert. Lehmann held a variety of positions in mining at Freiberg, before being named an instructor and finally professor of mining at the famous Bergakademie of the city. He authored a systematic encyclopedia of mining science in 1804.
Bibliographical references: BL [974.b.23.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 65. Hoover Collection: nos. 11, 29-31. Leonard's Taschenbuch: 2, 323 [review, part one]. (Lehmann) ADB. • DBA: I 749, 62-67; II 796, 305. • Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. • Poggendorff: 1, col. 1410. • WBI.
De Re Metallica
13. Latin, 1556 [First edition].
Georgii Agricolae | De Re Metallica Libri XII. Qvi= | bus Officia, Instrumenta, Machinæ, ac omnia deniqz ad Metalli= | cam spectantia, non modo luculentissimè describuntur, sed & per | effigies, suis locis insertas; adiunctis Latinis, Germanicisqz appel= | lationibus ita ob ocúlos ponuntur, ut clarius tradi non possint. | Eivsdem | De Animantibvs Svbterraneis Liber, ab Auctore re= | cognitus: cum Indicibus diuersis, quicquid in opere tractatum est, | pulchrè demonstrantibus. | [Froben's printer device] | Basileae M. D. LVI. | Cum Priuilegio Imperatoris in annos v. | & Galliarum Regis ad Sexennium.
2°: α6 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Bb6 (α6 blank); 294l.; [12], 538 (i.e., 502), [74] p. Woodcut printer's device on title & on verso of last leaf, two woodcut plates & about 270 splendid woodcuts (many full-page) in the text. Page size: 330 x 225 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Henry ... roy de France", dated 18 February 1553.; [4 pgs], "Illvstriss ... Saxonaie Dvcibvs."; [4 pgs], "Georgivs Fabricivs ... Ad Lectorem."; [2 pgs], Blank.; [1]-477, "Georgii Agrico | lae De Re Metallica."; 478, "Georgivs Agricola Georg- | gio Fabricio S.P.D."; 479-538 (i.e., 502), "Georgii Agrico | lae De Animantibvs | subterraneis Liber, ab autore recognitus."; [21 pgs], "Rei Metallicae | Nomina Latina Graeca- | qve Germanice Reddita..."; [17 1/2 pgs], "Index Secvndvs ..."; [24 1/2 pgs], "Index Rerum Ac Ver | Borvm In Lib. De Re Metalli- | ca."; [1/2 pg], "Fondinarm O- | mniũ, quæ in lib. XII. de re Me | tallica numerantur, | Catalogvs."; [2 1/2 pgs], "Animantivm Nomi- |na Latina Graecaqve Ger- | manice reddita."; [5 1/2 pgs], "Index in Librvm | De subterraneis animan- | tibus secundus."; [1 pg], "Errata," followed by Froben's printers' device.
Very scarce. De Re Metallica is the first systematic treatment of mining and metallurgy and one of the most important technological volumes published in the sixteenth century. Written by Agricola over the course of 20 years, the manuscript was probably completed by 1550; however, the hundreds of woodcut used for illustration delayed publication until after Agricola's death. Everything known by Agricola concerning mining and metallurgical techniques is contained therein, including sections on prospecting, mine construction and administration, procedures for the manufacture of glass, alum and sulfur. The volume is further enhanced by the inclusion of two hundred and seventy-three magnificent, large woodcut illustrations by Hans Rudolf Manuel Deutsch depicting a large variety of mine and refinery processes, including water powered pumps, ore haulage, mine ventilation, furnace stoking, ore transportation, etc.
A large number of minerals are mentioned by Agricola, including many like bismuth for the first time. In addition, the mining and metallurgical processes described and illustrated are still at there core used even today. Also included are the author's last statement in Book V of physical geology, including his theories of the influence of water and wind on the shaping of the landscape, and a rather clear account of the stratification of rocks he saw within mines. His description of how the action of water erodes the landscape much in advance of his age.
Bibliographical references: BL [C.81.h.11.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 65. Dibner, Heralds of Science, 1955: 88. DSB: 1, 77-9. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 13. Hoover Collection: no. 17. Horblit: no. 2b. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 46-55. PPM: Printing and the Mind of Man: no. 79. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 16. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: A-76. Sparrow, Milestones of Science, 1972: p. 8 & plate 26. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 67.
14. Latin, 1561 [2nd edition].
Georgii Agricolae | De Re Metallica Libri XII Qvi= | bvs Officia, Instrvmenta, Machinæ, Ac Omnia Deni= | que ad Metallicam spectantia, non modò luculentißimè describuntur, sed & | per effigies, suis locis insertas; adiunctis Latinis, Germanicisqz appella- |tionibus ita ob oculos ponuntur, vt clarius tradi non poßint. | Eivsdem | De Animantibvs Svbterraneis Liber, Ab Auctore | recognitus: cum Indicibus diuersis, quicquid in opere tractatum est, | pulchrè demonstrantibus atqz omnibus nunc iterum ad | archetypum diligenter restitutis et castigatis. | [ornament] | Basileae M. D. LXI. | Cum Priuilegio Imperatoris in annos v. | & Galliarum Regis ad sexennium.
2°: α6 (α6 blank) a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Bb6; 294l.; [12], 1-502, [72] p. Page size: 324 x 220 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs/=α1], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs/=α2r-α3v], Dedication, dated M.D.L.; [4 pgs/=α4r-α5v], "Georgivs Fabricvs In Li= | bros Metallicos ..."; [2 pgs/=α6], Blanks.; 1-477, Text of De Re Metallica.; 477, "Scriptorvm ..."; 478, "Georgivs Agricola Geor= | gio Fabrico ..."; 479-502, "... De Animantibvs | Svbterraneis."; [19 pgs/=T6r-X4r], "Rei Metallicae | Nomina Latina Graecá Qve | Germanicæ ..."; [17 1/2 pgs/=X4v-Z1r], "Index Secvndvs."; [25 1/2 pgs/=Z1r-Bb1v], "Index Rervm Ac | Verborvm In Lib. De Re | Metallica."; [8 pgs/=Bb2r-Bb5v], "Animantivm No- | mina Latina ..."; [1 pg/=Bb6r], Colophon: "Basilea In Officina Frobeniana, per | Hier. Frobenivm Et Nic. Episcopivm, | Mense Martio, Anno | Domini M.D. LXI." [1 pg/=Bb6v], Froben's printer device.
Scarce. Essentially, this is a reprint of the original 1556 edition, using the same woodcut blocks as the original.
Reprint, 1959: De Re Metallica. ... Roma: Edindustria-Editoriale S.P.A., 1959. 2°: 6, 502, [74] p.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: A-350. Agricola Bibliographie: 754-64. BL [443.h.4.]. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 15. Hoover Collection: no. 18. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 16. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 68.
15. Latin, 1621 [3rd edition].
Georgii Agricolae | Kempnicensis, Medici ac | Philosophi Clariss. | De Re Metallica | Libri XII. | Quibus Officia, Instrumen- | ta, Machinæ Ac Omnia Denique Ad Me- | tallicam Spectantia, Non Modo Luculentissi- | nie describuntur; sed & per effigies, suis locis infertas, adjunctis La- | tinis, Germanicisq; appelationibus, ita ob oculos po- | nuntur, ut clariùs tradi non possint. | Ejusdem, | De Animantibus Subterraneis | Liber, ab Autore recognitus. | Cum Indicibus diversis, quicquid in Opere tra- | ctatum est, pulchrè dem onstrantibus. | [vignette] | Basileæ Helvet. | Sumptibus itemque typis chalcographicis Ludo vici Regis. | [rule] | Anno MDCXXI.
2°: [12], [1]-538 (i.e., 502), [60] p.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Henry ... roy de France", dated 18 February 1553.; [4 pgs], "Illvstriss ... Saxonaie Dvcibvs."; [4 pgs], "Georgivs Fabricivs ... Ad Lectorem."; [2 pgs], Blank.; [1]-477, "Georgii Agrico | lae De Re Metallica."; 478, "Georgivs Agricola Georg- | gio Fabricio S.P.D."; 479-538 (i.e., 502), "Georgii Agrico | lae De Animantibvs | subterraneis Liber, ab autore recognitus."; [21 pgs], "Rei Metallicae | Nomina Latina Graeca- | qve Germanice Reddita..."; [17 1/2 pgs], "Index Secvndvs ..."; [24 1/2 pgs], "Index Rerum Ac Ver | Borvm In Lib. De Re Metalli- | ca."; [1/2 pg], "Fondinarm O- | mniũ, quæ in lib. XII. de re Me | tallica numerantur, | Catalogvs."; [2 1/2 pgs], "Animantivm Nomi- |na Latina Graecaqve Ger- | manice reddita."; [5 1/2 pgs], "Index in Librvm | De subterraneis animan- | tibus secundus."; [1 pg], "Errata," followed by Froben's printers' device.
Scarce. Essentially, this is a reprint of the original 1556 edition, with some of the original woodcuts showing some considerable wear.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 764. BL [1565/156.]. Hoover Collection: no. 19. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 16. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 69.
16. Latin, 1657 [4th edition].
De Re Metallica ... Basaliæ, 1657.
Very scarce. For detail, see De Natura Fossilium (Basaliæ, 1657) in previous entries.
German editions
17. German, 1557 [First edition].
Vom Bergk= | werck xii Bücher dar= | iñ alle Empter/ Insturment/ Ge | zeuge/ vnnd alles zů disem handel gehörig/ mitt schönen figuren vor= | bildet/ und klärlich beschriben seindt/ erstlich in Lateinischer sprach/ durch den | Hochgelerten vnd Weittberümpten Herrn Georgium Agricolam/ Doctorn | vnnd Bürgermeistern der Chursürstlichen statt Kempniß/ jezundt oder ver= | teüscht/ durch den Achtparen vnnd Hochgelerten Herrn Philip= | pum Bechium/ Philosophen/ Artzet vnd in der | Loblichen Universitet zů Ba= | sel Professorn. | [ornament] | Getruckt zů Basel durch Jeronymous Froben/ vnd Niclausen | Biscoff/ im 1557. jar mitt Keiserlicher Freyheit.
2°: [8], I-CCCCXCI, [12] p. Text woodcut illus. and one folding plan.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [6 pgs], Forword.; I-CCCCXCI, Text of translation.; [1 pg], Blank.; [8 pgs], "An den Gunstigen leser..."; [1 pg], "Verzeichniß/ deren wörtern/ so im | läsen übersähen." at end "Getruckt in der Loblichen statt Basel, durch Jero | nymus Froben, vnnd Niclaus Bi | schoff im jar M.d.lvij."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], Froben's device.
Very rare. Translated by Philip Bech [see note below] from De Re Metallica (Basiliæ, 1556), and containing the same woodcut illustrations mostly by Rudolf Manuel Deutsch as the original edition. The Elector Augustus commanded that Agricola have De Re Metallica rendered into German so that the mine workers, who did not know Latin, could make use of the work. It is a bad rendition, by one who knew nothing of the science, and who had no appreciation of the special Latin terms coined by Agricola, most of which he translated literally. For example, the Hoover's call it "a wretched translation." But Bech, whose translation it was, admitted in many a point I am not satisfied with my translation. This is due to the shortness of the time and because I have not translated from Latin into German in former times. None the less, the text of this German edition was reprinted essentially unchanged in 1580 and again in 1621, with only new titles and preliminaries. These German editions appear to be much rarer than the Latin originals, no doubt owing to the fact that most miners and metallurgists found it more convenient to read the work in the vernacular.
Facsimile reprint, c1985: Vom Bergkwerck xij Bücher darinn alle Empter, Instrument, Bezeuge, vnnd alles zu disem Handel gehörig ... erstlich in Lateinischer Sprach durch ... Georgium Agricolam ... jezundt aber verteüscht durch ... Philippum Bechium ... Weinheim, Acta humaniora der VCH, c1985. 2 vols. [v.1] Facsimiledruck. [v.2] Kommentarband. [Arizona State University, Tempe, TN617 .A4x 1557a.]
Philipp Bech. (Born: Freiburg, Breisgau, Germany, 1521; Died: Basel, Switzerland, 1560) German physician. Bech studied at Basel, Wittenberg and Leipzig. He became professor of Greek and logic at the University of Basel in 1553, before being appointed a professor of medicine and philosophy.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 771. BL [443.h.6.(2.)]. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 14. Hoover Collection: no. 22. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 16. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 70. (Bech) DBA: I 68, 186-187. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. • WBI.
18. German, 1580 [2nd edition].
[In black:] Berckwerck Buch: | [in red:] Darinn nicht Allain | alle Empter, Instrument Ge= | zeug/ und alles/ so zu diesem Handel ge= | [in black:] hörig mit figuren vorgebildet/ und klärlich beschriben. Sondern auch/ | wie ein rechverstendiger Berckmann seyn sol/ vnd die Gäng außzurichten seyen. Item/ von | allerley Gängen/ Klüfften/ vnd absetzen deß Gesteins. Von den Massen/ vom Marscheyden. | Deßgleichen wie ein Gang zu hauwen/ wie alle Schächt zu sencken vnd auffzurichten seyen. | Von den Stollen/ Fellorten/ Radstuben/ vnd andern Gebeuwen. Von allerley Trögen/ was= | sergeheussen/ wasserkunst/ Pompen/ vnd Riñen/ rc. Vom bösen Wetter vñ andern sorglichen | zufellen/ so den Berckheuwern widersehrt. Vom probieren/ vnd was sonst darzu von nöhten. | Wie man das Ertz bereiten/ klauben/ buchen/ rösten/ quätschen/ rädern/ wäschen/ im Röstosen | brennen/ vnd allerley Ertz mit nutz schmeltzen soll. Wie das Golt und Silber/ vnd das Silber | vom Golt/ Item das Kupffer vom Golt/ vnd das Bley vom Golt vom Golt vnd Silber/ zu scheyden | sey/ vnd wie die zwey köstlichen Metall mit nutz sollen gebrannt werden. Auch wie das Silber | vom Kupffer und vom Eysen zu seygern sey. Letstlich von allerley harten Sässten/ die auß | wassern und flüssigen Säfften/ oder vermischten steinen/ gemacht | werden. Vnd wie endtlich das Saltz zu sieden/ | vnd Glaß zu machen sey. | [ornament] | [in red:] Durch den Hochgelehrten und weitberühmpten Herrn Georgium Agri= | colam/ der Artzney/ Doctorn/ vnd Burgermeister der Churfürstlichen Statt Kemnitz/ erstlich | [in black:] mit grossem fleyß/ mühe vnd arbeit/ in Latein beschriben/ vnd in zwölff Bücher abgetheilt: Nachmals aber durch | den Achtbarn/ vnd auch Hochgeelehrten Philippum Bechium/ Philosophen/ Artzt/ vnd in | der löblichen Vniuersitet zu Basel Professorn/ mit sonderm fleyß Teutscher | Nation zu gut verteutscht vnd an Tag geben. | [ornament] | Allen Berckherrn/ Gewercken/ Berckmeistern/ Geschwornen/ Schichtmei= | stern/ Steigern/ Berckheuwern/ Wäschern/ vnd Schmeltzern/ nicht allein nützlich vnd dienstlich/ sondern auch | zu wissen hochnotwendig. | [ornament] | [in red:] Mit Römischer Keys. May. Freyheit nicht nachzutrucken. | [in black:] Getruckt in der Keyserlichen Reichenßstatt Franckfort am Mayn/ rc. | [\fui in red, rule] | [in red:] Im Jar/ M. D. LXXX.
2°: [8], I-CCCCXCI, [6] p. Title in red and black.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [6 pgs], "Dem Ehrnvesten vnd Hochgelehr= | ten Herrn Joachim Strüppen der Artzney Doctorn ..."; I-CCCCXCI, Text of translation.; [1 pg], Blank.; [5 pgs], "An den günstigen Läser."; [1 pg], "Getruckt in der Keyserlichen | Reichstatt Frankfort am Mayn/ durch Peter | Schmidt ... Anno M.D.LXXX."
Rare. Second German edition, made up from the quires of the first German of 1557, with only the preliminaries and final leaves newly set. The text contains the same woodcuts of the previous editions (some recut), many of them full page, and a large printer's device.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 779. BL [no copy listed]. Hoover Collection: no. 23. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 71.
19. German, 1621 [3rd edition].
[In black:] Bergwerck Buch: | [in red:] Darinnen nicht allein alle Empter/ In= | strument/ Gezeug/ vnd alles/ sozu disem Handel gehörig/ mit Figu= | ren vorgebildet vnd klälich beschrieben: Sondern auch wie ein rechtverstäddiger Berg= | [in black:] mann seyn soll/ vnd die Gäng außrichten seyen. Item/ von allerley Gängen/ Klüfften vnd absetzen deß | Gesteins. Von den Massen/ vom Marscheyden. Deßgleichen wie ein Gang zu hauwen/ wie alle Schächt zu | sencken vnd auffzurichten seyen. Von den Stollen/ Fellorten/ Radstuben/ vnnd andern Gebäwen. Von al= | lerley Trögen/ Wassergehäsen/ Wasserkunst/ Pompen/ vnd Rinnen/ rc. Vom bösen Wetter vnd andern | sorglichen zufällen/ so den Berghäwern widerfahrt. | Vom probieren/ vnd was sonst darzu vonnöhten. | Wie man das Ertz bereiten/ klauben/ pauchen/ rösten/ quätschen/ rädern/ wä= | schen/ im Röstosen brennen/ vnd allerley Ertz mit nutz | schmeltzen soll/rc. | [in red:] Item/ wie das Gold vom Silber/ vnd das Silber vom Gold: Item | das Kupffer vom Gold/ vnd das Bley vom Gold vnd Silber zu scheiden sey/ vnd wie die | [in black:] zwey köstlichen Metall mit nutz sollen gebrannt werden. Auch wie das Silber vom Kupffer und vom | Eysen zu seygern sey. Letstlich von allerley harten Säassten/ die auß Wassern und flüssigen Säfflten/ oder vermischten Steinen gemacht werden. Vnd wie endtlich das | Saltz zu sieden/ vnd Glaß zu machen sey. | [in red:] Durch den Hochgelehrten und weitberühmpten Herrn Georgium Agricolam/ der Artz= | ney Doctorn/ vnd Burgermeister der Churfürstlichen Statt Kemnitz/ erstlich mit grossem fleiß/ mühe vnd | [in black:] arbeit/ in Latein beschriben/ vnd in zwölff Bücher abgetheilt: Nachmals aber durch den Achtbarn/ vnd auch Hochgeelehrten | Philippum Bechium/ Philosophen/ Artzt/ vnd in der löblichen Vniversitet zu Basel Professorn/ mit sonderm | fleiß Teutscher Nation zu gut verteutscht vnd an Tag geben/ vnd nun zum andern | mal getruckt. | [in red:] Allen Bergherrn/ Gewercken/ Berckmeistern/ Geschwornen/ Schichtmei= | [in black:] stern/ Steigern/ Berckheuwern/ Wäschern/ vnd Schmeltzern/ | nicht allein nützlich vnd dienstlich/ sondern auch zu | wissen hochnotwendig. | [vignette] | Getruckt zu Basel/ [in red:] in verlegung Ludwig Königs. | [rule] | [in black:] Im Jahr [in red:] M. DC. XXI.
2°: [8], I-CCCCXXI (i.e., CCCXCI), [6] p. Title in red and black.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [6 pgs], "Dem Ehrnvesten vnd Hochgelehr= | ten Herrn Joachim Strüppen der Artzney Doctorn ..."; I-CCCCXCI (i.e., CCCXCI), Text of translation.; [1 pg], Blank.; [5 pgs], "An den günstigen Läser."; [1 pg], "Getruckt in der Keyserlichen | Reichstatt Frankfort am Mayn/ durch Peter | Schmidt ... Anno M.D.LXXX."
Rare. The title differs slightly from the German, 1580 edition, otherwise this is an almost exact page for page reprint of the 1580 edition.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 787. BL [443.h.5.]. Hoover Collection: no. 24. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 16. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 72.
Italian edition
20. Italian, 1563.
Opera Di Giorgio | Agricola De L'Arte De Metalli | Partita In XII. Libri, Ne Qvali Si Descrivano Tvtte | le sorti, e qualità de gli uffizij, de gli strumenti, delle macchine, e di | turre l'altre cose attenenti a cotal arte, non pure con parole chiare, | ma eziandio si mettano a luoghi loro le figure di dette cose, ritrat- | te al naturale, con l'aggiunta de nomi di quelle, cotanto chiari, e | spediti, che meglio non si puo desiderare, o hauere. | Aggiugnesi il libro del medesimo autore, che tratta de gl' Animali di sottoterra, | da lui steffo corretto, & riueduto. Tradotti in lingua Toscana da M. | Michelangelo Florio Fiorentino. | Con l'Indice di tutte le cose piu notabili alla fine. | [Froben's printer device] | In Basilea, | Per Hieronimo Frobenio Et Ni- | colao Episcopio.
2°: *4 a-z6 A-Y6 2V6; 282l.; [8], 1-504 (i.e., 542), [8] p., 2 woodcut tables, 270 text woodcuts. Froben's printer device (title and last page) and ornamental initials. Page size: 324 x 206 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [3 1/3 pgs], "Alla Serenissima ... Lisabeta ... Regina ..."; [2/3 + 1 pg], "Michel'angelo Florio Fiorentino."; [1 pg], Blank.; 1-511, Translations of Agricola's works on metals and mining.; 512, "Giorgio Agricola A Gior- | gio Fabricio."; 512-504 (i.e., 542), "Libro Di Giorgio | Agricola De Gl'Animali | di Sottta Terra..."; [5 pgs], "Indice Breve ... De l'Arte de Metallli."; [1 pg], "Indice gl'Animali Sotteranei."; [1 pg], "In Basileae. | per Hieronimo Frobenio Et | Nicolao Episcopio | M. D. LXIII."; [1 pg], Froben's device.
Rare. Translation by Michelangelo Florio Fiorentino [see note below] of De Re Metallica (1st ed., Basiliæ, 1556). First Italian edition, using the same Hans Rudolf Deutsch woodcuts of Froben's Latin (1556, 1561) and German (1557) editions. The translator's dedication to England's Queen Elizabeth I (*2-*4) is usually not bound in. It appears that copies of this work sold in Italy had these leaves removed to avoid being censored as heretical. The relationship between the translator and the printer Froben is unknown.
Michelangelo Florio Fiorentino. (Born: 1525; Died: 1691) Italian translator. Fiorentino, an Italian Protestant who fled Italy for England, was the father of the Elizabethan writer John Florio [1553-1625], who produced the famous Worlde of Wordes. He was patronized by Sir William Cecil and Cranmer, and produced several literary works.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 801-4. BL [33.g.16.]. Honeyman Sale: no. 34. Hoover Collection: no. 27. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 15. VD16: A-909. (Fiorentino) DNB. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51.
Polish edition
21. Polish, 1903 [Polish transl.].
Feliks Piestrak | [ornate rule] | Jerzego Agrikoli | ,,De Re Metallica" | [ornament] | Lwów. | Nakładem Towarzustwa Politechnicznego. | I. Związkowa Drukarnia We Lwowie, Ul. Lindego 4. | 1903.
Very scarce. Translated by Feliks Piestrak, this edition appeared in Czasopismo Technicznego, volume 21.
Bibliographical references: Agricola Bibliographie: 804.