Articles by Category: Ore Car to Ribbons
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ORE CAR-Rupp-Coal Car EUREKA-18 APRIL 1996
ORE CARS-Bobrink-C.S. Card Equipment Catalog MAC-21 WINTER 1994
ORE CARS–Bobrink etc–Miniature Heavies–SUMMER 2002
ORE CARS–Bobrink–Ore Car Tags–OCT 1999
ORE CARS-Bohannan-Mine Toilet Car MAC-13-WINTER 1992
ORE CARS-Bohannan-The Truax Ore Car MAC-3 SPRING 1989
ORE CARS-Johnson-Hockensmith and Wagoner EUREKA-18 APRIL 1996
ORE CARS-Johnson-Mine Cars 1916 EUREKA-21 JAN 1997
ORE CARS-Peterson-A Rocky Mountain Mystery CMR-5 FALL 1997
ORE CARS–Post-Rush–The Elusive Truax Ore Car Tags–JULY 2015
ORE CARS-Schroth-Accident Tags EUREKA-15 JULY-1995
ORE CARS-Stutzer-Deutsches Bergbau Museum in Bochum EUREKA-17 JAN 1995
POSTCARDS-Bobrink-Postcard Full of Sorrow MAC-20 FALL 1993
POSTCARDS-Pawloski-Collecting Mining Postcards MAC-11 SPRING 1991
POSTCARDS-Pawloski-Mineral Sample Post Cards MAC-13-WINTER 1992
POSTCARDS–Thorpe–Into the Calumet and Jerome–SPRING 2002
POWDER BOX–Bobrink–Found at the Silver King–SPRING 2001
POWDER BOXES–Bohannon-A Safety Nitro Size 2 Date Giant Box-OCT 1999
POWDER BOXES–Crawford–New Empire Box–SPRING–2003
POWDER BOX–Miller–Vibrogel Box–SEPT 2022
POWDER BOX–Miller-Schillinger-Mitchell–California Powder Works–SEPT-2022
PUDDLING-Town-Puddling Definition EUREKA-25 JAN 1998
REAR END LIGHT-Johnson-Rear End Torch for Ore Cars EUREKA-21 JAN 1997
ORE CARS-Van Fleet-Mine Toilet Car EUREKA-3 JULY 1992
ORE CARS–Thorpe–Skip cars–JAN 2003
PHOTOS-Blythe-Aetna Powder Co. Factory Photos EUREKA-13 JAN 1995
PHOTOS-Diebold-Smoking Permitted Here CMR-4 SUMMER 1997
PHOTOS-Foster-Miners with Lamps EUREKA-27 JULY 1998
PHOTOS-Griffin-Photographing Artifacts CMR-3 SPRING 1997
PIN-Van Fleet-Oliver Iron Mining Service Award EUREKA-4 OCT 1992
PLATES-Stranko-Coal Mining Plates EUREKA-27 JULY 1998
PLUMB LINE-Moon-Illuminating the Plumb Line MAC-14 SPRING 1992
POCKET MEMO-Filer-A Pocket Memo Holder MAC-22 SPRING 1994
POEMS-Griffin-Bullshit CMR-8 DECEMBER 1998
POEMS-Van Fleet-My Sweethearts a Mule in the Mine EUREKA-19 JULY 1996
RELICS-Town-Nothing Like a Good Dump EUREKA-31 AUGUST 1999
REPRODUCTIONS-Hyatt-Beware of By Dale MAC-17 WINTER 1993
REPRODUCTIONS-Wilson-Some Recent Reproductions MAC-18 SPRING 1993
RESCUE UNITS-Johnson-Mine Rescue Units EUREKA-27 JULY 1998
RESTORATION–Johnson–Lamp Restoration – Before & After–SPRING 2002
RESTORATION-Peterson-Restoring Mining Artifacts CMR-3 SPRING 1997
RESTORATIONS–Winters–Restoration of Miner’s Candlesticks–JAN 2013
RESTORATIONS–Winters–Restoration of Miner’s Candlesticks–OCT 2008
RIBBON-Mitchell-Miners Lamp Brotherhood of Amer. EUREKA-17 JAN 1995
RIBBONS–Collins–Early life in a mining town–SPRING 2002
RIBBONS–Collins–Elk’s Activity Ribbon and Badges–JUNE 2006
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