Articles by Category: Museums through Oil Lamp
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MUSEUMS-Edelborn-U.S.Bureau of Mines Collection MAC-22 SPRING 1994
MUSEUMS-Fox-Coppertown USA Museum, Michigan MAC-8 SUMMER 1990
MUSEUMS-Fox-Houghton County Historical Museum MAC-6 WINTER 1990
MUSEUMS-Fox-Iron County Michigan Museum MAC-13-WINTER 1992
MUSEUMS-Fox-Michigan Iron Industry Museum MAC-8 SUMMER 1990
MUSEUMS-Fox-Platteville Wisconsin Mining Museum MAC-5 FALL 1989
MUSEUMS-Van Fleet-Franklin Mineral Museum MAC-4 SUMMER 1989
MUSEUMS-Van Fleet-Smithsonian collection MAC-3 SPRING 1989
MUSEUMS-Van Fleet-Sterling Hill Mine Museum MAC-10 WINTER 1991
MUSEUMS-Van Fleet-Western Museum of Mining MAC-8 SUMMER 1990
MUSEUMS-Wilson-Arizona Historical Society Tucson MAC-21 WINTER 1994
NAIL KEGS-Griffin-Nail Barrels CMR-3 SPRING 1997
MUSEUMS-Gaska-National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum MAC-1 FALL 1998
MUSEUMS-Gaska-The Mackay School of Mines Museum MAC-5 FALL 1989
MUSEUMS-Johnson-Dugger Coal Museum MAC-10 WINTER 1991
MUSEUMS-Johnson-Kentucky State Coal Mining Museum EUREKA-15 JULY-1995
MUSEUMS-Stutzer-Deutsches Bergbau Museum in Bochum EUREKA-17 JAN 1995
OBITUARY-Gaska-Ralph Blankenbecler MAC-1 FALL 1998
OBITUARY–John Johnson–OCT 1999
OBITUARY-Stutzer-Henry Pohs EUREKA-30 APRIL 1999
OBITUARY-Van Fleet- James Welborn 1935-1992 EUREKA-3 JULY 1992
OBITUARY-Van Fleet-Lester Bernstein EUREKA-13 JAN 1995
OIL LAMP-Sears-Fireman’s Searchlight EUREKA-18 APRIL 1996
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