Flawless Beauty:  The Mineral World of Will Johnson
Softcover, 314 pages
1 edition, 2023
Published by Mineralogical Record, Inc.
Dimensions 11 by 8 by 1 inches (inches)
Price $50.00
Flawless Beauty: The Mineral World of Will Johnson
by Will Johnson- Natural Creations, Wendell E. Wilson, Thomas Spann, photos

Supplement to The Mineralogical Record, January – February 2023 

(Available also in DIGITAL, click HERE)

Preface: by Wendell E. Wilson

The Fascination with Perfection:  by Wendell E. Wilson

Featured Collections:  Minerals from around the world in the collections of Will Johnson and his clients
Introduction by Natural Creations; photos by Tom Spann

My Life in Minerals:  by Will Johnson, as told to Bill Tumler