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Bertrand, Émile (1844-1909)

Émile Bertrand was a mineralogist, mining engineer, mineral dealer and collector in Paris in the late 19th century. He was one of the founders of the French Mineralogical Society, and served twice as its president. His family was wealthy and he was able to spend some years in travel before enrolling at the Paris School of Mines in 1869, where he developed une veritable passion pour la Mineralogie."

Around 1870, Bertrand designed one of the earliest instruments that can be regarded as a traditional petrographic microscope, and in 1878 he published a seminal work on the application of microscopy to mineralogical studies. In addition, he published a theoretical and practical study of the refractometer (1885). That year may have marked the end of his mineral business; an 1885 catalog published by the Parisian dealer Dr. Emmanuel Dagincount states that he (Dagincourt) had taken over the business of the "Ancienne Maison Emile Bertrand (1869-1884)." This statement also suggests that Bertrand began his specimen business the same year that he returned from his travels and enrolled at the Paris School of Mines. The mineral bertrandite was name in his honor by Damour in 1883.

Bertrand later published articles on specific mineral occurrences, the last appearing in 1897. In 1904 he published a translation of Ernst Mach's 1883 work on the history of mechanics.

(Not to be confused with the Swiss geologist, mineral collector and clergyman Elie Bertrand;1712-1790.)

References: SPENCER, L.J. (1910) Obituaries. Émile Bertrand. Mineralogical Magazine, 15 (72), 442. See also the obituary by G. Wyrouboff (with portrait) in Bull. Soc. franc. Min., 1910, vol. 33, p. 117-124.
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WILSON, Wendell E. 2022
Mineralogical Record
Biographical Archive, at

52 x 64 mm,
Label with street address

40 x 67 mm

52 x 65 mm

46 x 62 mm

47 x 64 mm