Biographical & Label Archive
Label Donors & Sources
AS = Andy Seibel
BAT = Robert Batic
BB = Bill Butkowski
BC = Bruce Cairncross
BG = Jennings “Beau” Gordon
BS = Jo and Onne Bruins-Sas
C = Marc Wilson of the Carnegie Mineralogical Museum
CA = Claudio Albertini
CS = Curtis P. Schuh
DJ = Danny F. Jones
DV = Diederik Visser
ES = Ernest Schlichter
FC = Forest Cureton
FG = Felix Garcia
GG = Günter Grundmann
GS = Gene Schlepp
GWR = George W. Robinson
H = Carl Francis (Harvard Mineralogical Museum)
HH = Howard Heitner
JB = John Betts
JC = Juan M. Casanova Honrubia
JF = Jordi Fabre
JRM = J. Roger Mitchell
KHG = Karlheinz Gerl (images only)
KW = Kevin Ward
LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History
LHC = Lawrence H. Conklin
MD = Mel and Grace Dyck
MM = Marge Matula
MO = Marcus Origlieri
MZ = Martin Zinn III
PM = Roger Williams Park Museum
RAB = Richard A. Bideaux (and Lawrence Conklin/Peter Zodac) collection.
RB = Russell Behnke
REB = Ronald E. Bentley (and Neal Yedlin) collection
RH = Richard Hauck
RL = Ross Lillie
SC = Steven C. Chamberlain
SM = Stefan Meier (images only)
SW = Stuart Wilensky
TG = Thomas M. Gressman
TL = Tom Loomis
UB = Ulrich Burchard
UMD = University of Minnesota, Duluth
V = Gerhard Niedermayr of the Vienna Natural History Museum
VUG = Steve Hardinger
WB = William Borden WCL = Wayne C. Leicht WEW = Wendell E. Wilson
WL = William Larson
WU = Werner Wurster