Back Issues — Vol.8, No.5   1977
September – October 1977, Vol 8 no 5
Vol.8, No.5
September - October 1977
September - October 1977, Vol 8 no 5
Title Page number(s)
From Unknown to Known; the Characterization of New Mineral Species
Pete J. Dunn
341- 349
Twinning in Minerals
Alice Blount, Will Shulman
350- 361
Orthoclase from West Maroon Pass, Colorado
Henry A. Truebe
363- 367
Mineralogy of the Green River Formation [Wyoming, Colorado and Utah]
Charles Milton
368- 379
Axinite, Hydromagnesite, Amethyst and Other Minerals from near Vitória da Conquista (Brazil)
Jacques P. Cassedanne, Jeannine O. Cassedanne
382- 387
Second List of Additions and Corrections to Glossary of Mineral Species, 1975
Michael Fleischer
398- 399
A Note From the Circulation Manager
Mary Lynn White
Notes From the Editor
Wendell E. Wilson
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Washington (D.C.) International Gem and Mineral Show
Wendell E. Wilson
Phenakite from Marathon County, Wisconsin
Alexander U. Falster
389- 390
Rare Minerals Report (Department)
William W. Pinch
390- 391
News From the Royal Ontario Museum
Robert I. Gait
Mineralogical Notes (Department)
391- 396
Notes For Collectors
Wendell E. Wilson
400- 402
Bob Sullivan's Letter From Europe (Column)
Bob Sullivan
403- 404
The Historical Record (Column)
Ronald E. Bentley
407- 410
The Record Bookshelf (Department)
Mineralogy of Arizona by John W. Anthony, Sidney A. Williams and Richard A. Bideaux
Wendell E. Wilson
The Mineralogy of Michigan by E. William Heinrich
Wendell E. Wilson
415- 416
Minerals of Washington by Bart Cannon
Wendell E. Wilson
A Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals by Frederick H. Pough
Wendell E. Wilson
Oddities of the Mineral World by William B. Sanborn
John Sampson White
416- 417
Letters to the Editor (Department)
419- 420
Personality Sketch: Gertrude (Trudy) Houser
Rose Ann Fox