Back Issues — Vol.33, No.2   2002
March – April 2002, Vol 33 no 2
Vol.33, No.2
March - April 2002
March - April 2002, Vol 33 no 2
Title Page number(s)
Cuprian Elbaite from the Batalha mine, Paraíba, Brazil
Wendell E. Wilson
127- 137
Stibnite from the Wuling Antimony Mine, Jiangxi Province, China
Wendell E. Wilson, Steven C. Behling, Guanghua Liu
139- 147
Artificial "Sicilian" sulfurs
Renato Pagano
149- 153
Collector Profile: Ralph Clark
Thomas P. Moore
181- 186
Notes From the Editors
Irradiation in the post
Wendell E. Wilson, Thomas P. Moore
Wendell E. Wilson
More thanks
Wendell E. Wilson
Book Reviews (Department)
The Book on the Bookshelf by Henry Petroski
John Updike
155- 156
Mineral Collections of Russia (Mineralogical Almanac vol. 2/2000, Part I)
Wendell E. Wilson
156- 157
Minerals of the Kovdor Massif by G. Yu. Ivanyuk and V.N. Yakovenchuk
Michael O'Donoghue
Madagaskar: das Paradies der Mineralien und Edelsteine ExtraLapis no. 17
Michael O'Donoghue
Lovozero Massif: History, Pegmatites, Minerals by Igor V. Pekov
Thomas P. Moore
157- 159
Diamanten ExtraLapis no. 18
Michael O'Donoghue
L'Émeraude. The Emerald. Connaissances actuelles et prospectives Dider Giard (ed.)
Michael O'Donoghue
Gold in der Schweiz by P. Pfander and V. Jans
Michael O'Donoghue
Abstracts of New Mineral Descriptions (Department)
Joseph A. Mandarino
161- 172
Gallery Reviews (Column)
Pacific Mineral Museum Gold Show
Bill Smith
175- 176