Back Issues — Vol.21, No.3   1990
May – June 1990, Vol 21 no 3
Vol.21, No.3
May - June 1990
May - June 1990, Vol 21 no 3
Title Page number(s)
Famous mineralogists: Victor Moritz Goldschmidt (1888-1947)
Paul B. Moore
187- 189
The Origin of Faden Quartz
R. Peter Richards
191- 201
Amethyst Occurrences of the Eastern United States
John Sampson White, Robert B. Cook
203- 213
Edgarbaileyite, the First Known Silicate of Mercury, from California and Texas
Richard C. Erd, J.H.G. Laflamme, Maurizio Bonardi, Alan J. Criddle, Christopher J. Stanley, Gordon Cressey, Ross J. Angel, Andrew C. Roberts
215- 220
Famous Mineral Localities: Terlingua, Texas
Marcus Origlieri
221- 234
Davis Hill near Bancroft, Ontario
An Occurrence of Large Nepheline, Biotite and Albite-Antiperthite Crystals in Calcite-cored Vein-Dikes
Louis Moyd
235- 248
Notes From the Editor
Goldschmidt & Goldschmidt
Wendell E. Wilson
Personalized mineral labels
Wendell E. Wilson
Archival supplies
Wendell E. Wilson
Mineralogical Record index
Wendell E. Wilson
Notes From Europe (Column)
Lyon, France Show 1989
Thomas P. Moore
249- 251
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Tucson Show 1990
Wendell E. Wilson
253- 260
Wendell E. Wilson
Tokyo Show 1989
Dona Leicht
Letters (Department)
263- 264
Annual List of Donors and Volunteers
265- 267