Back Issues — Vol.19, No.5   1988
September – October 1988, Vol 19 no 5
Vol.19, No.5
September - October 1988
September - October 1988, Vol 19 no 5
Title Page number(s)
Protocols for Scientists on the Deposition of Investigated Mineral Specimens
Pete J. Dunn
Famous mineralogists: Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1779-1848)
Paul B. Moore
293- 295
Famous Mineral Localities: The Almadén Mines, Ciudad Real, Spain
Jack W. Crawford
297- 302
Agardite-(Y), Gysinite-(Nd) and Other Rare Minerals from Sardinia [Italy]
Cesare Sabelli, Giancarlo Brizzi, Filippo Olmi
305- 310
Osarizawaite from the Silver Hill Mine, Arizona
Craig S. Stolburg
311- 313
A Notable Probertite Find at Boron, California
James W. Minette
315- 318
The Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names of the International Mineralogical Association; its History, Purpose and General Practice
Pete J. Dunn, Joseph A. Mandarino
319- 323
Notes From the Editor
Mineral art
Wendell E. Wilson
290- 291
More mineral art
Wendell E. Wilson
Micromounters directory
Wendell E. Wilson
Mineral database
Wendell E. Wilson
Eastern volunteers
Wendell E. Wilson
Microminerals (Column)
William A. Henderson, Jr.
325- 328
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Fifteenth Annual Rochester Academy of Science Mineralogical Symposium
Vandall T. King, George W. Robinson
331- 338
Book Reviews (Department)
Maine's Treasure Chest: Gems and Minerals of Oxford County by Jane C. Perham
Carl A. Francis
Minerals of Cornwall and Devon by P.G. Embrey and R.F. Symes
K.F.G. Hosking
339- 340
Recent European Publications
Michael O'Donoghue
Letters (Department)
341- 342