November - December 1985
November - December 1985, Vol 16 no 6
Title Page number(s)
Famous Mineral Localities: The Mineralogy of Graves Mountain, Lincoln County, Georgia
Robert B. Cook
443- 458
Hutchinsonite from Quiruvilca, Peru
Joseph A. Nelen, John Sampson White
459- 460
New Occurrences for Ushkovite and Comments on Laueite
Pete J. Dunn
463- 464
Canaphite, a New Sodium Calcium Phosphate Hydrate from the Paterson Area, New Jersey
Pete J. Dunn, William B. Simmons, Jr., Donald R. Peacor, Frederick J. Wicks
467- 468
Calcioferrite from the Moculta Quarry near Angaston, South Australia
William A. Henderson, Jr., Vince Peisley
477- 480
Fibrous Rutile from Franklin, New Jersey
Mark Germine
483- 484
The Gardiner Complex, a New Locality in Greenland
Ole V. Petersen, Ole Johnsen, Olaf Medenbach
485- 494
Notes From the Editor
A look back
Wendell E. Wilson
440- 441
The Brazeau report
Wendell E. Wilson
Mineral News
Wendell E. Wilson
New York Mineralogical Club
Wendell E. Wilson
441- 442
Gems & Minerals issues needed
Wendell E. Wilson
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
North Carolina Kutnohorite
Wendell E. Wilson
News from the L.A.C.M.
Wendell E. Wilson
Butte Hurlbutite
Wendell E. Wilson
Red Cloud Wulfenite
Wendell E. Wilson
497- 499
Pakistan Epidote
Wendell E. Wilson
Houston Show 1985
Arthur E. Smith
499- 500
Letters (Department)