Back Issues — Vol.10, No.5   1979
September – October 1979, Vol 10 no 5
Vol.10, No.5
September - October 1979
September - October 1979, Vol 10 no 5
Title Page number(s)
Famous Mineral Localities: The Thomas Range, Wah Wah Mountains, and Vicinity, Western Utah
Lanny R. Ream
261- 278
The Niccioleta and Boccheggiano Pyrite Mines, Tuscany [Italy]
Mauro Tazzini, Pier Bruno Scortecci
281- 287, 290-291
Winners in the 1979 Slide Competition
Memoirs of a Mineral Collector, Part II
Fred W. Cassirer
307- 314
Notes From the Editor
The distribution pattern of the Record
Wendell E. Wilson
Microminerals (Column)
Violet Anderson
297- 300
Abstracts of New Mineral Descriptions (Department)
301- 302
The Record Bookshelf (Department)
The Science of Minerals in the Age of Jefferson by John C. Greene and John G. Burke
Robert Middleton