Back Issues — Vol.9, No.3   1978
May – June 1978, Vol 9 no 3
Vol.9, No.3
May - June 1978
May - June 1978, Vol 9 no 3
Title Page number(s)
Famous Mineral Localities: The Kalahari Manganese Field [South Africa]
Wendell E. Wilson, Pete J. Dunn
137- 153
Famous Mineral Localities: Paterson, New Jersey
Thomas A. Peters, Joseph J. Peters, Julius Weber
157- 166, 171-179
The Carl Bosch Mineral Collection
Arthur Roe
181- 187
Famous Mineral Localities: The Brumado District, Bahia, Brazil
Jacques P. Cassedanne, Jeannine O. Cassedanne
196- 205
Notes From the Editor
Annual auction
Wendell E. Wilson
130- 131
Tsumeb and Colorado issues
Wendell E. Wilson
130- 131
Illustrated specimens
Wendell E. Wilson
Wendell E. Wilson
Notice! Fourth joint MSA-FM meeting and symposium, Detroit, Michigan
Wendell E. Wilson
Notice! World Directory of Mineral Collections, Second Edition 1977
Wendell E. Wilson
Letter From Europe (Column)
Bob Sullivan
132- 134
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Tucson Show 1978
Wendell E. Wilson
192- 195
Suggestions For Authors