July - August 1995
Not in print
Mineral Books, Jul-Aug 1995, Vol 26 no 4
Editor's Preface
Wendell E. Wilson
7- 8
Collecting Mineral Books: an Introduction
Lawrence H. Conklin
9- 22
Medieval Mineralogy
Frank Dawson Adams
23- 42
Gem Minerals in Early Arabic Literature
William John Sersen
43- 48
A Brief History of Systematic Mineralogies
Robert Jameson
49- 64
Fabien Gautier d'Agoty and his Histoire Naturelle Règne Minéral (1781)
Wendell E. Wilson
65- 76
Philip Rashleigh and his Specimens of British Minerals (1797 and 1802)
Robert W. Jones
77- 84
James Sowerby, His Publications and Collections
Lawrence H. Conklin
85- 105
Nickolay Ivanovitch Koksharov and his Mineralogie Russlands (1853-1891)
Wendell E. Wilson
107- 111
Regional Mineralogies of the World
Arthur E. Smith
113- 134
The Saga of Mineral Digest
Louis Zara
135- 142
An Introduction to Bookplates, With Examples from the Earth Science Library of Herbert P. Obodda
Lawrence H. Conklin
143- 158
Book Review: Gemology, An Annotated Bibliography by John Sinkankas
Stephen E. Pober
159- 160
The Mineralogical Record Library
Wendell E. Wilson