Back Issues — Vol.15, No.2   1984
March – April 1984, Vol 15 no 2
Vol.15, No.2
March - April 1984
March - April 1984, Vol 15 no 2
Title Page number(s)
Collector's Diary: Iquique, Copiapo, and Chañarcillo [Chile]-- Mark Chance Bandy, 1935
Peter C. Keller
67- 74
Minerals of the Italian Mountain Area, Colorado
Henry A. Truebe
75- 88
Mineral Occurrences in Western Canada
Allen Ingelson
89- 94
Minerals of the Puu o Ehu Quarry, Hawaii
John Sampson White
95- 97
Kornerupine and Sapphirine Crystals from the Harts Range, Central Australia
Gladys Warren, Don McColl
99- 101
Cleaning Delicate Minerals
Mogens Hansen
The Libethenite Zone, Burra Mine, South Australia
Scott K.G. Bywater
105- 108
Notes From the Editor
A new magazine!
Wendell E. Wilson
Good-bye to the inch
Wendell E. Wilson
Died, Roger Harker, 40
Wendell E. Wilson
Died, Elizabeth E. Gordon, 71
Wendell E. Wilson
Microminerals (Column)
More Trades
William A. Henderson, Jr.
109- 115
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Munich Show 1983
Wendell E. Wilson
117- 120
Montana Quartz Twins
Chris van Laer