Back Issues — Vol.15, No.4   1984
July – August 1984, Vol 15 no 4
Vol.15, No.4
July - August 1984
July - August 1984, Vol 15 no 4
Title Page number(s)
Famous Mineral Localities: The Sterling Mine, Antwerp, New York
Steven C. Chamberlain, George W. Robinson
199- 216
Pseudomorphs from the Burra Mine, South Australia
Scott K.G. Bywater
219- 222
New Data on Lotharmeyerite
George R. Rossman, James Shigley, Anthony R. Kampf
223- 226
Hematite Overgrowths Delineating Dauphiné Twinning in Quartz
William A. Henderson, Jr.
227- 229
The Legacy of Jack Boyle
Irving L. Horowitz
231- 236
Great Pockets: The Tiefengletscher [Switzerland] Quartz Grotto
Wendell E. Wilson
253- 255
Notes From the Editor
Leather fanciers take note
Wendell E. Wilson
194- 196
Bound volumes of Mineralogical Record?
Wendell E. Wilson
The Record library
Wendell E. Wilson
194- 195
We're buying books
Wendell E. Wilson
Fine mineral art
Wendell E. Wilson
British journals merge
Wendell E. Wilson
Checklist for authors
Wendell E. Wilson
Mineralogical Society of Mexico
Wendell E. Wilson
195- 196
Utah collectors unite!
Wendell E. Wilson
Houston photo competition
Wendell E. Wilson
Died, Joaquin Folch y Girona, 91
Wendell E. Wilson
Died, Vincent P. Gianella, 97
Wendell E. Wilson
Notes From Mexico (Column)
Benny J. Fenn
William D. Panczner
239- 240
Letters (Department)
249- 251