Back Issues — Vol.53, No.3.1   2022
Eureka!  supplement to May-June 2022, Vol 53 no 3.1
Vol.53, No.3.1
Eureka! supplement to May-June 2022, Vol 53 no 3.1

The Eureka! Supplement, given originally as a gift to Mineralogical Record subscribers along with their copies of the May-June 2022 issue, is unlike any previous Mineralogical Record supplement in that its exclusive focus is self-collected specimens. In 400+ pages the supplement records the thrilling Eureka! experiences of more than 100 collectors from all over the world, with photos of some of the finest specimens they have dug from old and new workings of quarries and underground mines, in mine dumps, lonely fields, and remote outcrops, and wherever else their quests for minerals “in the raw” have led them. Entertaining stories about field-collecting adventures accompany more than 1000 photos of specimens, together, in many cases, with shots of the collectors’ own grinning, mud-covered selves excitedly holding out in their hands their newly extracted treasures. The Supplement as a whole is a proof and collective memory of the unique sort of joy which comes with digging one’s specimens for one’s very own self.

Self-Collected Minerals
Introduction: The Thrill of Discovery
Wendell E. Wilson
4- 15
The Field Collectors of Eureka!
Anthony J. Albini
16- 17
Malcom Alter
18- 21
Reinhold Bacher
22- 25
Andrea Bartorelli
26- 27
Alan & Elise Benson
28- 29
Anatoly Bitny
30- 33
Stan Bogosian
34- 37
Phil Bove
38- 41
Bryon Brookmeyer
42- 45
Ian and Diana Bruce
46- 51
Brittany Burkhardt
52- 53
Steve Bussan
54- 55
Steve Chamberlain and Donnie Carlon
56- 59
Tom Cooper
60- 65
John Cornish
66- 71
Christi Cramer
72- 73
Michael L. Davis
74- 77
Erin Delventhal
78- 81
Ray Demark
82- 85
Philip DeVries
86- 91
Rick Dillhoff
92- 97
Joe Dorris
98- 105
Stan Esbenshade
106- 117
Jordi Fabre
118- 119
David Fordyce
120- 123
Andreas Forsberg
124- 127
Hershel Friedman
128- 129
Paul Geffner
130- 133
Joe George
134- 137
Gilles Haineault
138- 143
Ernie Hanlon
144- 147
Everett Harrington
148- 156
Tom Hughes
154- 157
Terry Huizing
148- 153
Jaroslav Hyrsl
162- 163
Bob Jackson
164- 167
Mark Ivan Jacobson
168- 173
Evan & Melissa Jones
174- 177
David K. Joyce
178- 179
Rick Kennedy
180- 182
Mark Kielbaso
184- 195
Dan & Dianne Kile
196- 201
Steve Knox
202- 207
Pete Knudsen
208- 211
Artem Kovalev
212- 217
Paul LaBonte
218- 225
Erich R. Laskowski
226- 227
Jeff Lines
228- 229
Litchfield Family
230- 233
David M. Lowe
234- 237
John C. Lucking
238- 243
Johan Maertens
244- 247
Raymond McDougall
248- 249
Hisami & Jimmy McNeil
250- 253
John Medici and Family
254- 261
Gene Meieran
262- 265
Barbara L. Muntyan
266- 267
Federico Pezzotta
268- 273
Dick and Cyndy Plambeck
274- 279
Demetrius Pohl
280- 285
Shiela Ronspees Powell
286- 287
Tomasz Praszkier
288- 299
John Rakovan
300- 301
Marjory "Marge" Regel
302- 305
David A. Rush
306- 309
George Sammer
310- 311
Mike Sanders
312- 315
Robert Schuster
316- 317
Jeff Self
318- 321
Michael Shannon
322- 329
Rober Sielecki
330- 331
Philip Simmons
332- 343
George Stacey
344- 347
Chrisopher Stefano
348- 349
John Sulzbach
350- 353
Terry Szenics
354- 361
George Thompson
362- 365
Brendan Traw
366- 369
Rod Tyson
370- 381
Michael R. Walter
382- 385
Steve Watts
386- 387
Markus & Stefan Wiklund
388- 389
Wendell Wilson
390- 393
Robert Winkelman
hardcover only
394- 397
Young Mineral Collectors
394- 401
Allan Young
402- 405
David Ziga
406- 407