Back Issues — Vol.35, No.1   2004
Diamonds & Gold!, Jan-Feb 2004, Vol 35 no 1
Vol.35, No.1
January - February 2004
Diamonds & Gold!, Jan-Feb 2004, Vol 35 no 1
Title Page number(s)
A Collection of Diamond Crystals, With Notes on the Science, History and Worldwide Localities of Diamonds
Thomas P. Moore
9- 30, 53-54, 63
California Gold from the Wreck of the S.S. Central America
Q. David Bowers
35- 53
Abstracts of the 25th Annual Tucson Mineralogical Symposium: Gold!
Robert B. Cook, Susan Eriksson
55- 63
The Eagle's Nest Mine, Placer County, California
Wayne C. Leicht, Robert B. Cook
65- 72
The Early History of the Mineralogical Record
John Sampson White
73- 85
Notes From the Editors
The microscope monograph
Wendell E. Wilson, Thomas P. Moore
The Friends of Mineralogy
Wendell E. Wilson
Internet Directory
Wendell E. Wilson, Thomas P. Moore
3- 4
Died, Marcelle Weber, 84
William A. Henderson, Jr.
Died, Charles H. Weber Jr., 85
Quintin Wight
4- 5
Died, Hyman Savinar, 86
Anthony R. Kampf
Died, Jerry Hurianek, 84
Daniel E. Kile
Died, Dan Belsher, 46
Chris Cowan
Letters (Department)