Back Issues — Vol.14, No.2   1983
Arizona-IV, Mar-Apr 1983, Vol 14 no 2
Vol.14, No.2
March - April 1983
Not in print
Arizona-IV, Mar-Apr 1983, Vol 14 no 2


This issue is out-of-print.



Terra Incognita: the Search for Minerals in Spanish America
William D. Panczner, Christopher S. Panczner
67- 71
Famous Mineral Localities: the Magma Mine [Arizona]
Mark Hay, Reginald Barnes
72- 82
Camp Verde [Arizona] Evaporites
J. Robert Thompson
85- 90
Ferroan Dolomite from the Vekol Mine [Arizona]
David M. Shannon
Famous Mineral Localities: the Old Yuma Mine [Arizona]
Dick Jones
95- 107
The Minerals of Malpais Hill, Pinal County, Arizona
Richard W. Thomssen
109- 113
Zeolites and Associated Minerals from Horseshoe Dam, Arizona
David M. Shannon
115- 117
Calciovolborthite from the New Water Mountains, Yuma County, Arizona
William Hunt
Famous Mineral Localities: The Hilltop Mine [Arizona]
Wendell E. Wilson, Douglas K. Miller
121- 126
The Silver Bill Mine, Gleeson, Arizona
H. Peter Knudsen
127- 131
Cuprian Fraipontite and Sauconite from the Defiance-Silver Bill Mines, Gleeson, Arizona
Eugene E. Foord, Nancy M. Conklin, Joseph E. Taggart, Jr.
131- 132
The Historical Record (Column)
Ronald E. Bentley
133- 135