Advertising Rates & Deadlines
The Mineralogical Record is the premier forum for advertising mineral specimens for sale. Check out the information below and then contact us about your advertising needs. We have been helping sellers meet customers for over 50 years, and we are ready to be of service to you. The Mineralogical Record is the world’s foremost English-language publication for mineral collectors and specimen-oriented mineralogists, curators and hobbyists. We are a bimonthly publication with a circulation of approximately 4,000 copies, with special issues sometimes selling considerably more. Our publication is read by thousands of people worldwide, who collectively, spend millions of dollars on minerals annually.
Need Help?
See our “Suggestions for New Advertisers.”
Ad Rates* and Sizes Available — ALL RATES INCLUDE COLOR!
*Significant discounts obtained by paying for six ads.
*No agency discounts or cash discounts.
*All advertising must be paid by the Closing Date (see below).
Ad Size and Layout | Dimensions | 1 Issue Rate | 6 Issue Rate | |
Full page | 9 3/4″ h x 7″w | $2409 | $1639 | |
2/3 page (vertical) | 9 3/4″ h x 45/8″ w | 1936 | 1320 | |
2/3 page (horizontal) | 6 1/2″ h x 7″w | 1936 | 1320 | |
1/2 page (vertical) | 9 3/4″ h x 33/8″ w | 1600 | 1090 | |
1/2 page (horizontal) | 4 3/4″ h x 7″w | 1600 | 1090 | |
1/3 page (vertical) | 9 3/4″ h x 21/8″ w | 1130 | 770 | |
1/3 page (square) | 4 3/4″ h x 45/8″ w | 1130 | 770 | |
1/3 page (horizontal) | 3 1/4″ h x 7″w | 1130 | 770 | |
1/4 page (vertical) | 7″ h x 2 1/8″w | 820 | 535 | |
1/4 page (square) | 3 3/8″ h x 43/4″ w | 820 | 535 | |
1/4 page (square) | 4 3/4 ” h x 31/4″ w | 820 | 535 | |
1/4 page (horizontal) | 2 1/2″ h x 7″w | 820 | 535 | |
1/5 page | 3 3/4″ h x 31/4″ w | 620 | 400 | |
5-inch box | 5″ h x 2 1/8″w | 535 | 360 | |
4-inch box (vertical) | 4″ h x 2 1/8″w | 460 | 315 | |
4-inch box (horizontal) | 2″ h x 4 5/8″w | 460 | 315 | |
3-inch box (vertical) | 3″ h x 2 1/8″w | 360 | 235 | |
3-inch box (horizontal) | 1″ h x 7″ w | 360 | 235 | |
2-inch box | 2″ h x 2 1/8″w | 285 | 185 | |
1-inch box | 1″ h x 2 1/8″w | 150 | 100 |
Museum Directory Listing for 1 year = $440
Internet Directory listing for 1 year = $200
Issue Closing Dates
January-February Issue | October 15 |
March-April Issue | December 15 |
May-June Issue | February 15 |
July-August Issue | April 15 |
September-October Issue | June 15 |
November-December Issue | August 15 |
An additional 15 days…
…beyond the closing date are allowed in which advertisers may make changes (excluding size changes) in ads already paid for.
Mailing dates
Issues are generally mailed out around the 15th of the first month (i.e. January 15 for the January-February issue), plus-or-minus a few days.
*Jan-Feb Issue / Tucson Show Note:
We cannot guarantee that the January-February issue will reach all subscribers before the opening of the annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show in early February. We, therefore, recommend that Tucson Show-related advertising be placed in the November-December issue.
Use this address for all advertising correspondence:
Wendell E. Wilson
Editor & Publisher
The Mineralogical Record
4631 Paseo Tubutama
Tucson, AZ 85750
Tel: 520-299-5274