Back Issues — Vol.26, No.2   1995
March – April 1995
Vol.26, No.2
March - April 1995
Not in print
March - April 1995

This issue is out-of-print.


Amethyst on Milky Quartz from Hopkinton, Rhode Island
John Rakovan, David B. Mitcheltree, Laurie D. Benton, Sal Avella
83- 89
Euhedral Sinhalite Crystals from Sri Lanka
Carl A. Francis, Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr., Lawrence C. Pitman
91- 94
A Mineral Exhibition in Athens [Greece]
Thomas P. Moore
95- 102
A New Occurrence of Mrazekite from Benambra, Victoria, Australia
Allan Pring, Dermot A. Henry, William D. Birch
107- 113
New Minerals Recently Approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, International Mineralogical Association
117- 122
A New U-Ti-Ca-HREE Hydrated Oxide and Associated Niobian Rutile from Topaz Valley, Utah
Eugene E. Foord, Frederick E. Lichte, William Chirnside, Kenneth J. Esposito, Andrew M. Davis
123- 128
Pyrite and Marcasite Intergrowths from Northern Illinois
R. Peter Richards, John A. Jaszczak, Edwin L. Clopton
129- 138
Notes From the Editor
New minerals
Wendell E. Wilson
The new Pasadena show
Wendell E. Wilson
Foreign correspondents needed
Wendell E. Wilson
Letter From Europe (Column)
Munich Show 1994
Michael P. Cooper
141- 146
Bilbao and Barcelona Shows 1994
Miguel Calvo
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Denver Show 1994
Thomas P. Moore
147- 153
Letters (Department)
155- 157, 159