Back Issues — Vol.12, No.3   1981
May – June 1981, Vol 12 no 3
Vol.12, No.3
May - June 1981
May - June 1981, Vol 12 no 3
Title Page number(s)
Personality: Randolph S. Rothschild
Wendell E. Wilson
133- 134
Mcguinnessite, a New Carbonate from California
Richard C. Erd, Fabien P. Cesbron, Fraser Goff, Joan R. Clark
143- 147
Chromium Minerals at the Line Pit, State Line Chromite District, Pennsylvania and Maryland
Eugene E. Foord, Allen V. Heyl, Nancy M. Conklin
149- 156
Famous Mineral Localities: Pribram, Czechoslovakia
Jan Stobbe
157- 165
Manganese Minerals of Bald Knob, North Carolina
William B. Simmons, Jr., Donald R. Peacor, Eric J. Essene, Gary A. Winter
167- 171
Notes From the Editor
Glossary update
Wendell E. Wilson
130- 132
Changes at the Smithsonian
Wendell E. Wilson
130- 131
Letters (Department)
135- 136
The Historical Record (Column)
Ronald E. Bentley
173- 175
What's New in Minerals? (Department)
Tucson 1981
Wendell E. Wilson
177- 186
Letter From Europe (Column)
Bob Sullivan
187- 189