Back Issues — Vol.54, No.1   2023
Michigan Copper! Vol 54 no 1 Jan-Feb 2023
Vol.54, No.1
January - February 2023
Michigan Copper! Vol 54 no 1 Jan-Feb 2023

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Copper Country II Introduction
Wendell E. Wilson
3- 5
The Keweenaw County Fissure Mines
Christopher J. Stefano
13- 21
The Cliff Mine, Keweenaw County, Michigan
Christopher J. Stefano and Philip Persson
25- 49
The Central Mine, Keweenaw County, Michigan
Philip Persson and Christopher J. Stefano
53- 81
The Copper Falls Mine, Keweenaw County, Michigan
Christopher J. Stefano and Philip Persson
85- 113
The Phoenix Mine, Keweenaw County, Michigan
Philip Persson and Christopher J. Stefano
119- 154
Featured Collection Pages
Scott Rudolph Collection
Steve Smale Collection
Paradise Woods Collection (Poster Insert)
What's New in Minerals
Thomas P. Moore
157- 191